What is a saint.

The saint is the sum of heaven and earth, from the principle of the eight winds.

Saints are not a realm, but there is no doubt that saints must be the strongest people in the world when they are famous and world-shattering, and without exception, saints have the qualification to "soar", and opening the door of the fairy world is not how to open for them, but when to open.

The saint can be said to be inspired by the way of heaven, the darling of heaven and earth, and the object of worship that all human monks should look forward to.

But now in front of Mo Yi, the skull has blasphemed these noble existences with the worst malice and words.

In the mouth of the skull, the saints are the cancer of this world, they are the betrayers, they are the guides, most of them have given up their former glory, and betrayed the homes behind them and the people they love to power. For the fairy world, the saint has become a symbol of shame, the sworn enemy of the skull, and he will be punished.

"Hmm..." Mo Yi was tired of standing, and he didn't feel dirty and sat down cross-legged and looked up at the skull with a look of wishing to hear about it.

"Boy, I thought you were going to scold me for slandering the saint, and blushing and counting me as the evil outsider. The skull stared at Mo Yi faintly.

Mo Yi raised his eyebrows and said: "Although you are a skull, this does not mean that you must be an evil demon, I have seen red-faced skeletons, sitting old monks, and old men with withered swords fighting for the ancient demon gods, and in that battle, the former immortals were the villains who fell into the demon path - this is a crazy world, as long as there are suitable reasons and reasons, the reality is not too crazy at all." "

"Hou Shengzi, I like your way of thinking, I didn't expect that the juniors who came out of the future still have a bit of brains, and they are not all captive pigs who only know how to hum and gnaw. The skull laughed strikingly, his teeth thumping.

"About the story of demons and saints, I think you can explain it to me, a junior, I like to listen to stories, especially the long-lost ones. Mo Yi touched the ring on his finger, although this was in his memory, he actually took out a pot of good wine from it.

"What kind of stories do you like to hear?" asked the skull.

"I like to hear true stories, even if the truth is cruel. Mo Yi took a big sip of wine and stood up and walked to the skull, he observed it and seemed to be very melancholy, how could he give 04 Fang a sip, and after thinking about it, he couldn't just drench it on his head: "Are you demons?"

"We lost the war, so we are. The skull said lightly.

"You said that the force you belong to is called the Slaughter Immortal Alliance?" Mo Yi took back the wine jug and took a sip and wiped the corners of his mouth: "You also think there is a problem in the upper realm?"

"Maybe there is, maybe not, maybe we're just a bunch of crazy people who want to wield a butcher's knife at the Heavenly Gods and Buddhas?" the skull hissed again.

The Slaughter Immortal Alliance, a group of madmen who waged war against the Upper Realm Immortal Buddha wielding a butcher's knife in ancient times, they lost, so they became evil demons in the historical books.

"You lost the war and didn't kill the gods and Buddhas, but in my time, the world doesn't seem to be in dire straits, and the gods and Buddhas are still the gods and dragons, at least they haven't shown up to persecute thousands of living beings... What is your war for?" Mo Yi said calmly: "You know, war is a means to obtain great benefits for one side, what are the benefits you want to seek in this war?"

"Justice. The skull stared at Mo Yi, and his eyes were as deep as black holes.

"Although my time is not a true peace, at least I can see justice. Mo Yi said.

"Truly, awrely. The skull suddenly laughed strangely, and the laughter was extremely harsh, especially strange in the blood-colored wilderness.

Mo Yi didn't speak, just waited for him to finish laughing.

"I'll tell you a story, in a pigsty, the greedy and selfish pigs will always fight for pig food, because pig food will make them strong, and being strong in the pigsty represents the right to mate, the right to eat, and is a symbol of the overlord, every pig wants to be strong by itself, so in the pigsty, every pig grabs food by virtue of their ability, and no one will stop their fair competition, they rely entirely on their own ability to grab food!" But one day, a pig couldn't stand it anymore, and he felt that the ecological chain in the pigsty was deformed! He felt that all this was against justice! So he started a war! To bring real justice to the pigsty!"

Mo Yi frowned slightly after hearing this story and said: "Where is there justice for pigs to grab food, if you use this story as a metaphor, what you should seek is fairness in food distribution rather than justice." "

"Why are you only looking at food grabbing? The skull looked at Mo Yi faintly: "Then you are no different from those pigs, the short-sighted pigs will only seek the fairness of the moment, but they can't understand what justice is." "

Mo Yiyi was silent suddenly, and an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes when he looked at the skull.

"This is the end of the story, since we have lost, then the war in the pigsty is not over. The skull hissed and said, "The peaceful and prosperous era after the eons is just a reincarnation of our history. Boy, I can't tell you much right now, because I'm not sure if you have the "qualifications" to take on the "responsibility". "


"The memory fragment you're in now isn't complete, is it?" said the skull, "This proves that you haven't collected all the 'elements' of the Heavenly Demon Body, tell me, how many 'elements' do you have to do to make them?"

"The heart of the red phoenix is the fetus of the extremely evil and non-Tao. Mo Yi said truthfully.

"Phoenix heart and evil fetus... The heart of the phoenix is not important, the most important evil fetus you haven't got your hands on yet. The skull whispered: "Yes, you are not qualified enough now, the Heavenly Demon Body without the evil fetus is completely incompetent, there is no meaning at all..."

The topic suddenly returned from the pigsty to the current heavenly demon body, and Mo Yi pondered the mystery in the skull's words and asked, "Why? To be precise, a sword told me that the Ten Thousand Tribulation Hell Demon Body only needs the three flavor elements to be able to be initially condensed, but in your words, compared to the other four elements, the evil fetus is the most important and indispensable?"

"Gathering the three flavor elements can indeed preliminarily temper the Heavenly Demon Body, which is good. The skull smirked and said, "But do you know where the Heavenly Demon Body is really powerful?"

Mo Yi was silent, he really didn't know, his cognition of the Demon Body of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Town Prison was just that the name was really cool, as for where the real magic was, the Blood Sword didn't know, and he naturally didn't know.

"Maybe you'll find the answer when you find the bad baby. The skull said with a smile: "I can tell you that the Heavenly Demon Body is our most ultimate means in the ancient period, and the real Heavenly Demon Body is an existence that can reverse the fate of the immortals in the fairy world with its own strength, I am looking forward to you finding all the elements to obtain the "qualification", then we will meet again, as for the story of the ancient period, everything about the upper realm, I will tell you all at that time." "

"So I won't get anything when I come in here now?" Mo Yi sighed.

"After all, the memory fragment you're in now is incomplete, and it stands to reason that you shouldn't have entered here, but you came in anyway, as for why I don't know, but I don't care. The skull said, "But as a reward for you being able to collect three out of five Heavenly Demon Bodies, I can still give you some "warnings". "

"Warning?" Mo Yi sat upright, indicating that he was listening.

The skull on the boulder was silent for a moment, and then spoke in a deep voice:

"Don't indulge in false peace. "

"Beware of the most powerful forces in the world. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The truth of the world is that people eat people, at least under their rule, and you need to eat people when necessary, and cannibalism can make you stronger. "

"Remember, mana is not an absolute dependence. "

"The three caves of the cunning rabbit are no longer enough, if necessary, you need four caves, five caves, and there must always be a back road. "

"Question all the historical books, because what you see, see, and know the world may be completely false - I like what you said earlier, history is a little girl who can be dressed up. "

"The Heavenly Demon Body does not only represent "powerful", but also represents "responsibility", and only those who take on "responsibility" are qualified to cultivate it. "

"Finally, don't ascend! Don't ascend! Don't ascend! At least don't ascend until you've completed the Ten Thousand Tribulations Hell Heavenly Demon Body. The skull said three times in a row not to ascend, and the warning in his words was suffocating.

"It seems that the Heavenly Demon Body of the Ten Thousand Tribulations is not as simple as I thought. Mo Yi whispered: "This treasure body... You created it specifically for the war in the Upper Realm?"

"I'm actually very curious, how did a junior in the immortal realm of later generations know the condensation method of the Heavenly Demon Body, after all, the secret of the Heavenly Demon Body was the top secret of the top secret even in ancient times, and it fell on the "top" with the first user of the Heavenly Demon Body. The skull looked at Mo Yi and said: "I can see that although you are living in a new reincarnation, you also have some understanding of the "truth", which is both lucky and unfortunate, because the war is still going on, but it is just the right time, such as today the demon body fell into your hands, and you happen to be looking for the "truth" of the upper realm, but you are not here to cultivate the heavenly demon body for the truth, so it is purely a coincidence that you found the heavenly demon body... You must know that the Heavenly Demon Body is of great significance, and the person who cultivates the Heavenly Demon Body will only be the one who bears the "responsibility", but you are a complete outsider... Half an outsider, I have to say that this coincidence is too coincidental. "

"It's quite a coincidence..."Mo Yi nodded slightly.

"yes... What a coincidence...", said the skull. []

"But I know that the Heavenly Demon Body of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Prison is a complete coincidence, and I knew about the existence of the Heavenly Demon Body when I didn't have any doubts about the Immortal Cultivation Realm, so I think..." Mo Yi suddenly froze in the middle of speaking, because he remembered something.

Is it really a coincidence that he tempered the Ten Thousand Tribulations Hell Heavenly Demon Body that directly pointed to the historical truth in this memory fragment?

The first time the Blood Sword mentioned the Ten Thousand Tribulation Hell Heavenly Demon Body was in the Immortal Treasure of the White Spirit Fairy, the opportunity was the Wheel Scarlet Jade Grass that he found by chance. Although it seems to be an accident, you can think about it carefully, why doesn't the Blood Sword remember any treasure body, but he only remembers the treasure body of the Heavenly Demon Body of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Town, and he also asked about the Blood Sword before, but the Blood Sword said that his memory was originally missing, but he just happened to have the complete memory of the Heavenly Demon Body.

There are five elements required by the Heavenly Demon Body, and now Mo Yi's process of obtaining three of the five seems to be a line:

Starting from the Heavenly Lonely Gate, the abyss of all worlds obtained the Heavenly Immortal Fruit (Part 1), although he didn't know about the Heavenly Demon Body at this time - entered the White Spirit Fairy Immortal Treasure and found the Wheel Scarlet Jade Grass (Part 2) - obtained the Heavenly Immortal Fruit - found the Forbidden City and found the True Dragon Soul from the treasury (Part 3).

Mo Yi thought of this and felt a little chilly behind him, because all of this was like a thread strung together, and there was an invisible big hand that arranged all his experiences in the immortal cultivation world, and that big hand put one necessary element after another on Mo Yi's way forward, just waiting for him to pick it up all the way and put it together.

"I need time to sort it out. Mo Yi glanced at the skull and said in a deep voice.

The skull hissed, and seemed to see Mo Yi's thoughts at a glance and said: "It's not ridiculous to be reduced to a chess piece, if you really enter this war that spans from ancient times to the future without knowing it, if you can touch the Heavenly Demon Body, then it proves that you are a valuable chess piece." "

"You have spoken of many wars, and 727 mentioned that the saints are lackeys in this war, so perhaps you should give me a clear idea of what your enemies are... What is the enemy of the Slaughter Immortal Alliance?" Mo Yi said.

"When you understand the story of the pigsty that I told you earlier, you should be able to answer this question yourself. The skull chuckled.

It seems that the skull will not say anything more, at least the other party will not reveal more secrets until all the five elements of the Heavenly Demon Body are collected, Mo Yi tilted his head and stood up and lifted the wine jug.

"Are you leaving?" asked the skull with a chuckle.

"Almost, because I kind of know the answer. Mo Yi said lightly.

"Oh?" the skull's voice was surprised for the first time.

"Regarding justice, you are right, if your Immortal Slayer Alliance is really right, what you are seeking is true justice. Mo Yiyang raised the wine jug and spilled the last few drops of wine into his mouth and said.

"Looks like you've solved the problem with the pigsty. The skull said.

Mo Yi threw out the empty wine jug and smashed it to the ground, clapped his hands and was silent for a while, chuckled and said, "Senior, it should be pigs who grab food in the pigsty, right?"

The skull was silent and did not answer, and Mo Yi continued: "The pigs in the pigsty have no justice at all, they are ignorant, they are greedy, they only know the territory, breeding, and eating. They live in absolute fairness of the jungle. "

"But what if these stupid things living in the pigsty are not pigs, but the naked-striped Terrans?" Mo Yi said softly, "But since it is people crawling in the pigsty to grab food, what about the pigs in the pigsty?"

The skull suddenly laughed wildly, the voice was extremely harsh, the entire world of memory fragments began to collapse, the dying giant on the horizon let out a long roar and stood up, regardless of the blood flow on his body, he rushed to the crack in the sky, and countless rainbows on the earth rose from the ground and burned like stars, rushing towards the sky as if they were dead!

Mo Yi looked at the magnificent sky in the distance where the stars poured into him and said: "I see, it's not surprising that the pigs in the pigsty are all carrying butcher knives and looking down greedily at us in the pigsty." "

In the muddy pigsty, tens of thousands of Terrans are naked, foolishly scrambling to snatch, reproduce, and thrive in pig food. On the contrary, the pigs were lying on the fence of the pigsty, greedily looking at the men and women who did not know it, and the white and tender skin of the men and women swallowed and salivaed, thinking about which one was mature, which one was beautiful and slender, and it melted in the mouth.

Just thinking about this scene makes people sick to the point of disgusting.

The peaceful and prosperous world is fair, but what the Tu Immortal League has always wanted is justice, and they want to correct everything.

"It turns out that this is the justice you seek. Mo Yi closed his eyes, the world of memory fragments collapsed, everything fell into darkness, only the skull, hideous, hysterical laughter still echoed in his ears.

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