In front of the medicine pool, Venerable Qingxuan quietly watched the blood red in it, the medicinal power of the Wheel Scarlet Jade Grass and the Heavenly Immortal Fruit had been completely released, and now the heavy water had been dyed extremely red, and in another sense, he couldn't see his five fingers.

The third step of condensing the treasure body is to make a promise.

The Blood Sword had already told Mo Yi all the steps of the Heavenly Demon Body of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Prison in detail, and in the third and most important step, Mo Yi needed to use the "elements" as ink to write the compilation of the Heavenly Demon Body all over his body, which would be the source of his treasure body power, and all the great power would be hidden in it, but as long as he "wrote" a wrong stroke, he would fall short.

This step of Venerable Qingxuan can't help Mo Yi, he can only complete it independently, and now that the elements of three of the five are all in place, whether it is success or failure depends entirely on creation.

I don't know how long I waited, there was a sudden fluctuation in the blood-red medicine pool, and the huge divine sense of Qingxuan Venerable suddenly locked onto the entire medicine pool, paying attention to any trace of wind and grass.

In the medicine pool, a whirlpool appeared in the deepest part of a blood-colored field, just like a hole suddenly appeared in the depths of the ocean, and countless blood reds were pushed over by the powerful suction and pressure.

It must be done in one go. This is what Venerable Qingxuan thinks at the moment, she has practiced the three steps of the treasure body tempering with Mo Yi countless times in the past three days, and she doesn't know how many times she reminded Mo Yi of the importance of "coherence" in this last step, once the compilation of the treasure body in the heart is interrupted so much, the treasure body will face the possibility of collapse, even if it is lucky to continue to condense successfully, but the final product is also a huge flaw.

In the medicine pool, Mo Yi opened his eyes, and his expression was a little dazed at the moment.

If Venerable Qingxuan could see the expression on Mo Yi's face at this moment, he would probably be so frightened that he would directly interrupt the entire body refining process, and the earnest promise had already begun, and he needed to concentrate on squeezing the divine soul to the limit.

However, in the medicine pool, Mo Yi showed no signs of returning to his senses at all, the huge blood-red power around him had accumulated to the point of earth-shattering, and the medicinal properties of the Wheel Scarlet Jade Grass and the Heavenly Elixir impacted, overlapped, and sublimated each other, reaching the point where it was now terrifying, and it had gradually squeezed towards Mo Yi.

"It's time to put pen to paper. Under the heavy water, Mo Yi muttered to himself.

The blood-red dragon mark appeared on Mo Yi's forehead, and there was a faint dragon roar, and all the blood-red colors in the heavy water froze for a few seconds, just like time stopped, all the huge medicinal properties froze, but in the next moment, like a great flood bursting the embankment, the Milky Way poured back, and all the scarlet scarlets rushed up from all directions, scrambling to fall into the golden skin.

After a few breaths, the medicine pool emptied.

Heavy water, blood mist, golden light, everything disappeared, leaving only a person covered in demonic blood-colored texts sitting in it.

No, it's called overnight.

On Mo Yi's skin, the scarlet text was swimming like a snake and a dragon, and the suppressed and heavy blood light was restrained on the text, and the blood light printed on his face was as quiet as autumn water, but the color in those eyes was richer and more scarlet than blood.

"It's done. On top of the medicine pool, Venerable Qingxuan looked at the scene in front of him and whispered.

The blood compilation game, the golden red is introverted, and the hard promise is undoubtedly a success, but it all seems to be too fast.

Venerable Qingxuan remembered that the fastest condensation treasure person he knew should be a phaseless body cultivator in the Southern Regions, who borrowed the cold to temper an extremely frozen treasure body on the frozen ice field, and borrowed the effect of the ice field flower in the last step, and it only took half a month to successfully lead the cold into the marrow and the soul from freezing.

But the old monster who has no appearance is actually not the fastest one, if Venerable Qingxuan is not mistaken, in the next ten years, Wan Yanzong in the top ten immortal sects will suddenly emerge a rising star named Gu Qian Kill, the physique of Gu Qian Kill is the top secret of Wan Yan Sect, and he has never revealed a cent, but when Gu Qian Kill condensed the treasure body that can quench the "charm marrow" in the legend, because of his own physique, it only took ten to compile the text, and the perfection of the treasure body is close to perfect.

But at the moment, Mo Yi's speed of hard work is something she can't understand... Three days? No, it's only about three breaths from the beginning to the end of it all, and the completion of the blood compilation is only high!

In the medicine pool, Mo Yi stood up, but he didn't make any further movements, he stood in place for a whole stick of incense as if he was dead without the slightest movement, and the blood-red text on his body flowed, rising and annihilating with a terrifying aura of scarlet.

Finally, after a long time, Mo Yi raised his head and looked at Venerable Qingxuan, whose cuffs suddenly fell from the hilt of the sword, and suddenly dropped a Lingbao-level flying sword that had been prepared into the medicine pool.

The flying sword came like a rainbow, and the blade of the sword was wrapped in surging phaseless mana, if anyone else was there, they would definitely think that the Qingxuan Venerable had fallen into pain, but in the medicine pool, Mo Yi just raised his hand and held it, and his five fingers pinched the hilt of the flying sword, and the violent sword wind blew his long black hair behind him and danced wildly, and the main hall behind him was swept away by the unabated sword wind, and the wall bricks and stone pillars cracked and peeled off, and it was a mess in an instant.

Mo Yi held his sword in the medicine pool, and there was a long dead silence, and after a while, he began to swing a sword from top to bottom at an extremely slow speed.

Nothing happened, no swords, no swords.

Mo Yi put away his sword and swung it again, but nothing happened, sword after sword in a row, and he actually began to practice the most basic swordsmanship of sword cultivation at a glance. But what can be found is that the speed at which he swings his sword is outrageously slow, even a child is estimated to be dozens of times faster than him, but he still maintains his speed and practices the sword without impatience.

Above the medicine pool, Venerable Qingxuan discovered that all the mysteries were extraordinary, and under the observation of her eyes, she found that the Lingbao-level flying sword in Mo Yi's hand was actually trembling.

It was a symbol of fear, and the flying sword in Mo Yi's hand, which had begun to have spiritual intelligence, trembled.

Not for anything else, just for the seemingly slow basic sword technique, which was enough to make the flying sword beg for mercy in fear.

Probably only the sword spirit in the flying sword knew that a great force that made it all tremble and suspenseful was attached to the blade of the sword like a swamp, and with the movement of the sword move, it slowly cut through the air but did not leak at all, and the slash that was enough to explode through the peak of the kilometer mountain was locked on the blade by an inexplicable force, echoing and stretching.

Just like the collapse of Mount Tai in silence and the destruction of heaven and earth in black and white, the earth-shattering terror that should have been manic was forcibly crushed by death in a sword technique as quiet as autumn water.

In the end, the basic sword technique was finished dancing from one to ten, and Mo Yi lowered his head and put down the flying sword and closed his eyes.

There was a long dead silence, and there was silence in the main hall.

It was done. I don't know how long, Mo Yi opened his eyes and said.

At the same time, he let go of the flying sword in his hand, and the Lingbao-level long sword fell to the ground and began to disintegrate from the moment it touched the ground, turning into fine dust particles that were so fine that it was difficult to see with the naked eye, floating in the air.

The magic weapon of the spirit treasure level, even the magic weapon that the ruins overhaul is dreamed of, but now it has been dissolved after Mo Yi's set of basic swordsmanship, and the broken ones are clean and leave no traces, and the sword spirit in it was scared to death by the terrifying power transmitted on the sword as early as halfway through the sword dance.

The perfect little heavenly demon body.

Mo Yi clenched his fists, it was just a slight movement, and the power that erupted silently between his five fingers was that even those phaseless body cultivators were ashamed and frightened, and under the phaseless... No, it should be difficult to find a physique comparable to him even in the Great Realm of Phaselessness.

There is no doubt that this is the level of perfection to the extreme, and even to the extent that it is infinitely close to the original Ancient Ten Thousand Tribulations Hell Heavenly Demon Body.

That's a big responsibility. Mo Yi thought to himself, and in an instant, the blood-colored text disappeared under his skin, leaving only a pair of breathtaking scarlet pupils.

The three breaths are hard to promise, and there is no leakage in the Heavenly Demon Body, this is not something that Mo Yi is talented and demonic to do, this is the legacy of his predecessors, and the "responsibility" of the Heavenly Demon Body spans tens of millions of years

Mo Yi stretched out his hands, and a clean white robe floated down from the sky to carry him, and when he raised his head, his white clothes and bloody eyes looked like a living demon god. _

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