Jiangxin Lake is very large, so Baihongzong is also very large, the river is wide or narrow, there are dozens of meters wide, narrow only to accommodate a boat, the distribution of beautiful and simple buildings is like a beautiful place called Jiangnan in Mo Yi's memory.

The building in the middle of Jiangxin Lake is the beautiful and elegant view of the outer circle, where there are all huge buildings with heavy eaves and nine ridges, the bucket arches are staggered, the yellow tile covers the roof, the river reflects the eaves and jade tiles The aura is compelling, and the meeting hall, the main hall and the criminal law hall of the Baihong Sect are standing there.

Only when I saw the black-robed monks haunting the room, and countless male and female disciples dressed in the costumes of the White Rainbow Sect soaring on the river, could I suddenly feel that this was indeed a sect under the jurisdiction of the sect, not really a small town in the heart of the river.

The small wooden boat of the Aoyama Sect and his party went all the way downstream to see all the beautiful scenery along the way, but until now they were still going downstream, downstream, because their place of residence did not seem to have arrived.

As the host of the main arena, the White Rainbow Sect had already arranged a temporary residence for each sect participating in the Thirty-Three Kui, and the Qingshan Sect was naturally no exception, but now it seemed that this residence seemed to be a little remote.

After passing through the center of Jiangxin Lake and swimming past the places where the disciples of the White Rainbow Sect lived on the periphery, the small wooden boat finally stopped near a small island in the river, surrounded by green trees, clean and uninhabited, only by standing on the edge of the island and looking into the distance can you see the buildings of the White Rainbow Sect on the river in the distance.

To put it nicely, the river here surrounds Zhong Lingshenxiu, and the wooden house is quiet and elegant in the deep forest, which is a good place for immortal cultivators to cultivate and wait.

To put it mildly, their small sect like Qingshan Sect was completely abandoned, and in the previous placement arrangement of Baihong Sect, they probably casually found a few wooden houses and put a plaque of "Qingshan Sect" and threw them over.

On the small wooden boat, Wang An was stunned when he saw this scene, and Yan Xiaoyun and Lin Xian were stunned along with him.

Elder Beiming, Elder Huang Hai, and Elder Yang Holmium had a normal complexion, they were used to this kind of treatment.

The last time Thirty-Three Kui was in the Blood Sword Pavilion, their Qingshan Sect was not just living in a wooden house under the mountain, the wind and rain were blowing, and the big sects of the Qingyin Sect, Haoran Sect, and One Qi Sect were all enjoying the spiritual fruit delicacies in the high-rise temples of the Blood Sword Pavilion Cabinet, as well as all the meticulous service.

When Wang An and the others were still stunned, An Zhiming and Chen Yin had already gotten off the small wooden boat without saying a word, and they stepped forward to split the bushes and vines that had grown to block the road to the wooden house, and sorted out a road leading to the wooden house inside, it seemed that this was not the first time they had done this kind of thing.

How could the disciples in the Qingshan Sect have ever thought that the senior brothers and senior sisters who were high-spirited and proud and talented in the sect in the past would clean up the weeds and shrubs in other sects?

The treatment of the weak sect outside is very bad, and being despised and despised by others is an extremely normal thing in the immortal cultivation world, but An Zhiming and Chen Yin, and even Wu Ming and Yinghua at the beginning have never said this to the other disciples in the sect, and what they will always show for the disciples of the Qingshan Sect is every high-spirited expedition, competing with the powerful geniuses and demons of the rest of the sect on the high platform.

But most of the time, when the genius pavilions of other sects were taking elixir divine fruits to recuperate, the senior sister and senior brother of their Qingshan Sect were leaking rain for the wooden house they were temporarily living in

This is not because An Zhi ordered them to appear in front of others and bend back because of their talents, but they felt that as the inner brothers and sisters of the Qingshan Sect, they should have erected a glorious image for the disciples in the sect.

Even if they suffer the grievances and injustices of the so-called home and away games in the Thirty-Three Kui, they can't even complain when they return to the Qingshan Sect, they will only make regrets and self-taught, and they also need to regain their strength in a short period of time - because they are already the pillars of the Qingshan Sect, they collapse, and they are completely hopeless.

Chen Yin and An Zhiming came all the way through this, and every time they were thirty-three kui, they were full of spirit but bitter.

"Do you have tissues? Mo Yi stretched out his hand and poked Wang An on the small wooden boat.

"What?" Wang An didn't react.

"I'm going to cry. Mo Yi made a gesture to wipe his tears and sighed: "Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, you see, if you don't kill Yinghua, maybe everyone is helping to overcome the thorns now." "

"I..." Wang An choked for a while, he wondered if he didn't kill Yinghua now?

"What are you doing in a daze, go and help your senior brother and sister take a hand!" Mo Yi patted Wang An on the back, the force was so heavy that Wang An's supreme realm mana couldn't stop it, a fierce mouthful of blood almost spurted out, coughed violently and felt like he got off the boat and ran away, and Lin Xian on the side immediately followed when he saw this.

It is normal for the law of the jungle to eat the strong. Gongsun Ruoji sat on a small wooden boat and looked at the tall tower standing on the river in the distance, and said lightly.

"It is an immutable law that the weak cannot guarantee their rights. Zhao Mad looked at the few simple wooden houses at the end of the way that had been cleared out and said calmly.

"Rights and interests are all earned by ourselves. Mo Yiye finally stood up, stepped on the side of the boat and stretched his waist and said with a light smile: "The weak will be squeezed and usurped, this is the case in this small Beichuan County, and it is still the case in the entire immortal cultivation world, when the rights of the weak cannot be guaranteed, it proves that the whole world has lost justice and cannot be unruly." "

"You seem to have forgotten about the Immortal Alliance. Zhao Mad glanced at Mo Yi and said.

"Immortal League?" Mo Yi said with a smile: "Justice is to avoid the unrestricted exploitation of the weak by the strong, but isn't this situation endless enough in the Immortal Cultivation Realm?

Hearing this, the holy woman on the side of the boat glanced up at Mo Yi, but did not say anything.

"You have great plans. Zhao Mad said in a low voice.

"Do you want to get off the boat?" Mo Yi glanced sideways at Zhao Yan and raised his eyebrows: "I can give you this opportunity." "

At the bow of the boat, a silent Qingxuan Venerable quietly raised his head to look at Zhao Mad.

Zhao Mad sat on the boat without saying a word.


When he didn't know when he was coerced into the boat, he had no chance to get off the ship again, and now he began to get a glimpse of Mo Yi's ambitions and plans.

Although it was only a glimpse, this person's plans and schemes were enough to shock him.

Is... Crazy enough.

Zhao Mad looked at Mo Yi, who got off the boat and stretched his waist to help open the way. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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