On the small island in the heart of the river, in the wooden house, after Mo Yi and his party assigned the room, everyone finally relaxed.

I don't know if I should say that Bai Hongzong is still a little conscientious, although Jiangxin Island is remote, but the furniture in the wooden house is readily available, and it can be lived without cleaning, and after pushing open the window, you can see the woods and shrubs on the island, and you can vaguely see a corner of the river, which can be regarded as a unique place to live.

An Zhiming and Wang An both chose to practice in their own rooms, tomorrow will be thirty-three kui, it seems that they have no bottom in their hearts, although there are a few tall people in Mo Yi to resist in the back, but they still have the seeds of competitiveness in their hearts, and they have seized every minute of time to cultivate their skills.

In contrast, Mo Yi and the others were particularly loose, and after walking around the small island in the middle of the river and making sure that this was a clean place where only birds were, they decisively prepared to go out and hang out.

Gongsun Ruoji rode the nine-headed golden lion king's shadow and rushed out of Jiangxin Island all the way without seeing it, as for Zhao Yan, he was stopped by Mo Yi when he was about to leave.

"Why, are you afraid that I'll run away? Zhao Yan glanced at Mo Yi in front of him and asked.

"There's one thing to say, sort of. Mo Yi nodded honestly: "But I believe you won't betray me!"

After that, he reached out and patted Zhao Mad on the shoulder, and a cyan fire 000 flower hid into Zhao Mad after jumping at his fingertips, Zhao Mad immediately retreated and opened the distance as soon as his eyelids jumped, mobilizing mana to wash his whole body but did not find anything abnormal.

"Please take care of yourself. Mo Yi smiled as he got out of the way of Jiangxin Island.

Zhao Mad was in his heart, since the abyss of all worlds, he was allergic to things like "fire", especially green fire... But now he can't say anything, even if he looks at Mo Yi's smile and is terrified, he still resolutely puts on a Sima face and walks past Mo Yi without looking back and leaves Jiangxin Island!

Mo Yi clapped his hands This small method he still learned from Venerable Qingxuan, the nature of the mother fire is ever-changing, only the Venerable Qingxuan really plays it out, and makes the best use of it, this hand is Mo Yi imitated the "prohibition" left by Venerable Qingxuan on the holy woman, once the ban is more than 10,000 meters away from the controller of the mother fire, it will be triggered, and then it will be the end of Qingyan's burning from the inside out.

Mo Yi didn't explain the specific effect of the ban to Zhao Yan, but he believed that the other party must be talented and intelligent to understand the stakes and disadvantages, and if he pretended to be stupid and didn't know (bjfd), he would be in trouble and die.

After solving the troubles, Mo Yi did not go out of the island directly, he did not hurry and felt out a turquoise pocket from his waist, walked along Jiangxin Island twice, found the most fertile place on the land, and opened the pocket, a peach blossom tree was released from the pocket, rooted in the land, and suddenly the aura of the entire half of Jiangxin Island was active and vibrant.

"Whew, almost suffocated. As soon as the Peach Blossom Demon came out of his pocket, he wantonly absorbed the aura and nutrients in the soil, and countless aura in the air was sucked into the petals of the branches and spit out, forming a cycle.

When he left the Qingshan Sect, Mo Yi naturally brought the Peach Blossom Demon with him, and this spiritual soil bag was borrowed by him from the Qingxuan Venerable, and it is said that the elders who planted and raised elixir flowers and plants in the Tiangumen were often used to transplant them, effectively protecting the ingredients and vitality of the elixir.

"This bag doesn't feel good. Mo Yi looked at the green pocket in his hand and said, "But it's okay to make it, I didn't suffocate you to death." "

"What a lot of water aura, is it here?" The peach blossom demon blossomed and branched, and the peach petals were moistened with a layer of misty water, and it looked like it had been staying next to the God's Forsaken Land for so many years.

"A not too big island in the middle of the river. Mo Yi said: "It must be much more comfortable to leave the Land of God Forsaken, right? We are now in a large sect in Beichuan County, a certain distance from the Qingshan Sect, I hope you can try to see if you can find some excellent "seeds" here." "

"Good. The Peach Blossom Demon happily agreed, and it has been doing it all over the world looking for a match, and now it is naturally good that someone can take the initiative to bring it to a place with many excellent candidates.

The branches and petals of the Peach Blossom Demon began to close, like a praying monk and nun with a faint light, and Mo Yi leaned against a tree and waited patiently.

About a cup of tea, the branches of the Peach Blossom Demon Tree spread out and said to Mo Yi: "Three were found." "

"There are three 'seeds' in the White Rainbow Sect, so many?" Mo was also a little surprised, but after thinking about it for a while, he was a little surprised.

The "seeds" worthy of the favor of the Peach Blossom Demon are all monks with great opportunities, not every such monk is like Wang An, most of the monks with great opportunities should be emerging no matter where they are, and they will easily be valued by the Zongmen Pavilion faction and brought back to cultivate.

This time the Thirty-Three Kui happened to be an opportunity to gather all the excellent "seeds" in Beichuan County into the White Rainbow Sect, perhaps Mo Yi should be surprised that there were only three seeds in the White Rainbow Sect, not so many.

"Compared to Wang An, what is the quality of these three people?" Mo Yi asked, glancing in the direction of the wooden house.

The "light" of the two is only one-third of Wang An's, but one of them is close to half of Wang An's. The Peach Blossom Demon said.

The so-called light is naturally the brilliance like stars in the dark chaos that Mo Yi saw last time, the size of the brilliance represents the strength of luck, chance, and qualifications, and at the moment these three seeds seem to be of not very good quality, and the best one is even only half of Wang An's.

"Sure enough, people with good luck are not so easy to find. Mo Yi sighed, Nuoda's Beichuan County was as green as the sea, and there were only three of them who could enter the Peach Blossom Demon Eye here, and the quality was so unbearable, it was hard to imagine how long it would take him to find the next excellent seed similar to Wang An.

"Are the Blood Sungivers going to give up on them?" asked the Peach Blossom Demon.

"Let's take a preliminary look. Mo Yi shook his head: "The point is that most of these people have been cultivated by those sects for a period of time, and it will be a little troublesome to come into contact with." "

"Do you need Enlightenment petals?" the Peach Blossom Demon stretched out its branches.

"There is no need for the time being, although you have a lot of peach petals, but if those who have no meaning to recruit use petals on them, it is in vain, and there is even a suspicion of being an enemy. Mo Yi shook his head and said.

"The Blood Sun One takes this. The Peach Blossom Demon split a small piece of peach blossom branch and landed in Mo Yi's hand: "It will guide you to find those three destined people." "

"Before I met them, it remains to be seen whether they were destined or calamity. Mo Yiyang raised the peach blossom branch, smiled, turned around and left quietly. _

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