Chynna wasted no time in showing up at her friend's home. Both girls hugged each other and clung tightly to themselves as if they had been twin sisters long estranged from each other when in fact one person had only travelled for a short time.

Finally, they let go of each other and then sat down to mugs of hot chocolate.

Chynna listened with rapt attention as Amy spilled the tea filling her friend in on the events that had happened in her short absence.

It took a whole lot of self-discipline for Chynna not to interject, but as soon as Amy sounded like she had finally reached the end of her long and harrowing ordeal at the hands of Edward, Chynna jumped in and exclaimed,

"I literally cannot believe it! So, you had the might Edward Wu in this very house cooking you breakfast?!"

She clasped a hand to her mouth in exaggerated surprise. Although, not much of it was exaggerated.

She was genuinely surprised that her friend had experienced something a lot of women would sell their very souls for. It was not every day a girl had a millionaire kneading dough in their kitchen.

And to none other than the Edward Wu himself. In fact, it never happened at all, except in the movies.

And Amy was starting to live the perfect movie as it were. "Damn!" she said again in near unbelief. The entire tale felt surreal to her.

"Chynna, stop it," Amy begged, her face as red as a beet from embarrassment.

"I apologize, my darling, but your story just has me speechless, is all," Chynna said, leaning over to stroke her friend's shoulder comfortingly. 

"I swear to God, Chy, I could not possibly make this up. I'm not that imaginative," Amy replied.

Her eyes were sunken from lots of crying. She had been forced to wear more makeup than she had ever needed ever before, just to hide black bags under her eyes.

"Wow. So, is he your boyfriend now? Are you both together?" the now dirty-blonde inquired, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.

Amy rolled her eyes. "Come on, Chy. Have you even been listening to a word I've said the whole time?"

She was too tired for games and she needed Chynna to realize that. But her friend was such a goofball, she hardly ever took anything seriously.

"Well, it's hard to follow up with the maze that you just narrated," Chynna shrugged. "But seriously though, you love him, don't you?" she added, grinning wickedly.

Amy knew she could never lie to her friend but she was not sure of what she was feeling herself.

"I don't know. It's not that simple, you know? He's my boss and seeing him every day just makes things a lot more complicated. I wish I could just quit and run away somewhere far ..."

Chynna interrupted her. "It's all right. I was just teasing you. You'll be fine. You're with me now.

You'll be just fine, I promise you," she stood up and enclosed her friend in her arms. Already, a plot was forming in her head, but she knew Amy would kill her if she so much as mentioned it.

But then, she would need an ally. She had just the perfect man for the job, she thought, smiling into the distance where her friend could not see.

When Chynna eventually left, Amy picked up a book just to while away time before she could go to sleep. She was still reading when her phone started to chime.

"Hello Red, how are you doing?" came Edwad's voice strongly through the earpiece of her phone.

Amy g.r.o.a.n.e.d and flopped on her bed face first. "Why do you insist on calling me that? Can't you just call me Amy like everyone else?" she asked bitterly.

She almost could not care for manners anymore. She wondered how he could ignore her all week, only to call now and act all chummy, inserting nicknames as he pleased.

"You know why I call you that." Edward responded, unable to stop the silly smile that was plastered to his face.

There was something about the way she made him feel, but he was glad she could not see it now.

He had tossed and turned in bed every night since their encounter at her house, but he had to put up a strong front.

Why he was calling her now, he was unsure. But he knew he would find something eventually.

"You call me Red because I have red hair, everyone can see that and it's very unoriginal, sir"

She had gotten up from her bed and was now sat at the window sill, playing with her pastel colored curtains.

"That is part of the reason, but not the main one." 

"Come on Edward, tell me what the reason is then."

"Because–" Edward started to chuckle and Amy just knew that it was a joke at her expense.

"Oh my God, it's something that makes fun of me, isn't it?" she attempted to be stern but there was a huge smile on her face while she spoke, and it reflected in her voice.

"I call you Red because you're always red as a tomato." 

"I am not!" She yelled, turning around and marching over to her bed but not sitting down.

"Look in the mirror then, let's know whether that's true or not," He then simply requested, his voice suddenly sounding deeper than before.

"I–" She couldn't complete her statement, because he was right. True to his theory, Amy had cheeks and ears a light crimson shade, the rest of her face catching up. 

"Well, am I right?"

"I will never admit that to you," she replied in an attempt to sound casual, but her voice letting her down and cracking instead.

"You don't have to; I already know it's true."

Edward was quiet. He wished that he could see Amy's face while she blushed, that lopsided smile that she gave, and the awkward little laugh. She was so small and he would like to corner her into a wall, see how she reacted to that.

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