Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 394 - Mixed signals


"Yes, Red?"

"I really do look red right now," she said, biting her lip.

'Why did I just say that?' Amy silently yelled at herself in her head, facepalming.

He had missed her. That was the sole reason he had made this call, but as the tone of their conversation took a different hue, he quickly checked himself.

"I er... I was just calling to make sure everything is set for my meeting tomorrow," he said flatly. Bile rose all the way to his throat.

He realized what he was doing to her- the rollercoaster ride on which he had carelessly tossed her was brutal and unfair but he just could not help it.

She swallowed hard as she slapped her head some more. 'Stupid, stupid girl! Did you really think he called to flirt with your stupid ass?'

"Yes, sir. Everything is ready," she answered humbly. "Okay then. Thank you. Later, Red." 

"Later, Edward... sir," she quickly corrected herself.

The call got disconnected and Amy stared at the blank screen for a few seconds, unable to make sense of anything.

She made a decision right there and then. There would be no more Edward, even if it meant giving up her position at WuCorp.

She would rather wait tables than be subjected to such inhumane torture all in the name of some stupid childish romance with the man who handed out her paychecks. 


"Was that your little girlfriend?" Henry Liu asked, a mocking smile on his face.

"Personal Assistant, Henry" Edward corrected, putting down his phone and taking up his laptop to attend to a few urgent emails. He refused to give his friend the time of day.

Tonight was supposed to be Bar Night again and his friends were waiting for him to finish up work so they could all go out together. They did not much trust him, especially after the last time.

He was supposed to have gotten her to commit to a few minutes of phone s.e.x to prove she was as into him as he claimed she was. As a consequence, all the drinks were on him tonight.

"I thought she was your secretary?" Henry Lu piped in in his usual serious way.

"Secretary, personal assistant, what's the difference really?" Jun Mo asked the other two friends in an attempt to shield Edward from embarrassment, but, Edward did not even seem to mind any of them.

He slammed his laptop close and announced that Bar Night was underway. The boys cheered loudly, Lei Zhao managing only a simple smile. He would go out and drink himself to forgetfulness because from where he stood, there seemed to be nothing else he could do.


"You know, Chynna, I hate him." 

"Hate who?" Chynna asked surprised, letting out a loud belch after a healthy swallow of yellow wine.

"Edward Wu." Amy said his name, attempting to sound condescending but not succeeding.

"But whyyyyyy?" Chynna replied almost drunkenly, taking another sip from her nearly empty wine glass. She felt so good, she could dance.

She had always been known to be lightheaded and she seemed to be letting loose even more than usual tonight.

"I hate him because he's sooooooo hot. Oh, no. You know I don't mean that. It's because he's arrogant and annoying and he always looks at me like he's trying to find out my secrets, and it makes me want to tell him everything.

But then, he switches up on me so fast, I do not know how to react. I find that very disturbing and I know what you said the last time we had this conversation, but I sure don't think I'll be anywhere near fine if I keep letting him treat me like trash and get away with it."

The redhead sighed, disregarding the wine glass that sat on the floor beside her and taking a swig directly from the bottle.

As if she were a robot, Chynna snapped out of the drinking spree and picked up her phone. It was time to put her plan in motion, before her friend completely lost it.

"I'll be back," she said to Amy in a poor Terminator mimicry. She stepped away and onto the front porch where she dialed a number. After a couple of rings or more, the line connected.

"Hello, Jun Mo," she said sweetly.

"Hey. Chynna?"

"Uh huh, it is I," she giggled. She could barely even hide how tipsy she was. 

"How are you?" Jun Mo inquired, ever the polite gentleman.

"Perfectly fine, I am," Chynna responded, then giggled some more. "Do you want to meet up for some rice wine sometime," she babbled.

"I'm sorry? What was that you said?"

"Oh, I mean, for us to talk. Over drinks and stuff," she clarified with great effort.

"Oh, sure. That would be great, I suppose," Jun Mo affirmed hesitantly. He could not be sure what was going on. He decided it would be best to try and find out. "What is this going to be about, though," he asked softly, hoping his question would not hurt her feelings.

"Aww, I'm such a pretty girl and you don't even want to see me?" Chynna said, pouting sadly

"Oh no! No, no no, I did not mean it like that," Jun Mo started to say but her loud, cackling laughter billowed through the phone, giving him reason to pause.

"It's all right. I really was just teasing you. But let us talk tomorrow, okay? I'll tell you everything then. I am a little batty from all the wine I've been drinking all night. I probably sound a little cuckoo," she gestured with her fingers to indicate one who had taken leave of their senses.

Jun Mo nodded as if she could see him as the line went suddenly dead. He looked around wondering what kind of strange conversation that had been. He could not wait to find out the next day.

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