Flash Marriage

Chapter 227: Surprised

As the Emperor saw it, there was no indication yet, but Lady Rosemary opened her mouth first, "Your Majesty, this house seems a little cold. ”

“Do you feel cold?” The emperor immediately and nervously took off the big hammer, "come on, put it on. ”

The emperor's clams are made of specialty. That is not something that can be easily worn. Even the queen has never been so treated, especially if Chen Gui is not.

Lady Rosemary's words suddenly diverted the Emperor's attention from her. She had forgotten Chen Gui's tender, waiting for him to pity her.

“How about now? Better? Is it cold? ”

The emperor's tense look and gentle inquiry were like a sword stabbed into the heart of the queen and the noble Chen. Lady Rosemary shook her head slightly, "It's not cold, thank the emperor. ”

The Emperor heard Lady Rosemary say this, seemed not to be relieved, extended her hand to hold Lady Rosemary's hand and warmed her hand with her own palm.

This cares for the way it is and wants the queen to spit blood directly.

Chen Gui was no better. He looked at the Emperor with great grudge, and his envy for Lady Rosemary slowly grew.

In the palace, on a curved trail, a few escorts sent by Li Zensheng flew to a remote corner, where a man stood quietly, wearing the servants of the small eunuchs of the palace, witty enough to look around.

The guard made a gesture signal, and the little eunuch responded with the same gesture and quickly said, "What does the British duke have to say? ”

This gesture code is good for Monkey Fairy and the British convention. If Monkey Fairy enters the palace today, it will not be reckless. She borrows the dark piles and chess pieces that the British Lord ambushes in the palace and as soon as she comes in, she has sent a signal to stand by.

By the lake, when he came to the Queen's Palace, Meng Dish Immortal had secretly given a gesture to Li Zanzhen to summon the British government to the dark pile in the Palace and go near the Queen's Palace to stand by at any time.

The escort guard swept his eyes around to see nobody, whispering, "The Emperor ordered someone to go to Tai Hospital to find a doctor on duty to see Chen Gui, find a trusted doctor. ”

Little Taijun nodded his head. He was outside, and he was watching the matter of Nakamiya. He saw the emperor go in with his own eyes. I think something must have happened.

Upon receiving the order, the young eunuch immediately fled to do business, who knew that at this moment, a maid in the Queen's Palace appeared in front of two people.

“What are you two sneaking around for? ”

The maid looked like a murderer and stopped in front of both of them. The escort saw her and immediately came forward to face the maid. “Nothing? Just bumped into each other. Just wanted to say hi. ”

Speaking, look at the little eunuch and let him go.

The young eunuch would like to sneak away from the side while the maid and the guard are involved. Who knows? The maid shouted, "Somebody, these two sneak up and steal something. ”

Under a single sound, all the maids nearby who heard voices came here.

Little eunuch didn't know well, and suddenly he didn't run away. He jumped on the wall and said to the wall, "Get a doctor. ”

Three short words, like a code, make it all clear.

At first glance, her pupils shrunk, and her heart realized that there were still people on the other side of the wall.

She turned around and ran away, escorting her forward, stopping her from going. The situation reversed. The original stopper became the stopper, and the stopper became the stopper.

The maids were entangled and couldn't get away immediately. At this time, other maids from the neighborhood came.

“Qingyu, what's wrong? ”

The maids who were entangled by the guards were called Qingyu, and the other maids who appeared recognized her. She was the closest girl to Chen Haoxiang in the Queen's Palace. In order to knock the queen together, these maids were naturally very enthusiastic towards the people in the Queen's Palace.

At first glance, Qingyu knew it was too late, and he had to turn around and go back to the Queen's Palace.

The entanglement and movement of the three men was a little loud, which shook the people around the Emperor guarding at the Queen's Palace gate.

“You three, what's the noise? ”

The guard Li Tao pointed at the three men and drank to bring them here.

The young eunuch had to come with the guard and Qingyu to guard Li Tao.

“Brother Guard, the two of them sneak up on which side of the world they don't know what to do. ”

The maid Qingyu bites the little eunuch and the guard, tries to use this sneaky name to trap two people, make a scene, and then takes the opportunity to lure the two people out of irregular contact, and expose them in front of everyone, so that the Emperor will have doubts about the Mon County master?

Qingyu was in the heart of the calculation, the guard immediately interfaced, “Brother Guardian, I just came out to make a small settlement. For the first time, I came to the palace with the county master. I don't know where it is, I just asked the young eunuch about the road, and we didn't do anything. ”

Little eunuch on the side of the peace, “yeah. ”

Qingyu wanted to say something else, but the guard waved his hand, “Well, the Emperor here, no loud noise, disturbing the Emperor, can you eat the sin? ”

The guard and the younger eunuch hurriedly said no, and Qingyu refused. “I saw it clearly...”

“Shut up, whoever dares to pull the noise down immediately. ”

Brother Guardian frowned and glanced impatiently at Qingyu. He continued, "Go back to the various places and spread out. ”

The guard nodded immediately, walked into the courtyard, went to the Mon County master, the little eunuch also smoked out of the Queen's Palace, Qingyu was angry, but there was no way, but to return to Chen Haoxiang, quietly to Chen Haoxiang, told her the end of the matter.

Chen Haoxiang's face sinked. He looked at the guard who stood beside the Monkey Monkey Monster before returning. It was a bad cry in his heart. Monkey Monkey Monster was prepared for this, I'm afraid it will change.

She asked Qingyu to stand aside, silently held Chen Guiguan up from the ground and sat on the side of the chair.

When the emperor came, the play was done, but the emperor had no pity for Chen Gui's Chu Chu, and had no reaction. Then sitting on the ground was self-agony and had no meaning whatsoever.

Chen Guiyan also knew that when Chen Huixiang held her up, she also smoothed up and sat on the chair with reluctance.

Meng Disk Immortal swept the eyes of the two people. He looked at Chen Haoxiang's side of the maid Qingyu in silence. The more he looked at it, the more he felt the skeleton and rhythm of this person resembled that of a man. He came to the strong conclusion that he was dressed as a man and mixed here.

Qingyu seemed to feel the gaze of the Monkey Disc Fairy. She looked up at the past, but did not catch the gaze of the Monkey Disc Fairy. When Qingyu looked up, she retracted her gaze without a trace.

An idea popped up in Monkey Fairy's head, and she laughed cold.

“Your Majesty, Doctor Cheng is here. ”

Lord He saw that the younger eunuch who sent himself out at the door led a royal doctor in. He quickly reported to the Emperor. When the Emperor heard of the past, Cheng Yu Doctor was also good. Although he was a new eunuch, he was said to be good at medicine.

“Go and show Chen Gui his veins first. ”

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