Flash Marriage

Chapter 228: Having Children

When the Emperor spoke, Doctor Cheng Yu immediately said, "Turn around and come to Chen Gui's side. The queen is tight and stares at Doctor Cheng Yu."

I was wondering, why is this stunner here?

This Chengyu medical technique is very good, it is that people do not understand the alternative, this time it is a bad thing.

The queen and Chen Haoxiang looked at each other and saw that it was bad, but neither of them could move at this moment, so they could only watch it change.

Dr. Cheng Yu is very young, he is a young man in his early twenties. His ancestors were famous doctors and studied medicine since childhood, so he can also stand out in the case of experienced elderly people like Tai Hospital.

However, because of her young age and the sour Confucianism of some scholars, Dr. Cheng Yu did not know how to smooth things, so the people in Tai Hospital were not very friendly, and the owners of the palace rarely allowed her to see her. In addition to the unspoken princess, the owners of the belly people in front of him often looked for him privately.

Basically, Dr. Cheng Yu is medicated until the disease is eliminated. Anyone who has visited him will still look for him next time.

Doctor Cheng Yu walked to Chen Guiguan and took a very thin spa from the medicine box and put it on Chen Guiguan's wrist, pressing his fingers gently over the spa.

On one side, Dr. Zhang Yu wrinkled his eyebrows harshly. His eyes lifted slightly. He looked at the queen. As soon as he saw the queen's wrinkled face, Dr. Zhang Yu's eyebrows wrinkled more tightly, his palms began to sweat. The feeling of wetness was like it was contagious. From his palms to his forehead, a fine layer of sweat beads appeared on Dr. Zhang Yu's forehead.

Doctor Cheng carefully looked at the pulse, the surrounding people looked at him, but Meng Disk Immortal set his eyes on the sweat beads on the door of Doctor Zhang's brain, his mouth slightly snapped.

Doctor Cheng Yu lifted his eyes and opened his hands. He made a gift to the Emperor. “Back to the Emperor, Chen Guizhou seemed to have mistaken the soup of the fallen son, causing her to make a small birth. ”


Meng Disk Immortal's eyes looked deep into Chen Gui's stomach. His eyes set on Cheng Yu Doctor. He wanted to see something from Cheng Yu Doctor.

After listening, Dr. Zhang relieved his breath and couldn't help but wipe the sweat off his forehead. The whole person became a little more tolerant.

The queen went into distress immediately, “Your Majesty, you see, Dr. Cheng Yu said the same thing. The Mon County Master was so bold that he murdered the royal children, and his sins were borne. ”

However, the emperor's eyes were only cold, and he could not say anything. Chen Gui had stood up excited, "Dr. Cheng Yu, what did you say, I really had a small birth? ”

That tone is a bit strange, the look on his face repeated the previous shock, it's just this flying shock, far bigger than when Dr. Zhang Yu first said.

If Chen Gui's shock was still a bit unexpected when he said it, now Cheng Yu Doctor said it was a completely unbelievable shock.

Chen Guiguan squeezed his fingers tightly and stared at Cheng Yu's mouth.

Cheng Yu nodded, “Yes, Chen Gui man, you have been pregnant for more than twenty days. Because the date may not have come yet, you don't know, but if an experienced doctor puts a pulse in it, you can feel it. ”

Chen Gui suddenly backed away, her whole face twisted together painfully. She looked at Dr. Zhang and the queen, her eyes filled with resentment and regret.

“Queen, you did it on purpose, didn't you? ”

The queen's face was stiff, her mouth smoked, and she stared coldly at Chen Gui, like a warning, "Chen Gui, pay attention to your words and emotions, you have no children, the palace is also very sad, you have to be sorry, don't talk nonsense about it. ”

The Queen is talking nonsense from Chen Gui to ask if it was intentional.

Everyone understood this. Nobody said anything. Chen Haoxiang stood up and grabbed Chen Gui's hand dead. "Noble man, you are a miscarriage. You shouldn't be angry. Sit down. ”

Chen Haoxiang's hands and eyes looked into Chen Gui's eyes all whispered silently, asking her to calm down, asking her to be patient, Chen Gui man bite his silver teeth, and slowly sat back on the chair.

The queen was relieved and said again, "Your Majesty, please take charge of the lost children of Chen Gui and severely punish Mon County Master. ”

The Emperor made the Queen feel a little restless. Although he did not want to cure Monkey Monk Immortal's sins now, the facts were in front of him, whether he could or could not.

“Lord of Meng County, do you know what you did to my children? ”

A majestic voice, questioning, waiting for the Monkey Monk Fairy to beg for forgiveness.

Meng Dixian smiled without panicking, “Your Majesty, what power do I have to push Chen Gui so far away that she gave birth? And Chen Gui provoked me first, pinched my neck, almost suffocated me, in which case I had no power to push her. ”

Everyone looked at the skinny body bones of the Monkey Disc Immortal, and at the adult-like body of Chen Gui. The expression on his face became strange and obviously permeated the strange. That strangeness stemmed from the questioning of Chen Gui's miscarriage pushed by the Monkey Disc Immortal.

At this time, Dr. Cheng Yu spoke again, but the look on his face seemed a little uncertain.

“Your Majesty, in the lower pulse, it seems that the quantity of fallen soup taken by Chen Guizhou is not very much, but the medicinal properties are the most dominant type, only a little, can achieve the purpose of small birth, taking more will still be infertile for life, even life is in danger. ”

“And this soup medicine also seems to have a taste of Bajo, who can reflux popularity and anger. ”

Doctor Cheng Yu's words were like to verify the provocation in the words of Meng Dish Immortal. Everyone would have said to Meng Dish Immortal that Chen Gui deliberately sought out some suspicion. As soon as this Baojiao came out, he immediately felt that something had happened, so that would explain it.

“Dr. Cheng Yu, don't be ridiculous. Dr. Zhang Yu just didn't find out about this flavor. Would you be wrong? ”

Meng Dish Fairy twisted his head, blinked his eyes and raised questions, but Meng Dish Fairy's words stunned everyone.

Very confused about her behavior.

Doctor Cheng's words happen to be in her favor. If this is the case, why did Mengdi Xian raise this question? In that case, shouldn't Chen Guizhen veto it or question it?

The queen's face was colder, but her facial muscles were almost stiff. She hasn't said anything yet. Dr. Cheng Yu has replied with extreme seriousness, "Mon County Master, I won't talk nonsense, but just take out the fallen soup that Chen Gui drank, so that the next time you see if you are wrong, you can confirm immediately. ”

Meng Di Xian's eyes were cut with a sly bright light. What she wanted was for you to say. She was a little confused. "Chen Gui didn't even know she was pregnant. How could she have spoken for herself? However, the queen had just given her a cup of tea and it tasted good. Chen Gui drank all of her breath. I wondered if she would put something in it that she shouldn't put? ”

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