Flash Marriage

Chapter 229: Revealing Identity

The queen was shocked. How could Monkey Monster have guessed...

She couldn't help but look at the cup on the table and saw that the cup was empty. She was a little relieved at the moment. The cup was empty and could not be checked.

It doesn't help to find a teapot, it's not in the teapot at all.

“Mon County Master, are you trying to insult this palace? I knew there was no more tea in that cup, so I couldn't find out. Do you think the Emperor would believe your defamation if you said that?” The Queen's Yin Test said on one side.

The voice fell, Doctor Cheng Yu smiled and took over. “The queen doesn't have to worry. As long as the cup is here, burn the cup with a little water. It's always a little medicinal. I can find out. Check to find out if the Mon County Master has insulted you. ”

Dr. Cheng Yu's words were sincere, and his face looked even more sincere, but in the queen's eyes, it was like a teeth itch that he hated, as if he had fought her exclusively.

“Dr. Cheng Yu, are you sure? Dr. Zhang Yu has been in the palace for many years, there is no such conclusion. You just need to heat the cup of water to determine whether there is a problem with the tea. Why does the palace think you are exonerating Mon County Master? ”

The queen stared ill-fated, coldly aimed at Cheng Yu Doctor. In the conversation room, Cheng Yu Doctor was to be regarded as a nonsense. Like the help of Meng Disk Immortal, he could not help but pull him down directly.

Doctor Cheng Yu, as if he had been greatly scorned, said vehemently, "Your Majesty, the Queen, I am all based on the facts. I will never dare to say anything, let alone excuse the Mon County Master. Before this, I had never met the Mon County Master. What motive did I have to excuse the Mon County Master? I speak entirely according to the pulse and the facts. ”

One seat, not buying the queen's bill at all, pushed the queen down on the tip of the wind.

The face of the Emperor at this moment is confusing, unlike the frowning anguish of the beginning, and even less like the gloomy anger just now. Instead, it is calm, calm and highly unpredictable.

“Dr. Zhang, did you really say what Dr. Cheng said? ”

The emperor suddenly asked Dr. Zhang Yuben to stand in the corner, heard the emperor ask, and immediately stood up. “Returning to the emperor, Shen did not find any Bajiaozi. Chen Gui's stomach and pulse have repeatedly shown that he was hit hard, leading to a small birth. ”

The words of the two royal doctors differed on the spot and opinions differed.

“Your Majesty, Dr. Zhang has been in the palace for many years and has more experience than Dr. Cheng Yu. ”

The queen insisted seriously, meaning that Dr. Zhang's words were still credible.

Meng Dixian did not say a word and did not argue anything for herself. Instead, she stared at the teacup. She saw a maid looking at the people while they were not paying attention. While listening to Dr. Zhang and Dr. Cheng Yu, she took a new cup and tried to replace the cup on the original table.

That maid is Qingyu, the man who dresses as a woman next to Chen Haoxiang.

“What are you doing? ”

Meng Dixian rushed up on foot, grabbed the sleeve of the maid Qingyu, and held his hand, trying to make him unable to retract his hand, but Qingyu's power was great. Instead, he almost fell down the Meng Dixian belt. Li Zhenzheng's eyes hurried and brushed a few times to hold the maid Qingyu's wrist.

Qingyu seemed to have some worries. He didn't dare to move. He just showed a little more strength, and the number of martial arts roads was not revealed.

Meng Dish Immortal stood still and glanced sharply. She found that the cup in the hand of Qingyu was missing, and that cup on the table was no longer the original cup.

Chen Gui is a palace princess, the makeup is essential. Although it is made of fine rouge water powder, the red mark on the lips will still be lightly printed on the cup. Now this cup is obviously new, there is no red mark on it, not even a little tea mark left.

“Your Majesty, she changed the cup. ”

Meng Dixian pointed to the maid Qingyu, and everyone had long been attracted to this scene, but it was not clear what had happened before. Why did Meng Dixian and her guard fight Qingyu?

Now Meng Dish Immortal said that, immediately understood, only Qingyu changed cups...

His Majesty's eyes were cold and Qingyu refused to admit it. “Go back to His Majesty, Qingyu did not. Qingyu just looked at the cup and put it closer to the table, afraid it would fall off. If Chengyu's doctor wanted to use him to find out if there were any problems, it would be bad if it broke. ”

Indeed, the cup was placed a little by the table. When Dr. Cheng said it, people swept it and had this impression.

Qingyu felt that there was some credibility in what Qingyu said. Mon County Master, this is another way to divert people's attention. Do it.

Meng Disk Xian made a color at Li Jianzheng, Li Jianzheng, aiming at the maid Qingyu, suddenly, Qingyu may, subconscious flash, Wu Gong immediately revealed, everyone was surprised, then Li Jianzheng did not stop, hands as wind, fast as lightning.

Lord He shouted, "The Emperor is here, stop! ”

In front of the Emperor, are these two trying to turn against the sky?

Even if Li Zansheng was originally the leader of the Royal Guard, not to mention he was from the palace, he should understand the rule.

Qingyu immediately stopped, then Li Zanzheng's normal behavior, sharp move, directly hit Qingyu's facial door, Qingyu stopped because of some worries, this time, it fell down the wind, Li Zanzheng held one hand on his hair, pulled hard, the other hand on his throat, cleverly revealed.

The full head of pearl chai fell, and then drifted with one long hair, which was dressed on the shoulder, but not as soft as the hair of a woman, but rather with the stiffness of a man.

Looking at the throat, it was fine and smooth, but at this moment, it was hard to reveal the throat knot.

Everyone was surprised, especially Lord He. He reached out and pointed at Qingyu incredibly. “Do you dare to dress as a woman in the palace? Somebody, take it. ”

At this time, no one is paying any more attention to the rules of sabotage, and all attention is concentrated on the throat and identity of Qingyu.

Qingyu knew that he had been exposed. Why don't you just keep doing it? Hands up, into a scratch, hit Meng Dish Fairy's neck directly, and try to break Meng Dish Fairy's neck with one blow.

Li Zansheng did not allow him to succeed, his body flashed, caught between the two people, put the Monkey Disc Immortal behind him, the remaining guards saw, immediately stood up to protect the Monkey Disc Immortal.

When Lord He ordered him to come in, he waved his hand. Several people went to help Li Zanzheng to take Qingyu, and several people quickly surrounded the Emperor with letters of protection.

Qingyu's identity was lost, he no longer had any worries, his strength was used up, Li Zanzheng and several guards sieged at the same time, all appeared a little hard.

At this time, the emperor acutely saw that Aoyama had a familiar feeling. This feeling appeared at a time when he was in danger, and I didn't think of it for a moment.

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