Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 998: Don’t do it, don’t stop (third more)

Rao Pu Cha Qiucao was terrified at this time, still flushed with anger at his words: "Shameless!"

Song Qingshu was startled, and then shouted wronged: "Heaven and Earth conscience, I just think it is not convenient for you to go out without clothes and just wrapped in a quilt. Then I asked you to go back to bed and discuss it. It's not what you think."

Of course Song Qingshu also realized at this time that what he said was full of ambiguity. It was all because of the suddenness of what happened just now, and the fact that he had drunk too much at the dinner party before, which caused his reaction to be half a beat slower than usual.

But it didn’t sound like that to Pu Cha Qiucao. The man in front of him had just taken away his precious virginity, and suddenly discovered that the other party had hidden such a shocking secret. At this time, Song Qingshu was no different from a demon in her eyes. How dare you to believe what he said, only when the other party is spoofing, ☆☆☆, ∽.︾≮.+ I can’t control anything in a hurry, so I just rushed out, rushing and shouting: “Here is someone. , The marshal was..."

Before she finished speaking, Song Qingshu hit the acupoint.

Seeing the woman who fell to the ground limply, a sigh of anger flashed in Song Qingshu's eyes: "A good word to persuade you not to listen. If so, don't blame me for being polite."

At this moment, a few guards suddenly ran outside the door: "What's the matter?" After all, the soldiers heard Pu Cha Qiucao's voice.

"It's nothing, you can withdraw." Song Qingshu shouted in Tang Kuo's voice.

"Yes, marshal, take a good rest." Hearing his voice, the soldiers retired in a hurry.

It’s good to be in a high position. You only need to send orders without explaining to your subordinates. Subordinates will not be unwilling to inquire too much at the same time. After all, this is a world of personal life, and no one wants to know because they don’t know. The secret that should be known was silenced.

Hearing the footsteps of the soldiers leaving, Pu Cha Qiucao was finally desperate.

She was no longer able to wrap the quilt because of the acupuncture point. After falling to the ground, the quilt scattered, and every inch of her skin was exposed to the air.

Song Qingshu glanced at it, and there was an evil fire in his heart. You must know that drinking is easy to stimulate people's lust. In addition, when things were halfway through just now, they were suddenly interrupted in the mood, and now they are affected by the other party's behavior. Exciting, he knew that this matter could no longer be good today.

Song Qingshu's temperament has always been open-minded. Seeing that since he can't be good, he might as well do it to the end. Let's talk about it first. As for how to deal with the aftermath, maybe what inspiration will be generated in the happy process after a while.

Noting the change in Song Qingshu's eyes, the sensitive nature of the woman let her know what was about to happen, and she suddenly panicked:

"What do you want to do!"

It's a pity that her acupoints are blocked, and this sentence can only be turned into a silent cry.

Song Qingshu leaned down, took her leg and hugged her horizontally, then hugged her and walked back to the previous bed.

After putting Pu Cha Qiucao on the bed, noting her look, Song Qingshu asked, "Do you have something to say."

Pu Cha Qiucao blinked wildly.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you yell and yell again after unlocking the acupoint, the consequences will be very serious." Song Qingshu said coldly.

Pu Cha Qiucao blinked again, and Song Qingshu unlocked her acupoint.

"What the **** do you want to do?" After the acupuncture points were unlocked, Pu Cha Qiucao did not yell, nor did he make any drastic actions.

It's not that she is so obedient, but that what happened just now made her understand that even if she shouted again, it would be useless. She instantly sealed her dumb acupuncture point with the opponent's martial arts power. Instead of being unable to speak, it is better to talk to him. , Maybe there will be any turning point.

"Continue with what you didn't finish just now." Song Qingshu replied confidently.

Pu Cha Qiucao was stunned for a moment, and then the roots of his neck were completely red. He was shocked by the shamelessness of the other party, and for a while, he didn't know how to react.

She finally reacted when the man's weight hit her again, and hurriedly reached out to push him.

Song Qingshu said coldly: "Women are already weaker than men, not to mention my martial arts are far above you. Even if you resist, it's useless, it only adds to the pain."

Pu Cha Qiucao gritted his teeth and said, "If I don't resist, will I still actively cooperate with you?"

"That's not necessarily true," Song Qingshu smiled, "Originally you knew my secret, I would kill people..."

Pu Cha Qiucao's face turned pale when she heard the words "Killing and Miekou", but she still said stubbornly: "Even if you kill me, I won't obey you."

Song Qingshu didn't care: "You haven't heard me finish. If I kill you, there is no impermeable wall in this world. Rather than reaching your father's ears someday in the future, it would be better for me to act when they are defenseless. , Completely uprooted the Pucha family."

Pu Cha Qiucao's face turned paler. She knew that the other party definitely had the ability to do it. Even if he didn't use Shang Shuling or the power of Marshal Du, it would be easy to assassinate daddy and elder brothers with his own martial arts.

Then Song Qingshu's conversation turned: "But if your attitude is good enough, we can try to negotiate a solution that has the best of both worlds, and the Pucha family can avoid this unwarranted disaster."

"Is it clear now?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice.

Pu Cha Qiucao bit his lip, his face changed, and finally nodded helplessly.

When Song Qingshu pressed it up again, Pu Cha Qiucao reached out and held his chest, and asked in a low voice, "Who are you? I don't want to be confused and not even know who took me the first time."

"Golden Snake King, Song Qingshu."

Hearing his answer, Pu Cha Qiucao's face was surprised and relieved, and the hand against his chest was also retracted, while a line of tears was left at the corner of his eyes: "Brother Yang, I'm sorry..."

I don't know how long it took, Song Qingshu finally got up contentedly, Pu Cha Qiucao buttoned the buttons of his clothes and asked coldly: "Did you figure out what to do with me?"

Although her tone was calm, it was a pity that the residual flushing on her skin and the trembling voice showed that she was not so calm at the moment, whether it was her body or her mood.

"Look into my eyes." Song Qingshu's voice seemed to carry a trace of magical power.

Pu Cha Qiucao looked at him subconsciously. As a result, the priest couldn't move away as soon as he touched him. Gradually, the hand that was buttoning the button fell weakly.

"You go back and rest now. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will forget everything that happened today."

Hearing the illusory voice in his ear, Pu Cha Qiucao nodded mechanically, then turned and left, and finally disappeared outside the door.

"Daiqisi, get me in!" After she left, Song Qingshu suddenly shouted angrily.

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