Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 999: Ride a crane down to Yangzhou

"How do you know I'm outside?" When Dai Qisi came in, she asked with a guilty conscience.

Song Qingshu glared at her fiercely, and said angrily: "First, Pu Cha Qiucao has been changed to look like you. Who else would do such boring things besides you? Second, you must be right in your heart. I am very satisfied with this masterpiece, so why not be curious to observe the developments next to it? Third, with my martial arts, I feel that it is not difficult for you to hide outside."

"Oh~" Dai Qisi deliberately prolonged her voice, "So you knew I was outside, but kept quiet, deliberately let me listen to the corner to satisfy some indescribable hobbies in your heart."

Song Qingshu's face was hot, and angrily said: "Now I'm discussing your problem. Don't worry about the others here."

"What's wrong with me?" Daiqisi's mouth raised a beautiful arc, "Let you enjoy such a flowery little girl, you don't have to bear any moral pressure, you should thank me."

"Thank you sister!" Song Qingshu was angry. "Is Pu Cha Qiucao an ordinary girl? His father is in charge of nearly half of the imperial forbidden army in Daxing Mansion. If we don't handle it well, it will trigger a conflagration between our two families. Haven't you thought about the consequences?"

"Of course I have thought about it, I have prepared the aftermath for you," Daiqisi said dismissively.

"Oh?" Song Qingshu looked at her in surprise, "How are you going to deal with the aftermath?"

"How can I deal with the aftermath, just kill it, after a hundred, and then find a place to bury it, claiming to the public that she has gone with her fiancé Yang. As for the problems that will never arise in the future, the rivers and lakes are so big, what happened to the bandits and black shops? Isn't it normal?" Dai Qisi said in her usual tone.

Song Qingshu heard a cold sweat, green bamboo snake mouth, wasp tail needle, both of them are not poisonous, the most poisonous woman's heart, the ancients are not deceived by me!

This woman is really ruthless. No wonder so many people in her previous life commented on Dai Qisi's poor personality, and were only good to the people she cared about, but didn't care about the life and death of other people at all.

"It's just I didn't expect you to use a better method to solve it..." She said that there was a trace of palpitations on her face. She could see clearly the way Pu Cha Qiucao was walking just now, thinking that Song Qingshu had such an ability. I can't help but be scared.

"That's the soul-shifting method recorded in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", you don't have to be so surprised." Song Qingshu saw her expression and guessed what she was thinking, "As long as you obediently obey, I won't It works for you."

"Of course." Daiqisi promised hurriedly. At this moment, Song Qingshu's image in her heart is similar to Mingzun's, and she is omnipotent. Since she can't resist him, she might as well obey him so as not to be removed. After the soul became a walking dead.

Song Qingshu saw that Daiqisi had a misunderstanding of the Great Soul Transferring Fa, but this misunderstanding was something he was willing to see, so he didn't explain it either.

On the second day, when the sun hit the tent, Pu Cha Qiucao opened his eyes, feeling very sore and limp, and sat up blankly, suddenly his face flushed, and he could not help but sip: "Bah, how could I have such a dream, or Arguing with Tang Kuo..."

Although Song Qingshu hypnotized her, there were still some fragmentary fragments in her subconscious. Of course, these fragments were too fragmented, she just regarded it as an extremely sweet dream.

Suddenly, she felt something strange in her body. She hurriedly lifted the quilt and found that there was a lot of slimy between her legs, and Xiafei's cheeks: "It's going to be dead, it's going to be dead!"

Not long after she had the coming-of-age ceremony, she had never had any experience in this area. Although she felt a little abnormal in her body, it was only caused by the dream that she had last night. She was so embarrassed that she threw all the clothes away, inside and out. Changed to a brand new one.

But when she got out of bed, she suddenly staggered. Fortunately, she didn't fall down when she quickly supported the edge of the bed with her eyesight. A strange expression appeared on her face: "Just dreaming...does it hurt?"

After spending a while in the tent, Pu Cha Qiucao finally woke up and called a soldier to ask, "Where's the marshal? Why didn't you see a point today?"

On weekdays, she looks brave and heroic, but today, her temperament is a little weaker and haggard. The soldier looked at him in a daze, thinking that he hadn’t noticed that Miss Qiucao was so good-looking before, and he recovered for a while. Come, and replied: "Miss Qiucao, the marshal took a dozen guards out of the camp before dawn."

"Understood, go down." Pu Cha Qiucao nodded, thinking of what the other party said at yesterday's meeting that he should have gone to Yangzhou as an envoy.

Thinking of not having to meet him for a long time, Pu Cha Qiucao secretly sighed. She didn't understand why she had such emotions, she seemed to be very afraid of him subconsciously.

After thinking about it, I couldn't think of any clues. Suddenly, some fragrant fragments appeared in my mind, and the whole person was sitting there suddenly stunned.

Song Qingshu asked Dai Qisi to follow the army back to Daxing Mansion, while she was lightly dressed and took a dozen elite cavalry to Yangzhou. After she got away in Yangzhou, Dai Qisi in Daxing Mansion reappeared as Tang Kuobian, and cooperated with the Gebi sisters to control the court, and at the same time sent Ouyang Feng back together to **** them.

According to Song Qingshu’s solitary temperament, a soldier actually didn’t want to bring him to Yangzhou, but his current identity is not trivial. How can he be the first person in the military and political affairs of the Kingdom of Jin, and there are not a few guards around him, plus this The mission is to go as an envoy, and the whole mission is too shameless for him to be alone.

A group of dozens of people traveled day and night, and arrived in Yangzhou within a few days. Fortunately, these people are elite cavalry in the army, and each of them brought three good horses to replace them constantly, and the speed on the road was no less than that of Song Qingshu on the road alone.

Yangzhou City has been a prosperous resort since ancient times. In the Tang Dynasty, Du Mu had a poem: "A dream of Yangzhou in ten years will win the name of a brothel." The ancients said that there is nothing more joyful in life than "waving a hundred thousand waists and riding a crane to Yangzhou." Since the Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang dug a canal, and Yangzhou resided in the canal, which was the only place for the transportation of water from Jiangsu to Zhejiang. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, it was once again home to the great salt merchants, and the wealth of the world was rich.

Many years ago, when the Manchus entered the Pass, the Ming dynasty finally collapsed in a few double blows between the Manchus and Li Chuang, and Yangzhou was the last city where the Ming dynasty soldiers and civilians resisted the Qing army.

After several days of fierce battle, the Qing soldiers suffered heavy losses, but unfortunately the general situation of the Ming Dynasty was gone, and the city was finally broken. The Qing army chief Duduo was so angry that he ordered the slaughter of the city, causing the appalling "Yangzhou Ten Days" in history.

After years of recuperation, Yangzhou finally gradually recovered to its former prosperity.

Song Qingshu's trip was on behalf of the Jin Dynasty court. Naturally, there was no reason to be sneaky, so he sent someone into the city in advance to inform the Yangzhou officialdom. The governor of the two rivers, Malji, Jiangning governor Ma You, the prefects, the prosecutors, the scholars, the Huaiyang Road, the Liang Road, the Hegong Road, the prefects of Yangzhou Prefecture, the prefects of Jiangdu County, and the military attaches at all levels will welcome the news after receiving the news. Miles away.

Originally Song Qingshu was an official of the Kingdom of Jin. No matter how old the official was, he could not control the people of the Kingdom of Qing. But now the whole world knows that the two countries of Jin and Qing have the same origin and have formed a close offensive and defensive alliance. Song Qingshu is now the military and administration of the Kingdom of Jin. The first person is now very popular in the Jin Country, so these Manchu officials in Yangzhou did not dare to neglect, and they all greeted them, which can be said to have given enough face.

After Song Qingshu had exchanged greetings with a group of officials, he suddenly realized that Li Kexiu, the most important figure, had not appeared, so he deliberately asked, "Hey, why didn't you see Li Kexiu, Li Kexiu, the water and land admiral of Jiangsu and Zhejiang?"

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