Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1005: Surprise and fright

Jiao Wan'er didn't even dare to believe his words, and hurriedly struggled to get up. As a result, she didn't know what method Song Qingshu used to make her feel weak. After several attempts, she did not stand up.

"Master, let me go." Jiao Wan'er blushed and tried to push away the man next to her.

Song Qingshu coveted her face and leaned into her ear and asked softly: "Wan'er, have you missed me during this time?"

Jiao Wan'er blushed, and hurriedly said with a straight face: "Master, please respect yourself!"

"Wan'er, the husband and wife have a hundred days' grace for a day. You turned your face and didn't recognize anyone so soon. I'm too sad for you." Song Qingshu deliberately made a heartbroken look.

Hearing him talk about the old things, Jiao Wan'er's heart was also swayed, but reason prevailed: "The boss, you promised me, as long as I do the things in Yangzhou well, you won't bother me anymore."

Song Qingshu's fingertips glided across her white face, causing her eyelashes to tremble: "But the matter in Yangzhou is not over yet."

Jiao Wan'er thought that the woman was already mature, and now she was steamed by his masculine and hot aura, and her bones were almost crunching, but the remaining sanity in her mind made her still try to refuse: "I can't do the things I'm sorry Brother Luo. ..."

The corner of Song Qingshu's mouth rose slightly, knowing that her line of defense had been loosened: "How can you feel sorry for Brother Luo? You must know that with his martial arts and ability, the number of people who defeated him in the entire Golden Snake Camp is unknown, plus I broke another hand. If it weren't because of you, how could I give him so many opportunities?"

"Looking at the whole world, it is the most important thing for a man to make meritorious deeds. It is Luo Liru. Even if the Luo family's ancestors and ancestors know it, thank you for not having time, how can you feel that you are sorry for him?"

"I..." Jiao Wan'er always felt that there was something wrong in his words, but she couldn't remember it for a while, and she didn't know how to refute it.

Song Qingshu struck the iron while it was hot: "And more importantly, everything you are doing now is for your husband. Is it because of your own sex?"

"Of course not!" Jiao Wan'er retorted hurriedly, blushing.

"That's not enough." Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire his own wit secretly. Things are the same thing, but after doing this, he succeeded in putting the whole thing in a holy name. Looking back, it feels very different. same.

Jiao Wan'er's frowning brows really stretched out a bit: "But this kind of thing..."

Song Qingshu simply interrupted: "Not so much, but only you know and I know about this. I won't talk to your husband, so I guess you won't be so stupid to tell him. Then in his heart, you are still that beautiful. Gentle and good wife, in the eyes of outsiders, you are still a gentle and wise helper, what are you afraid of?"

Jiao Wan'er murmured, "But there is no impermeable wall in the world."

"Why not, don't be fooled by those politically correct words," Song Qingshu comforted, "Our affairs will never be discovered unless..."

"Unless what?" Jiao Wan'er suddenly hung her heart, waiting for his next words, who knew that he would pause on purpose.

Song Qingshu smiled evilly and put her arms around her ears and said, "Unless you got pregnant by me while you were separated from him..."

Jiao Wan'er's cheeks were suddenly red like rose petals, and couldn't help but anger, raised her pink fist and began to beat each other: "How could I be pregnant with your flesh and blood."

Her powder fist was like tickling, Song Qingshu let her beat it, and said, "Why is it impossible?" There is neither Durex nor Okamoto in this world, and Jiao Wan'er can't even know that she has refined Qi. If she would never let a woman conceive unless deliberately, why was she so sure?

Jiao Wan'er's face flushed: "Impossible is impossible. Anyway, don't ask anymore." She thought to herself that she had been married for many years, and she was not a girl who was ignorant. She had her own method of contraception, but the reason was that. Embarrassed with him?

Song Qingshu kept asking, but Jiao Wan'er just blushed and shook her head. Looking at her shy appearance, she couldn't help but move her index finger, bowed her head and kissed her moist red lips.

Jiao Wan'er stiffened all over, and subconsciously wanted to reach out to push him, but his hand reached halfway, but for some reason, it ended up being gently wrapped around his neck.

After a long time, Jiao Wan'er finally got a chance to breathe, and hurriedly seized the time to ask: "Master, is it true that once the matter is here, you won't... stop pestering me?"

Song Qingshu saw her pleading gaze, with pity in her heart: "Of course."

Jiao Wan'er's eyes lit up, and the whole person suddenly felt a little more relaxed. Feeling the oppression of the man on her body, she bit her lip and said, "Wan'er believes that the boss is a great hero with a promise. In return, Wan'er ...Wan'er is willing to...During this period of time, she will do her best to serve the master." After that, she blushed and started to take the initiative to untie the Luo skirt...

Jiao Wan'er would never be so bold if it were in Jinsheying, but now the two are in a foreign country, and there is no acquaintance around, the moral shackles in her heart have finally loosened.

Although she had to succumb to the man in front of her the first few times, she had to admit that although this man was terrible and hateful, but at the same time also had extraordinary charm, especially after the spring breeze with him, she knew that she would never be possible again. Forget about this man.

For so many quiet nights, she woke up from her dreams, and found her body damp with shame, she could only hold the quilt in a daze. Now that the real person is around, I finally don't have to endure the torment.


Afterwards, the two embraced and fell asleep. When they slept in a daze, they were suddenly awakened by the knock on the door outside.

"Who?" Jiao Wan'er got up suddenly, regardless of how her crystal white and tender body was exposed to the air.

Song Qingshu also woke up, patted her pink back lightly, sat up and hugged her from behind, bit her ear and said: "Don't be so nervous, with me by your side, even if it is black and white, I am impermanent. I'll call you back too."

Jiao Wan'er smiled sweetly when she heard what he said. At this moment, she felt inexplicably at ease.

"Wan'er, it's me!"

Hearing what the person outside said next, the two in the room were immediately dumbfounded. It was not black and white impermanence that came here, but it was Luo Liru, the husband of Jiao Wan'er, who was far more troublesome than black and white impermanence!

"What to do, what to do?" Jiao Wan'er suddenly panicked. If her husband saw the scene in the room, she would only be able to feel calm by slaying herself.

Song Qingshu was also scornful, and it seemed that he couldn't be too full in the future, otherwise he would be beaten in the face every minute. Although Luo Liru's martial arts are low-level, he can't kill him, he is not Ximen Qing, he only wants to secretly Jiao Wan'er, how can he want to kill him?

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