Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1006: Considerate

"Wait a minute." Jiao Wan'er was more calm at the critical moment. She first stabilized her husband outside, then pointed to the rear window and signaled Song Qingshu to escape from there.

Song Qingshu suddenly laughed. He didn't expect that he would have such an embarrassing scene, but since he didn't want to do the dirty work of killing his husband and wife, he had no choice but to run away at this time.

Song Qingshu hurriedly began to put on clothes, and threw back the dress that had been scattered on the ground just now to Jiao Wan'er, causing her to make a big blush.

"Why is it so long?" Luo Liru's voice came from outside, obviously a little suspicious.

"Coming soon." Jiao Wan'er pushed Song Qingshu out while buttoning the buttons on the placket, urging: "Go, go!"

When Song Qingshu was leaving, he suddenly pointed to her belly with a weird expression, and asked: "I got a lot in just now. If Luo Liru sees it later, wouldn't it be exposed?"

Jiao Wan'er's cheeks were so red that water dripped out, and while pushing him, said: "Don't worry about it, I have my own way."

"Wan'er!" Luo Liru's voice was obviously impatient.

Song Qingshu knew that he couldn't delay any more, so he ran out from the back window in a hurry with light luck. After going out, he felt uneasy. He was worried that if things were revealed later, Luo Liru would become ashamed and become angry. What would happen to Jiao Wan'er, so he fell under the eaves again. Listen carefully to the movement inside.

Seeing Song Qingshu leaving, Jiao Wan'er behind the door opened the door.

"Why is it so long?" Luo Liru looked at her suspiciously after entering the door.

Jiao Wan'er pulled on the folds of her clothes without showing a trace, and her face responded as usual: "People always wear clothes." Before her husband could continue to speak, she asked first: "It's you, shouldn't you be in Shandong? Why are you here suddenly? Here?"

"Do you not want to surprise you?" Luo Liru laughed.

"There is no surprise, the shock is almost the same." Jiao Wan'er slandered.

"Oh, I'm exhausted. I went all the way to the bottom of Yangzhou City. The city gate was already closed. In order to see you early, I couldn't wait for the city gate to open at dawn, so I deliberately stepped over the city wall and came in." Luo Liru stretched out. I was lazy and went straight to the table and sat down to pour water.

"I'll squeeze your shoulders." Seeing her husband's look tired, Jiao Wan'er felt distressed immediately, and at the same time a sense of guilt came into being. She didn't ask why the other party knew about this place, because she had mentioned it in the letter when the two exchanged family letters before.

"That's great." Luo Liru was overjoyed.

Jiao Wan'er smiled sweetly. Although her husband was shocked, he always made her feel warm. Just about to go over and pinch his shoulders, who knew that just after taking a step, her expression suddenly became very weird. It turned out that the pickled things Song Qingshu left in her body just now flowed out along her thighs, making her whole body very much. Uncomfortable.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, Luo Liru thoughtfully said, "If you are also very tired, forget it, I am tough, it doesn't matter."

"It's nothing." Jiao Wan'er felt more guilty when she heard her husband's words. Regardless of the slimy feeling in her dress, she ran to him and pinched it carefully.

"It's so comfortable~" Luo Liru closed his eyes and showed a trace of enjoyment.

Jiao Wan'er squeezed harder: "You haven't told me why you came to Yangzhou suddenly?"

Luo Liru smiled and said: "Hey, I was sent to work near Muyang not long ago. I saw that Muyang is not very far from Yangzhou, so I took a moment to come here to see you. Will you blame me for negligence?"

"He dare!" Jiao Wan'er snorted subconsciously, thinking that he took so much advantage of your wife. If you embarrass you in this matter, it would be too much.

Song Qingshu on the eaves outside the window couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard these words.

"Why didn't he dare?" Luo Li asked strangely.

Jiao Wan'er realized that she had leaked her mouth. Fortunately, she reacted too quickly and found a way to deal with it in an instant: "I am very familiar with Qingqing and the Ninth Princess. If something really happens on your side, I will ask them to come forward. , The master must dare not violate the meaning of the two of them."

"That's true," Luo Liru said with a smile, and then showed a look of admiration. "The hero of the world has won the favor of the nine princesses and Qingqing, and the Wangwu faction who once did not know how many brothers in the camp The girl Zeng who thinks about her night is really Yan Fu Wushuang."

"Hmph, do you want to learn his three wives and four concubines?" Jiao Wan'er bit her lip, thinking that she still got your wife.

Luo Liru's expression changed, and he hurriedly smiled and said, "How good is Luo Li? I have such a good wife like Wan'er in this life. It has been a blessing for several lifetimes to cultivate. How can I expect anything else."

"Brother~" Jiao Wan'er suddenly choked up, feeling very touched in her heart. This is why even if Song Qingshu is far superior to her husband in martial arts appearance and power, she still firmly defends this marriage.

Staring at Jiao Wan'er's flushing face, Luo Liru only felt that his wife was three points more charming and coquettish than usual. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and hugged her: "Wan'er~"

Song Qingshu on the eaves outside the window suddenly had a heartbeat, thinking that the most troublesome thing was coming, and she didn't know how Jiao Waner would deal with it. If Luo Liru found out something, he would have to go in again to avoid injury to Jiao Wan'er.

Feeling her husband's irregular hands, Jiao Wan'er didn't know what he wanted to do, and hurriedly pushed him away, hesitatingly said: "Senior brother, Wan'er is not very convenient today." Now there is a mess in her dress, and she really wants to undress after undressing. , Even a fool can understand what's going on.

"Why inconvenient?" Luo Liru was startled.

Jiao Wan'er blushed and said, "People...I'm here."

"Uh~" Luo Liru suddenly looked depressed, and he ran over thousands of miles away. As a result, he happened to meet his wife's menstrual period. He had known this a long time ago. There shouldn't be any surprises. Instead, he should write to her in advance and communicate with her. .

Seeing her husband's disappointed expression, Jiao Wan'er felt even more guilty, thinking that she had just served another man to her satisfaction, but she couldn't fulfill her responsibilities as a wife to her husband.

After thinking about it, Jiao Wan'er suddenly pursed her mouth and said, "Brother, I actually have a solution."

"What?" Luo Liru's heart jumped wildly, staring at his wife's lustrous lips, wondering if Wan'er planned to use it...Although they have been married for many years, his wife has always been reserved and conservative, and she has a faint inviolable temperament. When the other party marries himself, he is obviously married. He usually has a great baby. It can be said that he is holding it in his hand for fear of falling, and holding it in his mouth is afraid of dissolving. How dare he make those excessive demands to his wife, sometimes Even thinking about it offended her.

But if he knew that those scenes that he could not even think of had been unlocked countless times by other men, he didn't know how he would react.

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