Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1007: Yangzhou Skinny Horse (third shift)

Jiao Wan'er hesitated in her heart, but after all, her apology prevailed and said: "Wan'er is inconvenient during this time and cannot fulfill his wife's duties. It just so happens that Yangzhou City is most famous for its countless brothels and flower boats. Tomorrow you find a good family to deal with."

Seeing that it was not what he expected, Luo Liru was disappointed at first, but he has heard about the reputation of Yangzhou Brothel for a long time. The reputation of Lichunyuan, Yihongyuan, and Yicui Pavilion, even people in Shandong know, and have heard of Golden Snake for a long time. The brothers in the camp said that Yangzhou Slim Horse is well-known in the world. If you are really lucky enough to taste it, you will have a good reputation in front of the group of brothers.

Suddenly noticing his wife's smiling eyes, Luo Liru immediately woke up and hurriedly stood up: "Wan'er, do you think Senior Brother is such a person? Never mention this matter again."

Jiao Wan'er and Song Qingshu have been together for so long. I don’t know what kind of stuff a man is in. But she is sorry for her husband first, but she can't bear the heart of blame. Instead, she said softly, "Senior brother, you are so worried. I’m not deceiving you, but being considerate of you being born and going to die during this period of time. It’s too hard work. I sincerely hope you can go there and relax. Well, I’ve been in Yangzhou for a while, and I’ve also inquired about a lot of information about Sanjiao and Jiuliu, now in Yangzhou. The best brothel is the Lichunyuan. You can go there tomorrow to find a popular girl to relieve your greed. If I don’t have enough money, I still have it here. Anyway, it was given by the master.”

Seeing that his wife spoke sincerely, Luo Liru realized that she really meant this. He couldn't help but replied subconsciously: "It's not good to go to the brothel with public funds."

He didn't doubt why his wife had money dealings with Song Qingshu. After all, Jiao Wan'er was sent to Yangzhou City by Song Qingshu to play an outpost. He, the husband, also knew that since he came here to play an outpost, the activity funds should always be provided.

"What's wrong, I... I have done so many things for the master, what if I spend a little money on him? Besides, this is what he owes you, even if he knows it, he won't say anything." Jiao Wan'er raised her voice on purpose, as if she knew Song Qingshu was still hiding outside.

"Of course I won't say anything, just treat it as compensation for Luo Liru." Song Qingshu outside the window smiled bitterly. Jiao Wan'er has always been so gentle and pleasant, and he did not expect to have such a small pepper side.

Although Luo Liru thought that Song Qingshu owed him something in his wife's mouth, it was a bit weird, but he didn't take it to heart. At this moment, his attention was all on his wife's money to let him go to the best brothel. The whole thing was too untrue: "Wan'er, are you serious?"

"Naturally it's true," Jiao Wan'er smiled slightly, "I don't mind if a man occasionally plays on the scene, not to mention that you are really working hard during this period of time. I am inconvenient for my body, and I am not as good at understanding as those girls. If you want, they will do it for you."

Luo Liru's moved tears filled his eyes: "Wan'er, don't be so arrogant. There is no more empathetic wife in the world than you."

Jiao Wan'er sighed quietly: "I'm not as good as you think."

Luo Liru immediately said: "No, in my heart, you are the best wife in the world."

"Brother~" Jiao Wan'er also choked up.

Song Qingshu outside the window knew that the storm had passed without danger, and chose to leave silently.

Dodging the soldiers who patrolled the city all the way, and returning to the rows of the Taoist Yamen, Song Qingshu sighed: "Their husband and wife have a deep affection, and the relationship between the husband and wife is so deep, it seems that I am a villain."

Originally decided not to disturb their husband and wife in the future, but could not help but think of all the soft and touching aspects of Jiao Wan'er in the bed just now. For a while, he hesitated, and in this contradictory psychology, she gradually fell into a dream.

When I woke up the next day, news came from Suo'etu, saying that the prefect of Yangzhou hosted a banquet for the two of them today, and invited them to enjoy the honor.

Seeing Suo'etu's bright eyes, knowing that he must be expecting a bribe from the prefect of Yangzhou, Song Qingshu is not very interested in this. After all, his current status is the first person in the Jin Dynasty, Daxing Mansion. The filial piety everywhere in the side is extremely rich, how can this bribe of the prefect of Yangzhou be seen in his eyes.

I was about to refuse, but accidentally learned that in order to please the two imperial envoys, the prefect of Yangzhou had taken great pains to convene the staff to discuss. I heard that these annuities and the senior officials of the Qing Dynasty admired the Han culture very much, and the nobles competed for arty, so they decided to invite two An envoy went to Chanzhi Temple to enjoy flowers. The peony flower in Chanzhi Temple is a famous scene in Yangzhou City. It not only shows the characteristics of Yangzhou, but also is extremely elegant. It must be able to please the two superiors.

"Chanzhi Temple?" Song Qing's writing was extremely strange. Only last night learned from Jiao Wan'er that the envoy of the State of Song had been quietly settled in Chanzhi Temple. She was planning to find out. Who knew that the Yangzhou prefect just hit the door. It was really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it was all effortless.

Song Qingshu came out after washing, and now Suo Etu is sitting in the lobby drinking tea, Yangzhou prefect and others are standing aside respectfully, Song Qingshu frowned, and the notion of equality for all people in the past has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even though he came to this world time It's not short anymore, but he is still not used to this attitude of treating other people as slaves.

Since the Yangzhou prefect of Yangzhou kindly invited them to enjoy the flowers to the banquet, he should give him some face, so Song Qingshu and Yan Yueshen asked him: "I drank too much yesterday and forgot the name of the prefect, I don't know..."

When the prefect of Yangzhou saw that he was the first person in the Kingdom of Jin, he took the initiative to ask for his name, and couldn't help but exasperated: "Return to the marshal, your humble duty... the official Yangzhou prefect Wu Zhirong."

"Wu Zhirong?" Song Qingshu's expression changed. It turned out that this servant was the shameless and corrupt official who betrayed the dealer in the original book "The Deer and Ding Ji", and at the same time almost caused them to be in a different place.

Knowing the identity of the other party, Song Qingshu was not interested in taking care of his feelings, snorted, and sat down next to Suo'etu to drink tea and eat early.

Wu Zhirong didn't know what had offended him, his face was pale but he didn't dare to ask, he was embarrassed to stay there for a while.

Suo'etu smiled and said, "Could it be that this man has offended his brother, or should I let him go home and farm?"

Although the prefect of Yangzhou is not a small official, it was put in Suo'etu's eyes. In order to curry favor with the first power official of the Jin Kingdom who had bowed last night, it would be a pity to be an abandoned prefect.

Wu Zhirong was so frightened that he was completely sifted, and he knelt down with a plop, knocking his head and banging loudly: "Master Suo is good, Master Marshal is good~"

Song Qingshu frowned. There is a prefect of Yangzhou, and there will be ways to rectify him in the future, but not today, so as not to ruin the plan to go to Chanzhi Temple. 8

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