Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1008: Raise the grass and startle the snake

Song Qingshu had an idea in his mind, so he chuckled lightly: "What can this person have to do with me, but hearing his surname is Wu, I can't help but think of the Pingxi King who rebelled in Shanhaiguan, but it really gives our two countries a headache."

Speaking of this matter, Suo Etu also looked sad: "Isn't it, in order to quell the San Francisco chaos, we spent a lot of money and food, mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops, and then had to truce with the Golden Snake Camp, and let Li Kexiu cough. "

Having said that, he immediately realized the faux pas, just haha ​​and passed.

Below, Yangzhou officials, how dare to take this remark, they all watched and watched.

Wu Zhirong hurriedly distinguished himself: "Two adults, Mingjian, although my surname is Wu, I have nothing to do with Wu Sangui's anti-thief."

Song Qingshu said with a smile but not a smile: "Is that right, but I heard that Wu Sangui is from Gaoyou, Yangzhou, and he and Wu Zhifu are fellow villagers."

"No, no, absolutely not," Wu Zhirong's head shook like a rattle. "Although the humble post is a prefect in Yangzhou, he is not a native of Yangzhou. This incident has been recorded by the staff."

"It seems that I blamed the prefect." Song Qingshu drank the tea noncommitantly and let him continue to kneel there.

"I don't dare to be in a humble position." Wu Zhirong was sweating coldly, and he didn't know where he had offended this Jin Guoren and asked him to target him everywhere.

Still Suo Etu came out to make a round: "Since it is a misunderstanding, then Zhifu Wu will get up. We are still waiting to see what program you have prepared today."

"Yes, yes, please, two adults, please." Wu Zhirong climbed up to his feet, bowed his head and bowed to lead the way.

The group of people came to the Chanzhi Temple in a mighty manner. As soon as they got off the sedan chair, they saw a large area of ​​splendid peony flowers outside. The sun shines on thousands of peony plants, brilliant and gorgeous, like a brocade. .

"It really deserves to be a scene in Yangzhou." Suo Etu couldn't help but exclaimed.

Wu Zhirong was proud of his heart. His panic was finally settled. He has always been good at franchising. A few days ago, he set up a flower shed beside the peony garden. He ordered the master craftsman to build a tree with unpeeled pine trees. The upper branches and leaves are still the same. The tables and chairs in the shed are all made of natural trees and stones. The shed is filled with flowers, trees and grass. The bamboo joints are used to divert water and circulate around the shed. If you are in the mountains, the Huatang, which is carved with beams and jade by the wealthy, has a different flavor.

When he thought about it, these two were both in high positions and hadn't seen anything magnificent. I'm afraid I was tired of seeing them long ago. His ingenuity would definitely win the hearts of the two of them.

I don’t know that Song Qingshu had long seen him unpleasant, and deliberately embarrassed him. When he came to the flower shed, he asked in the first sentence: "Why is there a pergola? Ah, yes, it must be the monk from the temple who came up to do the work, and put the flame mouth. , I'll give food to the hungry ghosts here."

Wu Zhirong's hard work was completely in vain, and his expression was very embarrassed. I don't know if he was full of bones or deliberate irony, so he had to laugh with him: "The humble job has shallow knowledge, and the layout here is not intended as an adult. It is really damnable."

Suo'etu next to him also frowned. He didn't expect that his newly formed brother was actually a rough man, and he didn't know how he became the first person in the Kingdom of Jin.

But of course, interest is more important than Fengya. Although he liked Wu Zhirong's layout quite a bit, he echoed Song Qingshu's words, which made Wu Zhirong's heart tremble, and he wanted to find a place to get in.

Song Qingshu saw all the guests standing up and waiting, knowing that he was not their immediate boss after all. If he continued to do it, everyone would be embarrassed, so he greeted them and took their seats. The governor of Liangjiang returned to the government office yesterday, and the governor and chief secretary remained in Yangzhou at this time to accompany the imperial ministers of the two countries. The rest of the guests were either celebrities, or salt merchants who were worthy of fame.

The banquets in Yangzhou are very sophisticated and rich. There are dozens of kinds of tea and fruit just before the banquet. Although Song Qingshu comes from later generations and is knowledgeable, he can't know everything.

After drinking tea for a while, Song Qingshu didn't deal with each other. Everyone saw that he was not very interested. In addition, there were lessons from Wu Zhirong's past, and no one dared to touch him. All of them showed their courtesy to the sketches. He is an exquisite person, and he can't help but feel like a spring breeze when dealing with a few words at will.

Song Qingshu was thinking about the affairs of the messengers of the Song Dynasty, and how to take the opportunity to explore the temple, but suddenly heard an official bragging about Yangzhou's various good things, he couldn't help thinking about it, and suddenly said: "Yangzhou has everything. Okay, but the monk is not good."

Everyone at the banquet looked at each other, wondering what he meant by suddenly saying this. Chief Secretary Mu Tianyan was an obedient and knowledgeable person, and said: "The marshal has seen it very well. The monks in Yangzhou are snobbish, flattering the government, and humiliating the poor. That has been true since ancient times."

This time it was Song Qingshu’s turn to be startled. He had deliberately found faults, but he listened to what the other party meant, and it seemed that there was some allusion in it, so he followed his words and asked: "Yes, Master Mu is a human, knowing that it is written in the book. some."

Mu Tianyan said: "Don't the story of the Tang Dynasty Wang Bobi Sarong's story originated in Yangzhou?"

Song Qingshu had a black thread, and he hadn't heard anything about what the other party said. Fortunately, his role now is a rude Jin Guoren, and he doesn't care about carrying an ignorant name, so he smiled and asked: " What is the story of Huang Bobby Salon."

Suo Etu heard his vulgar remarks and almost choked his throat without a sip of tea. As long as he was a human, few didn’t know this story. However, he was worried that he would not show it because he was the first person to pretend to be the first. I heard it this time.

Mu Tianyan said: "Returning to the Lord, it is Wang Bo, not Huang Bu. This story is from Yangzhou Chanzhi Temple. During the Qianyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, this Chanzhi Temple was called Mulan Courtyard. When the poet Wang Bo was young, he was poor at home. Living in Mulan Yard. The monks in the temple rang the bell when they were eating. When Wang Bo heard the bell, he went to the dining room to eat. The monks hated him, and once everyone ate first, and then rang the bell after the meal. Wang Bo heard The bell sounded, and when I walked into the dining hall, I saw that the monks had already dispersed, and the food had been eaten cleanly."

Song Qingshu originally just asked casually, but he was filled with outrage when he heard this. He patted on the table and said angrily: "The **** monk is hateful."

Suo Etu agreed: "Yeah, how much does it cost to eat a meal? These monks are indeed hateful."

Seeing that aroused the interest of the two imperial servants, Mu Tianyan was overjoyed and continued to tell: "At that time, Wang Bo was ashamed, and wrote a poem on the wall: "I have gone to the church, and I am ashamed to return to the clock after dinner."

"Back to Li?" Song Qingshu was startled.

The officials spent a while with him, knowing that the imperial ambassador from the Kingdom of Jin is not a human at all, and it can be said that he is ignorant, so Mu Tianyan explained very considerately: "Hui Li is a monk."

Song Qingshu scanned the expressions of the people, and guessed their thoughts. He couldn't help but laugh secretly. You really have been wronged this time, not to mention him, even I don't know.

"What happened later?" Song Qingshu asked hurriedly.


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