Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1009: Buddhist Family

Mu Tianyan replied: "Later Wang Bo became a high official, and the court sent him to guard Yangzhou, and he went to Mulan Courtyard. The monks naturally flattered him. He went to see if the poem on the wall was still there. I saw a piece of precious green yarn glued on the wall to cage up the two poems he wrote in order to avoid damage. Wang Bo was very moved, and added two more poems at the end: Thirty years ago on the dusty surface, now Began to get the green sarong."

Song Qingshu frowned and asked, "Did he catch those thieves and slap them?"

Mu Tianyan said: "Wang Bo is a gentleman, so if you want to write a few poems to show some sarcasm, it's fine."

Song Qingshu shook his head and said, "I don't agree with this. A man who stands in the heavens and the earth should naturally be pleased with gratitude. Don't you Han Saint Kong have a word, why should you repay your grievances by virtue? Repay your grievances directly! Instead, it is me. If you don’t, you’ll have to breathe out a nasty breath."

At the beginning, everyone only regarded him as an unlearned and unskilled person, and they secretly mocked how Jin Guo made such an **** become the leader of the military and political affairs, but the power that the opponent rose at that moment just made him wait. The cold sweat broke out, and he looked at him with admiration.

"Master Marshal can not only fight on the battlefield, but also read the Analects of Confucius very well. I really admire and admire me!" Mu Tianyan and others hurriedly flattered, making Song Qingshu feel a little dizzy. No wonder there are so many big people from the past and present. It is unavoidable that the power of this Falun Gong is indeed not trivial.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu kept his purpose in mind, and said: "In that case, we should go to the monastery to see if the poem written by Wang Bo is still there."

A group of officials looked at each other, thinking about what's so good about it, and the ancient Buddha with green lanterns inside, it would be terrible if they swept away the two imperial ministers.

Fortunately, Suo'etu was very face-saving, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I am also interested, brother, let's go and take a look." Yesterday, the two exchanged birthday characters when they bowed to each other. Their daughter Wuyunzhu is so old, Suo Etu is of course older than Tang Kuobian, so he is the righteous brother, and Tang Kuobian is the righteous brother.

A group of people walked into the temple mightily like this. The monks in the temple had long been informed and hurriedly greeted them. Song Qingshu's trip was originally meant to stun the snake, how could these monks lead him around?

Ignore the monks at all, just rushing around. He was familiar with the structure of ordinary temples. He thought that since the envoys of the Song Dynasty wanted to settle down in the temple, they must have lived in the pilgrims’ guest rooms. Therefore, although he seemed to be wandering aimlessly, in fact But he went directly to the guest room.

"All the benefactors, please stay. The front is the place where the pilgrims stay in this temple. There is nothing worth seeing." When Song Qingshu raised his foot to walk into the courtyard, a monk next to him uttered a sweat to stop him.

"This handsome just wants to look around, is there any problem?" Song Qingshu said deliberately, blowing his beard and staring.

"This is probably not very convenient. There are pilgrims inside. If it disturbs their rest, who will come to the temple to add sesame oil after the spread." The monk bit his head and said.

Song Qingshu laughed: "It turns out that I was reading the sesame oil money. Come here, if you give this master five hundred taels of silver, you will be the handsome sesame oil money."

A soldier of the Kingdom of Jin came forward and handed a bag of silver to the monk.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Now I am also a pilgrim, shouldn't it be okay to go in and see the accommodation you provided?"

"This" said the monk hurriedly, "This little monk can't be the master, so he needs to report to his host.

Before he finished speaking, Song Qingshu suddenly became furious: "You have been pushing back and forth. Is there any shameful secret in it? Come on, search for this handsome!"

"Never!" The monk wanted to stop, but was kicked to the ground by the soldier of the Kingdom of Jin on the side, and Song Qingshu stepped in first.

Seeing the nervousness of the monks in the Chanzhi Temple, even Suo'etu and others became suspicious, winked in a hurry, and let his men rush in.

After Song Qingshu entered the yard, he allowed the soldiers to make the various rooms jump around, but stood still and looked around. Soon he noticed a separate house deep in the courtyard, looming in the pine forest.

"It must be here!" Song Qingshu was delighted. Even if Song Dynasty's envoys hide their traces, they are unlikely to live together with ordinary pilgrims outside. As an envoy team, he is still a bit particular in his bones.

This house has a quiet environment and is far from the crowd. It is the best place to stay.

Song Qingshu did not bring many soldiers on this trip. Seeing them searching in these rooms outside, he didn't bother to call them, and he didn't want to call the soldiers under Suo'etu, so he walked to the house alone.

Suo'etu also noticed something abnormal at this time, and ordered his soldiers to surround the entire garden and not to let anyone go. Then he noticed Song Qingshu's behavior and hurriedly led others to follow.

"Huh?" Suo Etu trot for a while, seeing that the distance between Song Qingshu and Song Qingshu was getting farther and farther, and he was secretly surprised that he walked a little faster.

Song Qingshu used the air machine to investigate the entire house in advance, and vaguely noticed that there was someone in a certain room, so he walked straight to that side, didn't knock at the door, and kicked it away.


He originally thought that he could catch one or two of the envoys of the Song State by the way. From their mouths, he could get any information about Li Kexiu's intentions. Who knew that oncoming was a woman's scream.

As soon as this scream screamed, the people in the entire courtyard were stunned. Suo'etu was also staggered and almost fell. How could there be women in this Buddhist temple?

The officials in the Yangzhou area are even more mournful. Under their rule, such scandals happened. Not only were they caught by an imperial minister, they were embarrassed and thrown abroad. The court really held them down. I’m afraid these people. No one has good fruit to eat.

Song Qingshu’s eyes were wide open. The woman in the room had obviously just gotten up. She seemed to have heard the movement in the yard and was preparing to put on clothes. She didn’t know if it was flustered or something. She didn’t put it on for a long time, but she was just wearing it. Half of the time, he broke in.

This woman was born with a beautiful face, and she was about 20 years old. She should have been married by looking at her updo, and her white jade-like cheeks were full of horror at this time.

Song Qingshu recalled what Jiao Wan'er told him about the messenger of the Song Dynasty last night. This woman must be the young lady of Guiyunzhuang Cheng Yaojia. In the original book, he is the disciple of the Quanzhen Sect, the pure disciple Sun Buer, and Ouyang Ke coveted this woman. Fortunately, Guo Jing and Huang Rong helped to keep the beauty of Miss Cheng's innocence.

Later, he fell in love with 6 Guanying at first sight in Niujia Village, and under the auspices of Huang Yaoshi, they became husband and wife.

Seeing the woman in front of her blushing face, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel depressed: "You don't wear clothes on your body, do you need to call it like this?"


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