Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1010: Squeaky

No matter that Song Qingshu is not depressed, if he really sees something, it's all right, but Cheng Yaojia is obviously wearing clothes, just miss the coat.

"Even if I see a picture of a bellyband." Song Qingshu felt really unlucky. He didn't take advantage of it, but he made a commotion.

Cheng Yaojia originally came with her husband, but suddenly she felt a little uncomfortable yesterday. Six Guanying was considerate of his wife. Today, she let her take a good rest in the room and went out with Zhengshi Six You to find out the news.

When she slept in a daze, she suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the door. At first she didn't care about it, but later she heard that it was the Qing soldiers searching. This shock was not trivial. She hurriedly got up and put on clothes, just in time. Come in to Song Qingshu.

She is a very traditional lady, even if she is a little messed up in front of the guests, it is very wrong to her, not to mention the appearance of only wearing pajamas and untidy clothes like now?

In addition, she was originally extremely shy, and she would blush when she talked to strangers. When she was wearing clothes, she suddenly broke in a big man with three big five big faces and big beards. There was a sudden in her mind that she was afraid, subconsciously. Screamed.

"Stop screaming, put your clothes on first, and the others will be coming soon." Song Qingshu whispered to remind people with a glance at Suo'etu and others who trot over.

Cheng Yaojia was startled, unexpectedly he would say this, and subconsciously replied, "Can you turn around?"

Hearing her voice, Song Qingshu trembled all over, thinking that the woman's husband listened to her so sweet voice every day, and he didn't know if he would lose the bones. He couldn't help but laughed and said: "There is nothing to show on your body. Come, why should I turn around? Of course, if you don't want to change, you can, unless you want to be seen by more men right away."

Thinking of the terrible scene, Cheng Yaojia's head shook like a rattle. At this time, even she could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. She had taken care of so much, and she gritted her teeth and blushed at a strange man's. Put the clothes on in front of you.

As soon as he put on his clothes, Suo'etu rushed to him, seeing the woman inside, and his discoloration suddenly changed.

Song Qingshu was the first to say: "Okay, it's no wonder that we were going to come in just now, those monks who were pushing back and forth. It turns out that this is a place where dirt and dirt are hidden. Come here, bring this woman back to me. This marshal will have a good trial. ."

Song Qingshu originally intended to take the opportunity to explore the truth and futility of the emissaries of the Song Dynasty, so as to find out Li Kexiu's true thoughts, but never thought of hurting these emissaries of the Song Dynasty. After all, everyone was Han. If they fall into the hands of the Qing court, the lives and deaths of these people will not be under his control, so he can take the first step to control the other party in his own hands, and it is naturally inconvenient to grab the relationship with him. people.

Suo Etu’s face looked strange, and he had already seen the appearance of the woman in the room. She was handsome, standing there timidly, with a slender waist and a full grip, as if the wind was about to break her, especially her face. The weak and shy temperament that appeared on the top made her heart tempted even though she had always been a bad girl.

"What kind of trial? I'm afraid it's because of people's beauty. I want to take the opportunity to claim it for myself." Suo Etu's belly is slanderous, but the woman in front of him looks like a Han. Of course, he will not give up a righteous brother for a Han woman. Of interest.

"It's so good, take it back and have a good interrogation." Suo Etu laughed, and officials from all walks of life in Yangzhou also agreed.

The people in the field are all human beings, and no one can see Song Qingshu’s thoughts. Originally, if this matter is not handled well, it would be humiliating to the national body. All the officials present except Suo Etu will be unlucky, but now Song Qingshu is concerned about this. If the woman becomes interested, then everything is resolved.

Use this woman as a gift to block his mouth and turn the problem into a graceful thing. Everyone is happy, why not do it?

As for the woman's innocence, who cares about these officials, large and small in the field?

Let Song Qingshu's subordinates tie Cheng Yaojia up.

Cheng Yaojia was about to resist, but suddenly felt that her waist was numb, and she lost all his true energy, and she could only watch her fall into the enemy's hands.

Song Qingshu retracted his fingers into his sleeves without showing a trace. The reason why he made his move was because he didn't want Cheng Yaojia to show martial arts. Now, in the eyes of Suo Etu and others, it is nothing more than a scandal of hiding women in Buddhist temples. I asked her for the past. This matter has already been exposed. No one of these officials will look for boring interest and go to the trial again. Those monks.

But once Cheng Yaojia showed extraordinary martial arts, the matter would be big.

Since she knows martial arts, she obviously will not be a good family woman imprisoned by the Chanzhi Temple. These officials will definitely realize that there is a conspiracy. Once a thorough investigation is carried out, the affairs of the Southern Song envoys will be exposed, and the development of the affairs will not be their own. Can be easily controlled.

A group of people came to the temple to admire the flowers, but they caught a little lady who looked like a jade. Suo'etu knew that his brother-in-law might have already returned home at this time, so he proposed to return to the house to rest and let Song Qingshu take a good look at the prisoner he caught. .

The other officials all showed knowing smiles, and nodded wryly and bowed their heads to **** the two out of the temple.

When the group of them left the yard, a middle-aged man tried to rush over at a corner of the corridor in the distance, but was hugged tightly by the people behind him.

"Guanying, calm down, calm down!"

"Uncle Shi, now Yaojia has been captured by the Qing soldiers, how can you calm me down?"

These two people are the 6th champion and 6th Yu. Although they are not much different in age, according to the family tree of the 6th clan of Shanyin, 6th You is the generation of the 6th champion and uncle.

The two of them originally went to the city to find out about the envoys of other countries, but they learned that a team of officials ran to Chanzhi Temple today. At that time, they felt that something was going to happen. They rushed back, but it was a pity that it was still a step too late.

"Guanying, there are so many soldiers outside now, where can you get Yaojia except to die?" 6 You said hurriedly.

"Do I just watch my wife fall into Tarzi's hands, but do nothing?" At the thought of his wife's beauty and the rumor that Jurchen was lustful, 6 Guanying shuddered.

"Of course it's not doing nothing. We were divided into two groups. One side contacted Li Kexiu and asked him to come out and rescued the other side. Then we called in good hands. When the enemy was unprepared in the dark, we rushed to the place where they left to save people." 6 Tour Say quickly.

6 Guanying was a bit calmer: "Uncle Shi is thoughtful, well, we will act in two separate ways."

Song Qingshu and his party left the Chanzhi Temple and saw Cheng Yaojia being sent to his sedan chair "thinkingly". They couldn't help but smile. Power is really a good thing. You don't have to say anything, and someone will do it for you. Consider everything.

Wu Zhirong was uneasy because of today's affairs, and suddenly felt that his future was dim, and his whole body was totally desolate, and he unknowingly fell behind the large army.

At this moment, there was a sweet voice from the bush nearby: "Wu Zhirong, you dog thief, today I will take your life to comfort the spirit of the dealer up and down in the sky!"


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