Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1011: Shy young lady

I saw a young girl suddenly burst out of the bushes, and pierced Wu Zhirong's chest with a sword.

Wu Zhirong looked back, only to feel the cold in front of him, and he was so frightened. He lags behind the large army, and he doesn’t know martial arts. The opponent’s sword has been gaining momentum for a long time. He was already doomed, but he was as timid as a mouse. When he was frightened, his legs suddenly weakened. The whole person could no longer stand unsteadily, and Gu Lulu rolled down from the ladder in front of the temple, and by chance, escaped the sword of the girl.

The girl stabbed into the air, and she couldn't help being stunned. She originally thought that she would kill with one blow, and she fleeed for a long distance. Who knew that she had missed her hand, and she might even be in danger if she didn't retreat in time.

Just thinking of the dealer's blood and blood, she bit her teeth and still chased her with her sword. She would rather die with Wu Zhirong than watch him get away with it.

But at this time, the nearby guards had already reacted, and hula la and surrounded her. Although the girl was brilliant, the guards around the ministers of Jin and Qing were so good, and soon they were dangerous.

Song Qingshu had already seen the girl's appearance at this time, and was shocked. Isn't this the pair that hasn't been seen for a long time? Why did she come to Yangzhou? Just as he was about to say something to stop his subordinates, Suo Etu had already spoken first: "Don't hurt that woman, catch alive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl had been blocked by the guard from behind, and then several steel knives were directly placed on her neck.

Song Qingshu hesitated. Shuang'er was already restrained at this time. Unless he opened his hand, he would definitely not let her go without secretly helping her in full view, and listening to what Suo Etu said just now, it was obvious that he was still thinking about his relationship with Wei Xiaobao. Shuang'er will not be in danger for the time being in his hands. If that is the case, first stop and wait for a chance to save her after returning to the Daotaiyamen.

Suo'etu coughed, and commanded his guards: "Bring this woman back. I have to interrogate her for any conspiracy, and if there are any other accomplices."

While talking, she winked at Shuang'er quietly, telling her not to make senseless resistance and hurt herself. Shuang'er also recognized Suo'etu at this time, she was ice and snow smart, and naturally understood that the other party was not malicious, so she nodded without showing a trace.

Although the small movements between the two were concealed, they could not be hidden from the eyes of the caring person. Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and a big stone fell to the ground in his heart.

However, these people in the Yangzhou officialdom looked weird at this time, thinking that the grandfather of the Kingdom of Jin caught a beautiful little lady and took it back for "interrogation", and the grandfather of the Qing Dynasty caught a beautiful little girl and brought it back for "interrogation." , Hey, what on earth do you want to do, when we are fools?

These words can only be thought of in their hearts, how can they dare to say a word? He didn't even dare to show any expressions, but very intimately offered to send the two adults back to Taiyamen?

Embracing the two beautiful ladies must be anxious to do something, who would take up the time of the two adults so unsightly?

Cheng Yaojia was placed in Song Qingshu’s sedan chair. Shuang'er was originally placed in Suo'etu's sedan chair. However, Suo'etu had bowed to Wei Xiaobao back then. If the wind reaches Kangxi’s ears, it’s okay. How dare you do it? This kind of thing under melon fields and plums.

Originally wanted to let the twins stay in the sedan chair and ride their horses by themselves, but the other party is now an assassin, and it was too obvious for him to do so, so Suo Etu had to let the guards press the twins to follow behind.

Song Qingshu frowned. He couldn't bear to see the crime suffered by both of them, and he said, "This girl looks so delicate and it is hard for people who don't know to believe that she is an assassin. The common people saw it, and they might secretly arrange our robbing girls, which would inevitably hurt the court’s face. I don’t like this. I specifically set aside a sedan chair and tied her up inside, so that she won’t be caught by the city. The people here see."

Suo Etu had this meaning originally, and he was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Brothers want to be thoughtful, so let's do it."

Everyone in the officialdom of Yangzhou looked at each other, thinking that this was a treatment of the prisoner or the eldest daughter, you guys are very high-sounding, are you afraid that the little beauty will be damaged by the sun? However, the two imperial envoys had talked, how could they object to it, and soon some officials even took the initiative to give up their sedan chair to Shuang'er.

Seeing that Shuang'er had been placed, Song Qingshu relieved his heart and stepped directly into his sedan chair.

Seeing that the door curtain was opened, Cheng Yaojia visibly trembled, and said tremblingly, "Don't come here."

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "In this broad daylight, there are so many people outside, and I won't do anything to you."

Cheng Yaojia trembled more severely, and said weakly: "When there is no one, will you be plotting against me?"

Song Qingshu sat down and laughed, "It depends on how you perform."

Cheng Yaojia hurriedly turned sideways, as if it was a great crime to be touched by him, but it was a pity that the sedan chair space was only so large, it would be difficult for her to hide from him.

"I'm not going to sit down." Cheng Yaojia blushed, didn't dare to look in his eyes at all, and hurriedly stood up. Her acupoints were sealed, and the zhenqi in her body could not be lifted, but it did not affect her daily actions.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the sedan chair was just getting up, and Cheng Yaojia's center of gravity was unstable and directly rushed into Song Qingshu's arms.

Song Qingshu only felt the fragrant wind, and a soft body fell into his immediate arms, and suddenly looked at her with a sorrowful expression: "So you want to sit in my arms. You said it earlier, why are you doing this? ."

Cheng Yaojia was so anxious that she almost cried: "Nonsense, I am not"

Song Qingshu eased his arms and hugged her directly: "Since I have been favored by beautiful women, I'm not welcome."

Cheng Yaojia exclaimed and hurriedly struggled: "You let me go!"

But when she was weak, she moved a bit. Seeing her eyes full of tears, Song Qingshu said at the right time: "You answer one of my questions first, and I will consider letting you go."

Cheng Yaojia hurriedly said, "Then you can ask."

Listening to her angry voice, Song Qingshu thought that such a woman was born to be spoiled by men, and any man who saw her tender and timid appearance would inevitably raise a wave of protection.

"What's your name?" Although she roughly guessed her identity, she still needs to confirm it again.

"My name is Cheng" Cheng Yaojia said in a low voice, lowering her head.

Song Qingshu has been waiting for her to continue, who knows that she only said a surname and then no more text. She couldn't help but depressed and said, "What about her first name?"

Cheng Yaojia shook her head, and was asked several times before whispering: "We Han people's rules, except for parents, can only tell her husband to know the names of girls."


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