Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1012: Resistance and interest

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing. She was truly a lady of Jiangnan: "Huh, I am a Jurchen, and I don't have to follow the rules of your Han people. Tell me quickly."

Cheng Yaojia pursed her mouth, just shook her head.

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes and smiled: "I understand. It turns out that you clearly want to sit in my arms, but you are embarrassed to say that, so you deliberately use this method to let me continue to hold you, don't you?"

"No!" Cheng Yaojia said anxiously, as if to prove her innocence, she continued, "My name is Cheng Yaojia, can you let me go now?"

"Cheng Yaojia, it's really a beautiful name," Song Qingshu exclaimed, "Didn't you just say that your name can only be told to your husband besides your parents? Now that you told me, do you want me to be your husband? ?"

Cheng Yaojia was ashamed and angry: "Obviously you forced me to say it! Besides, I already have a husband."

"What does it matter if you have a husband? Just get divorced, and then I will take you back to the Kingdom of Jin, so that you can enjoy the taste of Madam Yipin." Song Qingshu said with a smile, and at the same time sighed in her heart that her cynic temperament is really a headache. Under control, it's overwhelming.

"I don't want it!" Cheng Yaojia worried that the situation in the sedan chair would be seen by more people, so her instinctive scream made her lower her voice.

Noting her behavior, Song Qingshu was even more confident. Such a woman seemed easy to deal with.

"Since you don't want a divorce, that's okay. I don't mind you and your husband continuing to be a husband and wife. That kind of strong sense of accomplishment and conquest will make me like it more." Song Qingshu thought that she was pretending to be anyway. A golden barbarian, a bit vulgar, but also echoes the character.

"You are shameless!" Cheng Yaojia flushed with anger, but it's a pity that she is a weak woman. At this time, she has no resistance at all and can only try to reason with him. "Aren't you golden guys claiming to be the most faithful? Didn’t you just say that as long as I answered your question, you would let me go?"

Song Qingshu stretched out his finger and shook in front of her: "I want to correct it. I just said that you answered the question. I can consider letting you go. I didn't say that I would let you go."

"You!" Cheng Yaojia was trembling with anger. She had never seen such an abominable person in her life, I am afraid she could be compared with the previous Ouyang Ke.

Song Qingshu said: "Well, let's answer me a few more questions, and I will let you down, how about?"

"No!" Cheng Yaojia turned his head altogether, "You don't talk about faith at all. Even if I answer you, you won't let me down."

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "If you answer me, maybe I will let you down. If you don't answer, I won't let you down. How can you know if you don't try? Is it true that you like to stay in my arms as I said before? in?"

"Bah, shameless!" Cheng Yaojia blushed.

"Then I will assume that you agree to our deal," Song Qingshu's voice suddenly became serious. "After you came to Yangzhou, have you met Li Kexiu, Admiral of Jiangsu and Zhejiang?"

Cheng Yaojia was shocked, and he blurted out subconsciously: "How do you know?" He said that this was only a momentary error, so he hurriedly stopped speaking.

Song Qingshu replied: "Don't worry about how I knew it. Anyway, you know, otherwise you think I really went to the temple to enjoy the flowers?"

Cheng Yaojia bit her lip: "You give up, I won't say it."

"Even if I keep holding me like this?" Song Qingshu said and took her arms around her waist, but she felt that her lower abdomen was flat and there was no trace of fat on her lower abdomen. , The figure is maintained so well.

Cheng Yaojia was trembling all over by him, but now she was full of national justice, thinking that she would never be able to get information from Jin Guotazi, so she just closed her lips and refused to say another word.

"Xiao Nizi is stubborn," Song Qingshu didn't care. "It seems that just holding you can no longer make you scared, so let's change the way of playing, from now on I will count, if you still refuse Say, every dozens of times I will take off a piece of your clothes, what do you think?"

Cheng Yaojia's figure trembled, and there was obvious fear in her eyes.

"Nineteen Eighty Seven"

With every count of Song Qingshu, Cheng Yaojia's eyes felt more struggling, but this fact was of great importance, and if the secrets were leaked, she could not bear the consequences at all.

"It seems that you don't mind being undressed." After the count, Song Qingshu sneered and put his fingers on the button of her neckline.

You should know that apart from her husband, there has never been a second man who has touched her like this. Cheng Yaojia felt the other person's hand stretched out on her clothes.

Song Qingshu deliberately slowed down the movements, which magnified Cheng Yaojia's suffering several times.

Undressing is not an end, but a means to force her to submit. Cheng Yaojia didn't have a few clothes all over her body. If she was taken off too soon and her psychological defense had not been defeated, it would be a bit embarrassing.

After all, Song Qingshu just wanted to know the contact between the Song Dynasty envoys and Li Kexiu, but didn't really want to insult the shy and shy woman in his arms.

Taking off her outermost dress, Song Qingshu deliberately took it in front of her nose and smelled it: "It's really scented, I don't know if the last one will be more scented."

After saying these words, Song Qingshu himself was very cold, why did he sound like a villain who molested a good woman? Fortunately, it was Tang Kuobian's identity at this time, and even if it was spread out, he would not be afraid, otherwise he would have no face to mess with the rivers and lakes in the future.

Being so deliberately stimulated by him, Cheng Yaojia was ashamed and indignant, opening her mouth was just a bite, trying to bite off her tongue and kill herself in order to maintain her innocence.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu was worried about stimulating her too hard. He kept paying attention to her reaction, and put his finger in her mouth at the very moment, preventing her from biting her tongue.

However, the bite force of the human teeth is so amazing, Song Qingshu was not worried that the internal force would hurt her, so he used **** to withstand her desperate bite.

"Hiss" Song Qingshu took a breath.

Seeing that the suicide failed, Cheng Yaojia not only did not let go, but continued to bite even harder.

"Hey, are you a dog!" Song Qingshu couldn't help it anymore, stretched out his hand and brushed her chin, so that her mouth couldn't use force, and then he had the opportunity to take the finger out of her mouth, with a depressed expression on her face. , "There is still bleeding."

Looking at the deep tooth marks on it, Cheng Yaojia didn't expect this to be his own masterpiece. At first, he showed a shy expression of embarrassment, but when he thought of the hatefulness of the man behind him, his guilt disappeared, and instead he had a small face. Yiyang, a proud look on his face.

Seeing her expression, Song Qingshu suddenly lost his anger, his brain heated up, and he squeezed it to her chest: "Huh, I have to collect some interest!"


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