Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1013: Gentlemen and ladies

Cheng Yaojia stopped immediately, and her pride stiffened on her face.

The soft touch made Song Qingshu's stomach disappear in an instant, replaced by a deep sense of embarrassment, always feeling that he did not seem to be authentic.

"Huh, this is a punishment for your behavior just now." Song Qingshu retracted his hand sternly, coughing twice and hurriedly changed the subject, "We continue the agreement just now, if you don't say it dozens of times, don't blame me for being polite ."

Cheng Yaojia's entire mind was blank, and that pure land that only her husband could touch was so defiled by this man?

She kept thinking about this in her mind, so that Song Qingshu didn't react until she counted ten.

"It seems that you don't care about being taken off by me." Song Qingshu was also depressed. Why is this woman so stubborn? Just tell me that it's over. She has to get to the point where she is riding a tiger.

"No!" Cheng Yaojia put her hands on her chest, trying to prevent him from taking off the second clothes.

"Then I will ask again, if you tell me, I won't bully you like this anymore." Song Qingshu said softly.

Cheng Yaojia shook her head, but hugged her hands tightly.

Song Qingshu frowned, wondering if I still can't do anything with you, the eldest daughter?

Reaching out and brushing her elbow, Cheng Yaojia felt her hands numb for a while, she could no longer hold her chest, and dropped weakly.

Song Qingshu deliberately snorted, and then reached out and cut into her skirt, taking off her second dress. Although he was careful enough, he still couldn't stop it, but it was inevitable that he would occasionally touch her body.

Cheng Yaojia's face was red like a rose, Song Qingshu was also embarrassed, so she had to say: "You have to think carefully, you only have the last piece of clothing left on you now. If you refuse to answer again, I'm afraid you will be honest with me. See you."

Although Song Qingshu knew that she should still be wearing a bellyband inside, this was not the age when bikinis were everywhere in the previous life. If her bellyband was exposed in front of a strange man, it would be no different from being naked.

"You kill me!" Cheng Yaojia's lips were almost bleeding.

Song Qingshu knew that continuing to ask questions with her current emotions would have no effect, so she changed her strategy and did not rush to count. Instead, she changed a soft tone and said to her: "Miss Cheng"

"I'm already married!" Cheng Yaojia snorted coldly.

"Well, Mrs. 6," Song Qingshu cleared his throat, "I don't know why you are so stubborn, and you don't want to say that you are fighting for your innocence."

Cheng Yaojia gritted her teeth and said, "Compared with the righteousness of the nation, what is my personal innocence!"

Song Qingshu was in awe at once, but she didn't expect her to be weak and coquettish on the outside, but so staunch in her bones.

After a long silence, Song Qingshu sighed: "It's me Meng Lang. If there is any offense, I hope Madam will forgive me."

After speaking, she put the clothes she took off, one by one, but Cheng Yaojia didn't know, so she turned her head and looked at her in surprise.

"Madam, don't be surprised. The reason why I did this just now was just to get information from my husband. Madam has a righteous heart. Even if I take off your clothes, it doesn't make much sense." Seeing that Cheng Yaojia blushed when she heard this. Song Qingshu smiled and said, "I admire the madam's Zhenlie and her breasts, so I don't want to continue to offend. Now that there are too many people outside, it is inconvenient for me to let you go, but you can rest assured that after dark, I will Find a chance to let you go."

"Really?" Cheng Yaojia looked at her incredulously.

Song Qingshu sternly replied: "Since I respect Madam, how can I lie and lie again."

"You didn't lie to me less," Cheng Yaojia muttered in a low voice. Seeing Song Qingshu's helpless face, he smiled shyly, "Thank you!"

"It won't be vain to get a real smile from my wife," Song Qingshu sighed.

Cheng Yaojia's face flushed, and her voice was faint: "Could you please let me get up first and speak"

Sitting in Song Qingshu's arms, she faintly felt that she was being pestered by something. She was no longer a girl in her boudoir, and she still didn't know what was going on. The masculine and oppressive feeling made her voice tremble.

Song Qingshu was startled, and immediately realized something. Compared to Cheng Yaojia's shy face, he was much more open-minded. He let go of his hand and smiled and said: "The natural reaction of the body, I hope Madam will not be offended."

Cheng Yaojia gave a hum, and after getting up, she stood there with her head down, her eyes fixed on the feet, her hands kept holding the corners of her clothes, she didn't even dare to look at him directly.

However, there was an unexpected thought in her mind at this moment: Although this man was rude in appearance, he was so careful that he didn't expect his daughter's clothes to be dressed perfectly.

Seeing her restrained, Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed, and patted the chair beside him: "Aren't you tired from standing like this? Come sit down."

Cheng Yaojia didn't dare to throw himself into the trap, and immediately shook his head like a rattle.

After a start, Song Qingshu suddenly reacted, "It's me, Meng Lang, so why would you sit with other men, so let's sit there and I stand."

While talking, he stood up and gave her the chair.

"Sit down by yourself." Cheng Yaojia was still a little bit uncomfortable at this time. The former fierce Jin Guodan suddenly turned into a modest and courteous gentleman. Let her mind become bigger. I also don't understand what's going on.

"There is a custom in our hometown, ladies first." Song Qingshu couldn't help but squeezed her shoulders and pressed her onto the chair, sitting on the floor opposite her.

Cheng Yaojia was embarrassed to look at him, before recognizing his face, and whispered: "I find you don't seem to be that bad."

Song Qingshu smiled playfully: "Someone called me just now for being mean and shameless."

Cheng Yaojia's face was hot, and he subconsciously murmured: "You were a bit shameless in those behaviors just now."

Song Qingshu knew that he had been a little too much just now, and he smiled slightly when he heard the words, and did not argue, just looking at her white and pink face quietly.

A red line visible to the naked eye rushed to Cheng Yaojia's neck, and he was staring at him so intently that he was obviously shy to the extreme.

"What is your name?" Cheng Yaojia was uncomfortable when he saw him, and hurriedly said to divert her attention.

"Song Keke, my name is Tang Kuobian." Song Qingshu almost missed it.

"Oh." After Cheng Yaojia said oh, there was nothing more, just staring at the car wall quietly, looking at the outside scenery from the gap near the window.

Seeing that she was silent, Song Qingshu was also happy to admire the quiet picture of a lady in front of him. The two of them looked at people one by one, the other looked out the window, and unknowingly they had returned to the Daotaiyamen.

I want to update my diligence during these days, so let’s pull the guaranteed monthly pass in your hands.


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