Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1014: Mandarin Duck Jinpa

As soon as the sedan chair stopped, Cheng Yaojia was caught off guard, because of inertia, she threw herself into Song Qingshu's arms. The sedan chairmen who were originally sent to him were all experienced people, and they were safe to pick up and stop the sedan chair, but it was a pity that Cheng Yaojia was so flustered by Song Qingshu that he didn’t notice that the sedan chair stopped. This was a coincidence. The earth fell into Song Qingshu's arms again.

Song Qingshu admired her as a person, and did not take advantage of her this time, but gently helped her up: "Be careful, Madam Lu."

"Thanks...thanks." Originally in Cheng Yaojia's heart, the man was stinky, even her husband Lu Guanying was the same. Every time her husband didn't bathe several times, she didn't even let him enter her room, but This man has a nice smell, which is different from any expensive incense in the world, but a natural smell. If you have to compare something, it is the smell of sunlight.

"Next, I am afraid I will be wronged by my wife. Under the full view of the public, it is always inconvenient for me to treat my wife as a guest." Through the neckline, Song Qingshu can vaguely see her white and slender neck gradually blushing. She couldn't help but laugh secretly. In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", she was extremely shy and shy. She didn't expect to be so shy after marrying for so many years.

"I understand." Cheng Yaojia hummed.

Now that she had notified her in advance, Song Qingshu did not delay anymore, planning to find a rope to symbolically tie her hands, at least to make her look like a prisoner.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu looked around for half a day for the rope in the sedan chair, and finally set his eyes on the ribbon around her waist.

Noting that he was staring at his belt, Cheng Yaojia panicked and asked hurriedly, "What are you looking for?"

Song Qingshu explained to her, Cheng Yaojia took a sip, thinking that this person is really absurd, how can I untie the belt and give it to you?

"I have a handkerchief here, do you think it will work?" Cheng Yaojia took out a snow-white scarf from her arms and looked at him timidly.

"It's so good." Song Qingshu also felt that the belt of the daughter's family was too sensational. As a result, the silk scarf was a very expensive embroidery. There was also a pair of mandarin ducks embroidered on the corner of the silk scarf. He couldn't help laughing. I'm afraid the handkerchief is a pair."

Cheng Yaojia's face flushed.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Hmm, and said in an inaudible voice: "This was originally embroidered for Lu Lang, but he was too heavy in the powder, so I didn’t want to carry it on him, so I just did it by myself. Put it away."

"Zunfu is too puzzled." Song Qingshu couldn't help but said.

Cheng Yaojia said anxiously: "Don't... don't allow you to speak ill of him!"

"It was me who was abrupt." Song Qingshu smiled, no longer defending, tied her hands casually, and then led her out of the sedan chair.

The officials outside had been waiting for a while, and when they saw him leading Cheng Yaojia out, there was an ambiguous look on each face, and they looked at the two in a playful manner.

Song Qingshu could guess what nasty thoughts were in these people's minds without even thinking about it, but he didn't care about it, so he started socializing with them at will.

The court is full of exquisite generations of seven orifices. How could they take up the time of the two senior officials in this stall? After a long chat, they left one after another. Song Qingshu looked at Shuang'er worriedly, and found that apart from a somewhat frustrated surprise on her face, she also appeared to be in good spirits. Suo Etu obviously had something on his mind, and after a few words with Song Qingshu, he took the twins back to his own hospital.

Song Qingshu led Cheng Yaojia back to her room and unwrapped the handkerchief in her hand, but did not return it to the other party. Instead, he took it into his arms: "Madam, I really like the embroidery skills. I wonder if Madam can send me?"

Cheng Yaojia couldn't help being ashamed, thinking that I embroidered this for her husband, stitch by stitch. What's the matter for you, but the other party has already put the handkerchief in the placket, so she can't get it back, and in case of anger If you lose the other party, you will lose more than you gain.

Thinking like this in her heart, she had to pretend not to mind and say: "You can take it if you like it."

Song Qingshu was proud of her. This Nizi was too thin-skinned. If she really asked me to go back, I would be embarrassed to take it. Now that she agreed, the exquisite embroidered handkerchief would laugh at it herself: "Mrs. Lu, You rest here for a while, I have something to go out."

Cheng Yaojia said in a low voice, Song Qingshu walked out, and walked back uneasy after taking a few steps: "Mrs. Lu, what do you think of my character?"

Cheng Yaojia glanced at him quietly, and replied in a low voice: "You don't seem to be like the rumors of the Golden State Tartarians.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Damn it. "

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled: "Since Madam believes me, it’s okay. I respect Madam’s Zhenlie, so I decided to let Madam. But now there are countless pairs of eyes staring inside and out of this Taiyamen. I’m inconvenient to let you go right away. I can only wait for the wind to pass, and then find a chance to let you go, so please be at ease here, Madam, if you try to escape and are caught by the guards again, it will be even more difficult for me to let you go."

Cheng Yaojia originally had doubts whether the other party was deliberately deceiving him, but then he thought, if the other party really wants to plot against him, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, and at this time he has a sincere tone, and he really doesn't look like a wicked person, so he thought about it. No more doubting, he replied softly: "Don't worry, I won't run around."

Song Qingshu thought to himself: This woman is really like a little white rabbit. She believes in others so easily. If she really has any conspiracy to sell her, she doesn't know.

After coming out of the room, Song Qingshu declined the kindness of the guards to follow, and walked around the courtyard where Suo'etu was. In order not to disturb the rest of the two imperial ministers as much as possible, the guard policy of Daotai Yamen is to guard the outside and the inside. There are heavy guards outside, and there are far fewer guards in the house. So with Song Qingshu's light work, as long as you be careful, it is not difficult to avoid the guards in the yard.

The main reason why he was so anxious to come and investigate was because he couldn't worry about his safety. Although Suo'etu and Wei Xiaobao are married brothers, theoretically speaking, he shouldn't be embarrassed by them. However, I have never seen people taking the tea cold. If there is any accident, it is really regrettable.

I cautiously touched the window of Suo'etu's room, and just heard Suo'etu's voice inside, saying: "Shuang'er, after all, you are publicly assassinating the court commander. I can't let you go in full view, not to mention that the next yard is still there. The Grand Marshal who lives in Jin Country, if he asks, I can't explain it. So I plan to wait until the evening and let you out secretly when no one is paying attention."

Shuang'er replied, "Brother Suo is in trouble."

Suo Etu sighed, "None of us are outsiders. Now that Brother Wei has gone, I can't watch you being bullied."

I never heard Shuang'er's response. After a while, Suo Etu said, "I almost forgot, Shuang'er, you and Brother Song are now..."

(End of this chapter)


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