Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1015: Contradictory young lady

Before the Tong family in the capital bullied Shuang'er, Song Qingshu would rather offend a meritorious family in order to give her a chance. If there is nothing between the two, Suo Etu would not believe it first.

"Brother Suo~" Shuang'er was embarrassed and embarrassed.

Suo Etu laughed and said: "Shuang'er, you don't have to be shy. Anyway, whether it is Brother Wei or Brother Song, I am my own, the same hahaha..."

Song Qingshu smiled knowingly, this Suo'etu is really good at figuring people's hearts. After listening for a while, knowing that Shuang'er was safe, he chose to leave quietly, and waited until night to rescue her.

\\t Going back to her room, she found that Cheng Yaojia did not leave, she was sitting by the window, twisting the corners of her clothes, looking out the window in a daze.

\\t Hearing the movement at the door, Cheng Yaojia looked like a frightened rabbit. It was not until he saw that Song Qingshu came in that he was relieved: "Are you back?"

\\t Song Qingshu couldn't help but dale: "Your tone sounds like a little daughter-in-law who welcomes her husband home."

\\t Cheng Yaojia’s smile that just floated at the corner of her mouth froze, and she turned her back directly to him: "Why are you like this~"

\\t Song Qingshu knew that she was really angry, but even her angry tone was so charming, it really made people's heart quicker.

\\t "Our Jurchens are different from your Hans, so we will say directly what we think of, unlike your Hans," Song Qingshu has been playing Tang Kuobian for a long time, and it can be said to be handy at this time. Even the tone of voice is not bad in imitating, "If you offend Madam because of this, please don't mind Madam."

\\t Cheng Yaojia realized that the man in front of him was the Jurchen Tartar who was famous for his wickedness. Naturally, he didn't know the boudoir taboos of Han women. Hearing his sincere tone, he became embarrassed and said apologetically, "It's me. Too sensitive."

\\t "You are in the enemy camp, it is normal to be more sensitive." Song Qingshu walked to her, pulled a chair and sat down, "When I caught you today, I am afraid that you are sleeping, so I must have arrived. I haven't eaten anything yet. I have ordered the kitchen to prepare a few small dishes, which should be delivered soon."

\\t Seeing Song Qingshu sitting down next to him, her boudoir etiquette made Cheng Yaojia subconsciously want to stay away from him, but thinking that the other party also specially prepared food for herself, her behavior would be too hurtful.

\\t hesitated for a while, Cheng Yaojia still did not move his **** away after all, wait

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) After listening to the other party's words, he subconsciously waved his hand and said: "No, I'm not hungry..."

\\t The body seemed to be against her. Before she finished speaking, there was a gurgling sound in her stomach. Cheng Yaojia felt that she was embarrassed at home today, and her face was flushed with shame, wishing there was a drill on the ground. Go in.

\\t Song Qingshu didn't seem to have heard it, and said with a smile: "Madam is not hungry, but I am hungry. After a busy day, I haven't had time to eat. Madam will be with me."

\\t Cheng Yaojia knew that he deliberately said this for the sake of saving his own face, and she felt grateful: "Okay... okay."

\\t Soon someone delivered the prepared things. Cheng Yaojia looked at the table full of exquisite dishes in surprise, thinking that these are the "a few side dishes" in his mouth?

\\t Seeing her stunned and very cute, Song Qingshu smiled knowingly: "Madam, you don't need to be polite, you can pick whatever you want to eat, and treat it like your own home."

\\t Cheng Yaojia couldn't help but roll his eyes, wondering if I can treat you here as my own home? But seeing the fragrant food on the table, she hesitated for a moment, and finally picked up the chopsticks.

\\tSong Qingshu sighed when she saw her eating slowly. This woman is really a lady among the ladies. She didn’t make a sound from beginning to end when she ate, and she didn’t even let me see it when she opened her mouth. She was indeed a Jiangnan water town. The bred ladies.

\\t "Why are you alone in Chanzhi Temple today? Where did your husband and them go?" After all, they were not used to the quiet atmosphere during dinner, Song Qingshu took the opportunity to ask.

\\t "What do you want to ask?" Cheng Yaojia put down the table and chopsticks immediately, staring at him warily.

\\t Song Qingshu was startled at first, and then wanted to understand her thoughts, and couldn't help but smile wryly: "I'm just worried that they won't see you when they come back, and they will go crazy."

\\t "Don't you wait until the evening to let me go, he should be able to survive this time." Cheng Yaojia still answered perfectly, without revealing any information.

\\t Song Qingshu said: "Madam is really careless. If I really want to catch them, I will just leave someone in an ambush at the Chanzhi Temple just now. Do you think I do this kind of thing?"

\\t Cheng Yaojia murmured: "Maybe you sent someone else to do it."

\\t Song Qingshu shook his head: "You are by my side from beginning to end. Have I sent someone? You should know best. Not to mention the body of your Song Dynasty delegation.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) At present, only I know about it. The officials of the Qing Dynasty thought you were the female relatives hidden by the prostitutes of Chanzhi Temple. If I really wanted to harm you, how could I deliberately conceal you? Identity? "

Cheng Yaojia raised her head to look at him, her eyes gleaming: "You are from Jin Country, why would you help us?"

\\t Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "The interests between nations are quite complicated, and it is difficult to explain clearly to the wife for a while. When the time is right in the future, the wife will naturally know."

\\t "It turned out to be like this." Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Cheng Yaojia was too embarrassed to ask any more.

\\t Song Qingshu continued: "Actually, the reason why I asked Zunfu about his situation was mainly because he worried that after he returned to Chanzhi Temple, we learned that you were caught by us. It’s no secret that I will take you back to the Taoist Yamen. If he comes here to rescue you, it will be in trouble. Daotai Yamen lives in Jin and Qing’s imperial envoys, and there are countless expert guards inside and out. The entire Daotai Yamen and Longtan Tiger’s Cave are probably worse than Longtan Tiger’s Cave. Not much. It’s not the ability of my low-minded husband. If he really comes here, not only will he not be able to save you, but he will be trapped instead.”

\\t Song Qingshu didn't say a word, Cheng Yaojia's expression turned white. When she heard the end, she couldn't help panicking: "What should I do then?"

\\t "We need to notify him in advance, lest he make unnecessary sacrifices, but unfortunately I don't know how to notify him." Song Qingshu sighed deliberately.

\\t Cheng Yaojia's red lips lightly opened, she suddenly realized something when she was about to speak, and looked at him suspiciously: "You...you are not deliberately talking about me, are you?"

\\t Song Qingshu shrugged: "You can distrust me, just wait for your husband to come from the Internet cafe."



\\t I feel that those who use mobile broadband at home should thank me, hehe. The problem that I can't open the author's backend often troubles many people. As a result, I typed 10086 and reacted. Now I can log in to the author's backend in seconds.

\\t Mobile's network is so cheating, I don't know if it rents a telecom network. During peak periods, some infrequently used websites will be squeezed down. If you feedback that mobile is optimized for related websites, you can go up. Up.

\\t So readers who use mobile broadband at home, if you don’t want to go online, you can try and give feedback to 10086. Of course, for some websites you know, don’t give feedback...

(End of this chapter)


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