Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1016: Embarrassed couple reunited

Cheng Yaojia bit her lip, and it was obvious that she wanted to speak several times, but she didn't say anything after all.

\\t Song Qingshu didn’t force her when he saw it. He put down his chopsticks, and walked over to the bed, saying, “Since Madam is not at ease, let’s forget it. Oh, I’ve been tired for a day today, and my back hurts. Madam, come and squeeze it for me."

\\t Cheng Yaojia was ashamed and angry: "I am not your maid, why should I pinch it to you?" How can she be a married woman doing this kind of physical entanglement with other men, just in case If you spread it out, your name will be ruined.

\\t Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Of course I have my own reasons. First, although I promised to let you go, don’t forget, you are still my prisoner now. If I am upset, I can change my mind. Don't regret it; secondly, if your husband is really stupid to come to rescue you and get caught, I can help you out by the way."

\\t "Really?" Cheng Yaojia suddenly turned anger into joy.

\\t "Man, if you say a word, it's hard to chase any horse." Song Qingshu promised, patting his chest.

\\t "It's hard to chase horses." Cheng Yaojia calmly corrected, thinking that these Jurchens are really ignorant, and even such a big official has only this level of knowledge.

\\tSong Qingshu noticed the contempt in her eyes, but didn't take it seriously: "Compared to four horses and five horses, you should be more concerned about whether your husband will come to save you."

\\t "Why won't he come?" Cheng Yaojia was stunned.

\\t Song Qingshu said with a smile: "The husband and wife are birds of the same forest. The catastrophe is about to fly separately. This is Longtan Tiger Den. He came to die. Do you think he will come again?"

\\t Cheng Yaojia's face paled a bit, and after thinking for a moment, she clenched her fists: "Lu Lang is definitely not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death. Unless he doesn't know that I am here, he will definitely come to save me."

\\t Thinking of the loving life between husband and wife over the years, Cheng Yaojia's voice became more and more determined.

\\t"Since Madam is so sure, why not, let's make a bet: If Zunhu comes to save you, even if you fail and get caught in the end, I will release you together; but if Zunhu does not come to save you, Madam..." Song Qingshu paused on purpose and looked at her meaningfully.

\\t Cheng Yaojia's heart jumped and said hurriedly: "You...what are you thinking?"

\\t" husband

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) What do people think I am thinking? "Song Qingshu laughed, "If your husband doesn't come to save you, I only need my wife to beat me for a month, and I will release my wife afterwards." "

\\t Looking at the other's playful eyes, Cheng Yaojia realized that he wanted to make a difference, and blurted out in shame: "Gamble."

\\t "Madam can come over now and press me first." Song Qingshu lay down on the bed comfortably and beckoned to her.

\\t Cheng Yaojia hesitated for a long time, and after all he was pacing shatteredly. He sat down by the bed and said hesitantly: "I...I have never pinched my back for anyone. If it hurts you, don't be surprised. "

\\t "Your soft and weak body can't hurt me even with the strength of breastfeeding." Song Qingshu smiled disapprovingly.

\\t Cheng Yaojia snorted with anger. She deliberately increased her strength, but it didn't take long for her kind heart to think that the other party was so tolerant to herself. This would be too kind to avenge her revenge, so she gradually strengthened her strength. Reduced a bit.

\\tSong Qingshu snorted comfortably, then closed his eyes with the pillow, and the room fell into silence.

\\t Cheng Yaojia has never touched any man other than her husband. Now that his fingers touched Song Qingshu's body, it didn't take long for her face to blush as if water was leaking.

\\t "Madam, are you shy?" Song Qingshu said nonchalantly.

\\tHow could Cheng Yaojia lose face in front of the aliens, and bit his head and snorted, "I'm not ashamed?"

\\t "But I clearly heard that Madam's heartbeat was several times faster than usual. Since I am not shy, does Madam like me?" Song Qingshu laughed.

\\t Cheng Yaojia stood up in an instant, her well-proportioned and full chest rising and falling sharply: "If you talk nonsense, people will...not pinch it for you."

\\t Song Qingshu grabbed the corner of her clothes and asked her to sit down again. He chuckled and said, "I just saw that the house is too quiet and I am not used to it, so I made a special joke to invigorate the atmosphere. Don't be angry, Madam, continue. carry on."

\\t Cheng Yaojia sat down helplessly, and put his fingers on his shoulders again: "You...you are obviously a good person, but why do you always anger others on purpose."

\\t "Madam, don't rush to send me a good person card. I am not a good person." Song Qingshu sighed quietly, thinking that when he came to this world, he still had

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I imagined that my hands would not be bloody, but it turned out to be a mistake. Now I don't know how many people have died in my own hands. Coupled with the mischievous nature, although most women can be considered congenial, there are still a few people who dominate each other by their own disgraceful means. Is this kind of self really a good person?

\\t Seeing the sad color in his eyes, Cheng Yaojia's heart trembled. Although the man was rough outside, he seemed to have a soft heart.

\\t The room fell into tranquility again, and I don’t know how long it took. The night gradually fell, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

\\t Cheng Yaojia seemed to have thought of something, the whole person hurriedly stood up, lifted the skirt and ran to the window to check, but it was a pity that it was dark outside and couldn't see anything clearly.

\\t "What happened outside?" Song Qingshu sat up from the bed and asked the guard outside the door.

\\t "Return to the marshal, an assassin sneaked in outside and was discovered by the guards. Now he is surrounded by Tuan Tuan. It shouldn't be long before he will be captured." The guard replied.

\\t Cheng Yaojia panicked, rushed to Song Qingshu's side, looked at him with pleading eyes, Song Qingshu motioned her to stay calm, and then ordered: "Take someone to catch that person back, don't let him Fall into the hands of the Qing people. Remember, don't hurt that person's life."

\\t "Yes!" Upon receiving the instruction, the guards outside immediately greeted people to rush to the assassin's location.

\\t "Thank you." Cheng Yaojia looked at the man in front of her with a complex expression. When she fell into the enemy's hands before, she thought she was finished, and even made up her mind. If she couldn't keep her innocence, she would die. , But I didn't expect that the attitude of the man in front of him suddenly turned 180 degrees, from a beast to a gentleman of Qianqian.

\\t "It is the lady's personality charm that has won my respect. Madam doesn't need to thank you." The two people talked for a while, and the guards had come back with a man in black who was tied up.

\\t "Kneel down!" Two wolves like tigers kicked the man in black at the bend of his legs, so he had to kneel to the ground in embarrassment, and the black scarf on his face was also torn off.

\\t "Guan Ying!" Seeing the appearance of the man in black, Cheng Yaojia exclaimed and hurried over.

\\tSeveral guards looked at each other, not knowing the current situation, Song Qingshu waved to indicate that they should go out first.

(End of this chapter)


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