Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1017: Divorced couple

When Cheng Yaojia saw her husband's wounds, she threw a flustered heart and knelt down to Song Qingshu: "Marshal, let him go. Just now you promised..."

\\t Lu Guanying said angrily when he saw this: "Why are you kneeling with this Jin Guo tatar? I, Lu Guanying, stand upright. If I want to kill, I have to kill you, you don't need to beg him."

\\t Cheng Yaojia was anxious, and quickly explained: "Lu Lang, you have misunderstood, the marshal is not a bad person." After speaking, he hurriedly looked at Song Qingshu: "Lu Lang, he was in a hurry before talking nonsense. Marshal, don't take it to your heart..."

\\t Before she finished speaking, Song Qingshu interrupted: "I have my own sense of this matter, please go to the next room to rest first, please. I have something to say to Zunfu."

\\t"Marshal!" Cheng Yaojia said anxiously.

\\t Song Qingshu smiled at her: "Don't worry, I won't hurt him."

\\t got his assurance, Cheng Yaojia just turned around one step at a time and walked out reluctantly.

\\t "What did you do to Yao Jia!" Seeing the expression of his wife talking to Song Qingshu, Lu Guanying became suspicious. After his wife closed the door, he couldn't help but asked.

\\t Song Qingshu picked up the tea and blew it. He couldn't help but chuckle when he heard his words: "I have done a lot to Mrs. Zun. I don't know which one you are referring to?"

\\t and Cheng Yaojia cuddled, took off her clothes, and dressed her one by one. It is inevitable that there will be some skin-to-skin kisses during the whole process, so I don’t count as lying. , Indeed did a lot of things with his wife.

\\t Lu Guanying's eyes were cracking, and she glared at him tremblingly: "You despicable and shameless person will only bully her with some obscure means."

\\t "Can't see the light?" Song Qingshu shook his head, "I did all those things honestly, and Mrs. Zun didn't see any objection."

\\t Cheng Yaojia would rather sacrifice his innocence and let him be frivolous for the sake of national justice, so strictly speaking, Song Qingshu's sentence is also true.

\\t "You!" Lu Guanying trembled with anger.

\\t "Don't you, you, I am mine, what have I done to your wife, wait for you to ask her yourself, now I have something to ask you." Song Qingshu put the tea cup back on the table and stood up Walked in front of him.

\\t "Bah!" Lu Guanying spit out a deep sputum and sneered, "Do you think I will tell you this Jin Guo Danzi?

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page)? "

\\t Song Qingshu took a gentle step to the side, and avoided his saliva attack: "You are not disgusting, and you spit around at such a big age. Don't blame me for not reminding you, you are now phlegm at this age. It's so thick, obviously there are a lot of physical problems, don't make your wife widow at a young age."

\\t"我#¥%#!*!" Lu Guanying was almost bursting with air from his poisonous tongue, but for a while, he couldn't think of how to refute it.

"Have you been in contact with Li Kexiu this time on your mission to Yangzhou?" To Cheng Yaojia, I feel sorry for Xiangxiyu, and for a stinky man, Song Qingshu didn't have such patience, so he asked straightforwardly.

\\t "Huh!" Lu Guanying snorted coldly, turned his head directly, and asked him three questions.

\\t "Have you reached any consensus with Li Kexiu?" When Song Qingshu asked, he stared at his face closely, trying to analyze something from his expression, but it was a pity that Lu Guanying still had his nostrils upright. Looks like, and even hummed stingly this time.

\\t asked a few more questions, Lu Guanying never even opened his mouth, Song Qingshu was not surprised: "Since you are unwilling to cooperate, then I can only use my own methods."

\\tLu Guanying glanced at him arrogantly, and finally said: "No matter what torture is used, if I frown, I am not a hero."

\\t "Severe punishment and torture?" Song Qing said with a weird expression and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't torture you. If you leave any traces on your body, how can I explain to Mrs. Zun?"

\\t When he heard about his wife again, Lu Guanying said angrily: "You are not allowed to mention her again!"

\\tSong Qingshu smiled slightly, and his eyes became pitch black as ink: "Look at my eyes, yes, that's it...what exactly did your Southern Song delegation and Li Kexiu talk about?"

\\tLu Guanying trembled all over, his eyes gradually blurred, and murmured: "We...we are just acting as a guise for the outside world. The real envoys are other people, and they are the ones who contacted Li Kexiu. I don't know. What's the point of it."

\\t Song Qingshu was shocked. It turned out that the Southern Song Dynasty was playing the trick of the Mingxiu plank road darkening Chen Cang. No wonder I was surprised before that the envoys of the Jin and Qing factions were all at the level of ministers, which shows that Li Kexiu Why did the Southern Song Dynasty only send a district Privy Council to accept the decree, and where did they show half sincerity to Li Kexiu?

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) \t "Who is the real envoy?" Song Qingshu hurriedly asked.

\\tLu Guanying shook his head: "I don't know."

\\t Song Qingshu frowned, and then changed the question: "Where is the real envoy?"

\\t "Yu...Yu Qing Guan." Lu Guanying's face was clearly seen struggling, even if he is now unconscious, he also realizes that this secret must not be revealed to the outside world.

\\t "Yu Qing Guan?" Song Qingshu stood by the window, looking at the dark night sky. The messenger of the Ming was settled in the Buddhist temple, but the messenger of the dark was hidden in the Taoist Temple. It was a good calculation.

\\t "Come here, take him down and take care of him." Song Qingshu ordered the guards to come in and dragged Lu Guanying out.

\\t Cheng Yaojia, who was next door, was always concerned about her husband’s safety. Hearing the noise, she ran out and grabbed Lu Guanying's arm and shook: "Lu Lang, Lu Lang, what's wrong with you?"

\\t It's a pity that those Jin Guo soldiers wouldn't listen to her orders, they still did not hesitate to land Guanying and disappear into the garden.

\\t Cheng Yaojia had no choice but to run before Song Qing wrote: "Marshal, what happened to Lu Lang, you promised me not to hurt him..." Before finishing speaking, she started to cry. She had a weak temperament, and she had national righteousness in her mind before, and finally she mustered up the courage to deal with Song Qingshu, but now seeing her husband's eyes closed tightly and not knowing life or death, the fear and fear in her heart can no longer be restrained, tears It fell down rustlingly.

\\t Seeing her crying with pears and rain, Song Qingshu felt a little apologetic, and subconsciously stretched out her finger to wipe the tears on her cheek.

\\tWhen his fingers touched the skin on his face, Cheng Yaojia trembled all over, and hurried back a few steps, looking at him in horror.

\\tSong Qingshu was just an uncontrollable action just now. Seeing her such strong reaction, he realized that his actions were Meng Lang. The more you explained this kind of thing, the more embarrassing he would simply change the topic: "Don't worry, Lord Lu Shao has nothing to do. It's just that when I went to the house just now, my qi was exhausted, coupled with the nervousness, I fainted, just rest for a night."

\\t Knowing that her husband was in good condition, Cheng Yaojia breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: "I don't know when we can leave?"

\\t "Since the lord Lu Shao has passed out, then you can rest here for one night too, tomorrow morning, I will send someone to send you out." Song Qingshu replied.

(End of this chapter)


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