Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1018: Ask for a return

\\t "Ah, rest here for one night?" Cheng Yaojia said with embarrassment, "Didn't you say that you would wait till night... and let us go?"

\\t Song Qingshu laughed and said, "I did say so, but you were the only one at that time. Now the husband is openly ramming the imperial minister's line, I must communicate with the imperial commissioner in the Qing country and do his job well, otherwise I let you go privately, where will he put his face?"

\\t "Ah," Cheng Yaojia opened her small mouth slightly, her face full of worry, "What if the Qing Dynasty does not agree to let it go?"

\\t "It's a little troublesome, the big deal is that I will make some concessions to him privately. I believe he will sell my face." Song Qingshu replied.

\\t "Will this cost you a lot?" Cheng Yaojia asked hesitantly. She always felt that she owed the other party a lot with her kind heart.

\\t Song Qingshu stared at her delicate face with a playful look: "Why, do you want to repay me?"

\\t Cheng Yaojia blushed and lowered her head shyly: "The marshal's kindness to our couple, Yaojia is willing to be a cow and a horse in the next life to repay you."

\\t Song Qingshu deliberately frowned, "Madam, this is because you are not kind. I helped you. Not only did you not thank me, but cursed me. These are several meanings."

\\t Cheng Yaojia was a little panicked, and hurriedly waved his hand and said, "How can I curse you?"

\\t "You said to be a cow and a horse to repay me, but I don't plow the fields, what do you want a cow and a horse to do? I am now the highest commander of the Jin Kingdom, but you let me be a farmer in the next life. This is not a curse. What am I? "Song Qingshu's mouth raised a joking smile.

\\t Cheng Yaojia suddenly chuckled, but now she still doesn't understand that the other party is deliberately teasing herself, raising her head just to meet Song Qingshu's eyes, she was so frightened that she hurriedly bowed her head again, and said quietly. He said: "Marshal, you always like to make this kind of joke on purpose."

\\tSong Qingshu was amused by her shy expression, and smiled: "Even if the lady didn't curse me, there is still a problem now. I don't believe in Buddha. In my next life, my next life is too vague. , Madam said it would be too insincere to repay me in the next life."

\\t "Then...what do you want?" For some reason, the person in front of me is rough and sloppy.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Yushu Linfeng looks handsome and other words are a thousand miles away, but Cheng Yaojia found that he would be very happy to chat with him, not as cautious as with her husband on weekdays.

\\t And talking to him, my heart is always beating, as if returning to the feeling that Niujiacun husband was like when she begged for marriage, although she vaguely felt something wrong, she always unconsciously talked to him Chatted.

\\t "The next life is too far away, or change to this life." Song Qingshu stared at her with a smile.

\\t "In this life?" Cheng Yaojia's heart jumped, thinking how could this be possible, now that he is a married woman, how can he be entangled with other men?

\\t "My concubine has already had a husband in this life. I'm afraid it is inconvenient to promise the Marshal?" Cheng Yaojia bit her lip and said.

\\t "Madam means that if you don't marry in the next life, you can promise me like you?" Song Qingshu followed her words.

\\t Cheng Yaojia's face flushed instantly: "I... I didn't mean that."

\\t "What do you mean by Madam?" Song Qingshu pressed tightly.

\\t "I..." Cheng Yaojia was speechless for a while, after thinking about it, she could only say, "I don't know how the Marshal wants me to repay in this life?"

\\tShe made up her mind that if the other party made some excessive demands, she would never agree to be an ungrateful person.

\\t "I think..." Song Qingshu deliberately stretched his tone of voice and caught Cheng Yaojia's heart. After a long time, he continued, "I haven't figured it out yet, let me tell my wife when I think about it. "

\\t "Then... that's all right." Cheng Yaojia sighed in secret, although faintly felt that the other party's future request would definitely not be so easy to do, but it would be great to be able to pass the current level. Yes, after saving Lu Lang, my husband and I returned to Jiangnan and never set foot in the Central Plains again. They just didn't deal with him.

\\t Song Qingshu knew that she was almost teasing her, and then continue like this. With Cheng Yaojia's ladylike temperament, it would be bad if she was really upset: "You go to the room and rest, I will go to the west courtyard to look for the picture. , Let him know what happened here."

\\t "Ah? I'm going to rest in your room?" Cheng Yaojia wondered how this would work. If you live with him, even if the other party doesn't do anything to her, Gu Tian Li

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Next, my reputation is completely ruined.

\\t "I asked you to rest in the next room," Song Qingshu pointed to the house next to his bedroom, "I have already ordered the maid in the house to clean it up for you."

\\t Cheng Yaojia was suddenly embarrassed. It turned out that the other party was really such a gentleman, but he seemed to treat the gentleman's belly with a villain.

\\t Song Qingshu suddenly laughed again: "Of course, if Madam is willing to come to my room, I would welcome it too!"

Cheng Yaojia finally couldn't bear his jokes, blushing, trotting back to the house with the skirt of his skirt, closed the door with a slam, his whole body leaned against the door, his chest suddenly fluctuating.

\\tLooking at Cheng Yaojia's back while trotting with the skirt in his hands, Song Qingshu couldn't help thinking of the words that Li Yu and his sister-in-law wrote when they had an affair:

Huamingyue, dark cage, light mist, good to go to Lang's side tonight.

Wear socks and step incense steps, hand-held gold lace shoes.

See you at the south bank of the painting hall, always trembling.

It's hard to come out of slavery, and teach the king to be merciful.

"It looks like it." Song Qingshu smiled, then turned around and walked towards the West Courtyard.

Of course, Song Qingshu did not come to the Western Court to discuss with Suo Etu about letting Cheng Yaojia and his wife go. He is now the first person in the Jin Guochaotang. If he wants to let go of two people, even if one of them is an assassin, why should he treat the others? Explanation?

Of course, he came to the West House to save the twins. Originally, he planned to ask for the twins directly. According to his speculation, a person who is so smooth and smooth would never be for a dead brother Wei Xiaobao. , And chose to offend a righteous brother who is now hot in Jin Guozheng, so he asks for it, and he will most likely give him both as a favor.

However, there is a rule in officialdom, not to be indecent, the other party presents a woman to him, theoretically, he needs to return Cheng Yaojia to the other party.

Of course, Song Qingshu was not willing to sacrifice Cheng Yaojia. After thinking about it, he felt that it would be too troublesome to ask for it directly, so he simply chose a more crude method-ran to the west courtyard to rescue Shuang'er.

Sneaked all the way to the West Yard and found the room that was stepped on during the day. Seeing that there was no one around, Song Qingshu turned into the window silently like a civet cat.

Who knew that as soon as he landed, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)


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