Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1019: Jealous

Song Qingshu drew aside in a hurry, evading the sword of certain kill. Seeing Shuang'er stabbed with a sharp sword with a cold face, he couldn't help but wondered, wondering if Shuang'er's martial arts is so high now, he was already extremely careful, but he still shocked her?

How did he know that Shuang'er had always had a heart-warming heart and a careful heart, although she was guaranteed by Suo'etu during the day, but now she is trapped in the enemy's camp, how dare she trust each other completely. Therefore, she deliberately tied a silk thread to the door and window, and tied the other end to her hand, so that as long as someone came in, she could find it for the first time.

Seeing that Song Qingshu had escaped the sword she was determined to win, she couldn't help being shocked. She immediately analyzed from the opponent's body shape just now that the opponent's martial arts was far above her. Etu is still with her on the bright side.

Seeing her about to open his mouth, Song Qingshu secretly screamed. If it alarmed other people, it would be difficult to collect today. At this time, he regretted that he had forgotten to take off Tang Kuobian's mask when he came in.

Song Qingshu's figure flashed, and he appeared next to Shuang'er in an instant, covering her mouth with one hand, blocking her screams back, and pressing her with the other hand against her shoulder, pressing her to the side wall. on.

Feeling the strong pressure from the man, Shuang'er was shocked and hurriedly struggled. Feeling her soft and pliable body writhing in her arms, Song Qingshu could not help but react.

Shuang'er became stiff, and then struggled even harder.

"Shuang'er, it's me!" Seeing her panicked expression, Song Qingshu suddenly felt distressed. He hurriedly pulled off the mask and restored her original appearance.

Hearing his voice, both of them trembled and turned their heads in disbelief. When they saw Song Qingshu's appearance, their eyes suddenly burst into surprise, and then tears came out.

Song Qingshu hurriedly released her hand and kept wiping the tears from her face, and asked hurriedly: "Shuang'er, did Brother Song hurt you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Shuang'er shook his head, threw himself in his arms, hugged him tightly, and said in a choked voice, "No, Brother Song, I'm so happy."

Song Qingshu felt pity in her heart and couldn't help it anymore, holding her cheek and kissed her.

Shuang'er snorted, as if all the bones in his body were melted, and the whole person was limp in his arms.

After a long time, both of them blushed and lightly punched Song Qingshu's chest, and said shyly and infinitely: "

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page.) I'm tired of bullying people as soon as I meet. "

Song Qingshu shouted injustice: "Is this also called bullying? If I really want to bully you, I just carried you to the bed."

Out of Song Qingshu's accident, Shuang'er didn't look angry at all, but looked at him with a smile: "Big Brother Song, you haven't seen him for so long, you still haven't changed at all, you are still so lustful!"

"Since you said I was lustful, then I'll show it to you." Song Qingshu deliberately pretended to be a big bad wolf and rushed towards her hungry.

"Don't~" Shuang'er smiled, pushed him away, and hid around the table.

But Song Qingshu's light work now is so good, just one step, he hugged both of them again.

"Come on, let the grandfather kiss another one." Song Qingshu kissed her cheek again.

The twins giggled at him, but she was always attentive and still remembered Suo Etu’s agreement with her. While dodging, she panted and said, "Big Brother Song, Suo Etu will come here later. A place to stay for a long time."

Song Qingshu came to his senses and chuckled: "Fortunately, Shuang'er reminded me, otherwise I was smashed by Suo'etu. Things are really troublesome. Let's go."

After speaking, he hugged Shuang'er and walked out. Shuang'er hurriedly asked, "Where are we going now?"

"I'll know it when I go." Song Qingshu laughed, hugged her a few times, and returned to the eastern courtyard where he was.

"Isn't this the place where Jin Guo's envoy lives?" Shuang'er asked strangely.

"I am the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin." Seeing Shuang'er's face in doubt, Song Qingshu lightly pecked her cheek, "Good Shuang'er, I'll explain it to you slowly later."

After Song Qingshu left just now, thinking that this matter is related to her husband's safety, where can Cheng Yaojia sleep? She had been sitting by the window waiting for Song Qingshu to come back, but worried that she would be misunderstood by others, so she just opened the window a small slit and looked at the direction of the garden door from time to time.

After finally waiting for him to come back, Cheng Yaojia stood up happily, and was about to ask what the result was, but suddenly saw Song Qingshu actually holding a woman back in her arms!

She hurriedly withdrew her steps and looked over carefully. Because of the angle, she couldn't see Song Qingshu's face clearly at this time, but he recognized his clothes.

"Huh, it sounds good, but I ran to find other women." Cheng Yaojia sat back on the chair depressed, rubbing the silk scarf in her hands irritably.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I am interested in asking about my husband, but in the situation just now, the other party was so affectionate with that woman, how embarrassing I was at this time.

She hesitated for a while, Song Qingshu had already carried Shuang'er back to her room.

"Shuang'er, where have you been these days, why have I never heard of you?" Song Qingshu held Shuang'er and didn't want to separate for a moment, so she let her sit on her lap.

Being hugged by him in such a bold posture, the two are inevitably a little bit shy, but after all, this is not the kind of place in the capital where everyone knows that she is Wei Xiaobao’s widow, and she also enjoys the whole being shrunk in his arms. Feeling like this, so even though his face was red, he just let him go.

"That's it, you were originally the wife of Shenlong Island leader..."

After a while, Song Qingshu finally learned her whereabouts during this time.

It turns out that Song Qingshu was taken away by Su Quan, and Shuang'er took Leopard Tire Yijin Pills to Dongting Lake to find the poisonous hand medicine king to develop an antidote. Later, when news of Song Qingshu's failure to assassinate Kangxi came, she was simply distraught and about to return. Jingcheng sought revenge from Kangxi, but it was a pity that she got the news too late. When she reached the middle of her journey, she heard the news that Song Qingshu had become the Golden Snake King. She was pleasantly surprised but was unwilling to run to Shandong to face his women. After thinking about going, she went south to Jiaxing to pay tribute to the people who were killed by the dealer, and then went to visit the grandmother Zhuang San.

She lived in seclusion with Zhuang San's grandmother for a period of time. After hearing that Wu Zhirong had been the prefect of Yangzhou, she decided to come to Yangzhou to find Wu Zhirong to report the banker's hatred, and then met Song Qingshu.

"Thousands of miles have destined to meet, the ancients are not deceived by me!" Song Qingshu sighed, and said with his arms around her, "Shuang'er, don't do such stupid things in the future. This time I happened to meet me and Suoetu. , If not, you will be more ill-fortuned."

Hearing his words, Shuang'er's eyes suddenly reddened, struggling to get out of his arms, and thumped and knelt in front of him: "Big Brother Song, Shuang'er wants to beg you for something."


It’s a little bit depressed. I have updated so diligently during this period, but I don’t have many monthly tickets. Now I can only rank 27.

It's just a group of genuine readers. One monthly pass is guaranteed per person. There should be more than one thousand tickets now. Is it because the monthly pass is updated late every day?

By the way, I still want to get into the top 20 of the monthly pass. After all, it is related to the recommendation and bonus. Who made me a monk of wine and meat, a layman, haha

(End of this chapter)


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