Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1020: Husband's misunderstanding

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and hurriedly helped her up: "Get up quickly, what do you want to do, is there any reason for Brother Song not to agree?" Seeing tears on her cheeks, she stretched out her fingers and kept helping her. Wipe it up.

Shuang'er shook his head: "This matter is very difficult, but I can't help but beg you."

Song Qingshu put his left arm around her waist and said, "The more difficult things I can do for you, the more it seems that I love my good pair. Tell me what's the matter."

Shuang'er's pale face was blushing slightly, and he whispered: "Big Brother Song, the dog official Wu Zhirong is my big enemy. He killed dozens of lives in the dealer's master and young master. I want to kill him. Revenge for the dealer up and down, but you Jin and Qing are brothers, if you kill him, it is likely to affect the relations between the two countries, then you may be attacked by political opponents in the Jin court, if you kill your brother If you fail to be an official, Shuang'er will become a guilty man."

Song Qingshu laughed loudly: "What's the embarrassment for me? Don't say it's just a prefect of Yangzhou. Even if you want to kill Suo'etu and kill the emperor, I will depend on you."

Shuang'er was immediately surprised: "Really? Will killing him have any adverse effects on you?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "If we kill him using official formalities, it would be a bit troublesome, but in our bones, we are people in the rivers and lakes, and the rivers and lakes are happy. When will it be so troublesome? But there is one thing that needs to be said in advance. How are you going to thank me Shuang'er for doing such a difficult thing?"

Shuang'er couldn't guess his thoughts, his face was flushed, happy and ashamed, turned his head, and whispered: "Big Brother Song treats me so well, I and I are already yours. You. How do you want me to thank you, I and I depend on you," he said and lowered his head.

Seeing her graceful and submissive, Song Qingshu felt pity in her heart, and put her arms around her slender waist and said: "If you kill him at this moment, the revenge is not enough. I will let you take him to the dealer and teach him to kneel at the dealer. Before the spiritual position of the master and the young master, let the three young grandma and the others kill the dog's head by their own hands. What do you think is good?"

Shuang'er felt that this fact was too good, and I was afraid that it might not be true. He looked at him with open eyes and couldn't believe it, and said, "Big Brother Song, didn't you lie to me?"

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Why did I lie to you? This dog official is both your enemy and mine. If you want revenge, you should get a hearty revenge. As long as the little twins are really good to me, it's better than Everything in the world is strong!"

Shuang'er felt grateful, leaning on him, and couldn't help crying again.

"Good couple, you will cry like a little cat if you cry again. If you cry and swell your beautiful eyes, you won't feel sorry for me." Song Qingshu held her face and wiped her fingers gently. stand up.

Shuang'er burst into laughter suddenly, and while wiping the tears on his cheeks with his sleeves, he said: "Big Brother Song, you really look like Xiaobao. You don't have to think about it. A long list of sweet words came out. Well, the only difference, Xiao Bao has never read a book, so his words should be vulgar."

Listening to her naturally mentioning Wei Xiaobao, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling jealous. It seemed that she still couldn't forget that person, and she didn't know who was more important in her heart?

Suddenly it was found that Song Qingshu was silent, and Shuang'er's heart jumped and said hurriedly: "Big Brother Song, I didn't mean to mention him, don't be angry."

Song Qingshu inserted her hands into her waist and held her firmly in her arms. He laughed and said, "Shuang'er you have been worrying too much. If you leave him behind, then it's the kind of love and righteousness that I like. Where's your little pair."

"Big Brother Song" was so intimately held in his arms, the tip of his nose smelled of man's masculinity, and the two couldn't help thinking that the other party sneaked into their boudoir in the city of Yanjing, and the two of them were hiding their maids in the bed. The ears and temples were rubbed together, and the bones of the body became crisp.

Feeling the beauty in her arms as soft as boneless, Song Qingshu was also stunned. He lowered his head and asked softly in her ear: "Good couple, can I?"

Shuang'er flushed with shame, buried his head in his chest, and replied angrily: "I am already yours. You can do whatever you want, without asking me."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but Da Le, and directly picked her up and walked to the bed.

As the saying goes, a little goodbye is better than a newlywed, let alone the two reunion after a long time? Song Qingshu seemed to be a tiger out of the box and rushed on Shuang'er. Shuang'er was originally very supple. Today, because of Wu Zhirong's affairs, he has a great love for Song Qingshu. After getting on the bed, he is absolutely obedient, allowing Song Qingshu to enjoy the blessings in the world.

Cheng Yaojia hesitated in the room for a long time, but after all, her husband's worries prevailed. She mustered up the courage to come over from next door, thinking about asking the result and leaving without disturbing the two in the room.

As a result, as soon as she walked to the door, there came the fairy music that made her blushing in the room. Cheng Yaojia had been married for many years, so how could she not know what was growing inside? His face flushed with shame, and after a sip, he ran back to his room in a panic.

Until the door was closed, her chaotic heart still did not calm down.

"That woman is really not ashamed, she screamed so loudly." Cheng Yaojia hurriedly poured a cup of herbal tea to drink, and then she calmed down a little. She is extremely shy, and she has been raised in a deep boudoir since she was a child. She has received traditional education, so she can't understand the other party's bold behavior. After she got married, even when she was making love with her husband, she gritted her teeth and hummed at best, never daring to release her emotions like this.

But she had misunderstood Shuang'er. Shuang'er didn't even know that there was a woman next door. If she knew, she would grit her teeth and endure like her, and would never dare to act like this.

The wall seemed to be nonexistent, and the voice from the next room came over clearly. Cheng Yaojia heard her jade cheeks burning, her heart beating wildly, and she hurried to the bed and covered her head with a quilt, which made her feel a little better.

At this time, looking at the cell holding 6 Guanying in the garden, two Jin Guo soldiers ran over to change shifts, and couldn't help but say: "Hey, our marshal is really beautiful, and the little lady's voice is really full of bones. It's all crisp."

6 Guanying was concerned about his wife's safety, was shocked when she heard the words, and hurriedly pricked her ears to continue listening.

"Why did you say that the marshal wanted to do something extra, and he deliberately prepared a house for the little lady next door, anyway, not all of them slept in the marshal's room."

"I heard that Han women are always shy. Perhaps the marshal did this because she was concerned about her face. After all, she is a married woman, and she always has some doubts in her heart."

"Our marshal is really strong and fierce, so that little lady has repeatedly told her forgiveness. You may still be able to hear it now when you go back."

Hearing a few Golden State soldiers, Liu Guanying's face suddenly turned pale.


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