Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1021: How does it taste

A few soldiers from the Kingdom of Jin didn't see Song Qing bringing the twins back, but later heard the sound from his room, subconsciously thinking that the heroine was the former Cheng Yaojia.

Several people were chatting about gossip here accidentally, but they didn't expect that Lu Guanying, who pretended to be asleep but actually eavesdropped, misunderstood.

Thinking of his sweet wife lying under another man and letting him torment him, Lu Guanying was so angry that his bones creaked, but it was a pity that he was imprisoned here now, even if he was anxious in his heart, he couldn't do anything.

"Guguan, I must kill you!" Lu Guanying vowed secretly.

Of course, Song Qing didn’t know what was wrong. He had become Lu Guanying’s wife-snatching enemy, but even if he knew about ccc, I’m afraid he wouldn’t care about it, and enjoyed the gentleness of the twins all night. Woke up early the next morning, very refreshed.

"Shuang'er, you take a good rest in the room, I have something to do now." Song Qing thought that he couldn't hold Cheng Yaojia and his wife forever, and just let them go when it was just dawn.

"Big Brother Song, I'll take care of you to wash." The twins were sleepy, struggling to get up.

Song Qing hurriedly pressed her back to the bed: "Good pair, you were tossed by me all night, so you don't get up and take a good rest."

Feeling his thoughtfulness, and the fact that Shuang'er himself felt extremely soft, he blushed.

Song Qing quickly got dressed and came to the next door and knocked on Cheng Yaojia's door: "Have you ever woke up, Madam?"

"Wait a moment." Cheng Yaojia's gentle voice came from inside, but Song Qing was startled. Why didn't she see her all night, her voice was much hoarse and tired than usual?

Cheng Yaojia sat up from the bed, stretched lazily, and couldn't help but yawn. Last night, there was so much movement next door that she was flustered and couldn't fall asleep at all. I wanted to wait for them to stop and sleep again. Who knows, wait until dawn is almost dawn, this is not just the next hour after sleeping, and Song Qing yells to wake up.

"Tossing all night and waking up so early, how can I have such a good energy? Is it true that Jin Guodan is a beast on the grassland as the rumors say?" Cheng Yaojia opened the quilt and was about to get out of bed, only to find in his dress It was wet and slippery, and Yu Cheek had a fever with shame. I listened to the corner last night, but I didn't expect the body to react with such shame.

Song Qing waited outside for a long time before the door opened from the inside. He noticed that Cheng Yaojia's expression was a little unnatural, and she couldn't help but wonder: "Madam, is there anything uncomfortable? Do you want me to call the doctor to get your pulse? "

"No...no need." Cheng Yaojia waved her hand hurriedly, wondering how this kind of reason is easy to say.

"Then I'm going to call your husband here now." Song Qing enjoyed all the gentleness last night and felt particularly comfortable, so he didn't intend to embarrass the couple.

"Thank you, sir." Cheng Yaojia was happy in her heart, folded her hands on her lower abdomen, and gave him a blessing.

Song Qing smiled, and then ordered his hand to bring Lu Guanying over.

"My brother is really full of spring breeze today." Suo'etu just came over to stop by at this time, and saw his appearance, couldn't help but joked with an ambiguous expression.

Song Qing smiled and greeted him: "Brother Suo laughed."

"The harmony between Yin and Yang is the principle of heaven and earth. There is nothing funny about this, but I am not as lucky as your brother. The little beauty I brought back last night escaped quietly in the evening." Suo Etu He said with regret that he came here mainly for the sake of Shuang'er.

Suo Etu later went to plan to let go of Shuang'er last night. Who knew that the other party was missing. He guessed that Shuang'er had left by himself, but he didn't care about it. However, this matter should always be told to Song Qing in advance, otherwise it is difficult to explain the other party, after all, Shuang'er assassinated the imperial court commander in full view.

Song Qing was slightly stunned and guessed his mind. Since Suo'etu was talking nonsense with his eyes open, he would cooperate with him.

Feel free to comfort him with a few words, the two soon chatted happily, glanced at Cheng Yaojia, who was beautiful and beautiful next to him, Suo Etu quietly elbowed Song Qing with his elbow, and squeezed his eyes with a smirk: "how is it?"

Song Qing was at a loss: "How about what?"

Suo Etu's eyebrows moved, and he smiled: "Of course, how did you like last night?"

"It's white, slippery and tender, I really want to play with it every day." Song Qingqing couldn't help sighing.

The words made the two women inside and outside the room blush. The couple in the room heard Suo'etu coming and hurriedly got up and hid behind the door. Just when they heard Song Qing's words, they felt sweet and shy in their hearts. Cheng Yaojia outside the house thought that Song Qing was talking about her, and her face flushing was more of shame and anger. She explained it deliberately but was worried that Song Qing’s event would be broken, and she was conflicted for a while.

At this time, Lu Guanying was brought over by the guards. He almost fainted when he heard these words, and suddenly shouted: "Guardian, I will kill you!"

It's a pity that he was firmly pressed by the guard beside him, and he couldn't move at all.

"Lu Lang, don't get me wrong, it's not what you think." Cheng Yaojia hurried over to explain. Suddenly Song Qing's secret voice came in her ears:

"If Madam wants to save Zunfu's life, she will shut her mouth from now on!"

Cheng Yaojia was stunned, and neither did he come forward, nor did he come forward.

Only then did Suo Etu come back to his senses, referring to Lu Guanying and asking, "This one is?"

Song Qing laughed and said, "He is the husband of this little lady. To save his wife last night, he broke into the Daotaiyamen in desperation."

In his remarks, he evaded the importance and only emphasized the side of Lu Guanying saving his wife, and deliberately ignored the other side as an envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty. Cheng Yaojia couldn't help but feel grateful. If Suo Etu knew their true identity, That would be difficult.

Who knew that Lu Guanying was so angry that she could no longer care about so much, and shouted: "Dog thief, you don't need to be hypocritical, wait until Li Kexiu..."

When she heard her husband about to reveal her identity, Cheng Yaojia couldn't help but frighten Huarong pale, and hurriedly scolded: "Lu Lang!"

Fortunately, Song Qing reacted fast enough, and a flick of a finger in his sleeve quietly sealed Lu Guanying's dumb acupuncture point, preventing him from continuing.

Suo'etu was confused when he heard it, and looked at him suspiciously: "Why didn't he say anything suddenly?"

Song Qing smiled and said, "Maybe it was because I knew that I played with his wife and was so angry that I couldn't speak."

Cheng Yaojia was annoyed and anxious. Just about to say something, Song Qing’s voice transmission was heard again in her ears: "Madam, please forgive me. I said this to be able to hide the figure, so that I can release you later. After you go back, the lady will explain the misunderstanding to Zunfu clearly."

Cheng Yaojia bit her lip. For the sake of her husband's safety, she nodded after all, thinking that I and Lu Lang had raised our eyebrows over the years, and it would be fine to explain clearly to him afterwards, so that we can get through the current difficulties first.

When Lu Guanying heard the gossip of the soldiers last night, there was still a hint of illusion in her heart. Who knows that now she saw her wife shyly acquiesce to this incident with her own eyes, and her appearance was ashamed and her thoughts faded.

I couldn't help but vomit a little slot last night. I didn't expect that the Kung Fu monthly ticket for one day would go up to 4 places. Now it is in place. Everyone is really awesome!

Many thanks to friends 19955782, Guidou Sansan,

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