Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1024: Mysterious Envoy

"Just kill Wu Zhirong?" Shuang'er looked at Song Qingshu in surprise. ★

"Of course," Song Qingshu gently wiped away the marks on the corners of her mouth, "if you offend my family, how can you let him live happily."

Seeing the things in his hands, Shuang'er suddenly felt fat: "But now Yangzhou is still under the rule of the Qing Dynasty. If you kill him in this way, I'm afraid it will bring endless trouble to Brother Song."

"Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with it." Song Qingshu said confidently.

Seeing his full of confidence, both eyes lit up. Which woman would not like her lover's spirit: "Okay, I believe Brother Song."

Song Qingshu took Shuang'er's hand and walked silently out of the Taotai Yamen. He was very impressed by seeing them: "Big Brother Song, your martial arts are so much higher. The Taotai Yamen are so tightly guarded, you take a person with you. It's like being in an uninhabited state."

"If Shuang'er wants to learn, I can teach you." Song Qingshu looked at her tenderly.

Shuang'er shook their heads: "Well, no, I used to learn martial arts to avenge the dealer, but now Brother Song avenges me and protects me from being bullied. What kind of martial arts do I learn? My daughter's family dance Knives and guns are still indecent after all."

"That's what it said," Song Qingshu raised her little hand to her eyes, "such a pair of white and delicate little hands, if they have a cocoon because of martial arts training, it would be too violent."

"Big Brother Song~" Shuang'er hurriedly retracted his hands, but his heart was sweet.

Seeing her shy and infinitely shy look, Song Qingshu's heart is itchy, but in the end it is still important: "Good couple, I first arrived in Yangzhou, and I don't know Wu Zhirong's mansion. You should know it?"

"I can't wait to smash the corpse of that dog thief into thousands of pieces. Naturally, I checked where his mansion is. Brother Song, come with me." Shuang'er led Song Qingshu, and the two flirted all the way to Wu Zhirong's mansion.

There is a Yangzhou prefect in Wu Zhirong district. The guards at the mansion are naturally far inferior to those of the imperial ministers. It is fine to stop ordinary thieves. Where can the real masters be stopped?

Soon they stood in front of the bed in Wu Zhirong’s bedroom, looking at the sleeping man in front of them. They drew out their short swords and tried to stab them, but they were stopped by Song Qingshu: “It’s too cheap to kill like this. Him."

Shuang'er was startled: "Then how can I get revenge?"

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Didn't I promise you to take him back to the dealer, and then hand him over to the third grandma of the dealer."

Shuang'er nodded: "Yes, it's perfect to let the third grandmother take care of this hatred by herself."

The two were so unscrupulously discussing how to deal with themselves by the bed, even if Wu Zhirong slept like a pig, he would wake up.

"Who are you?" Wu Zhirong was still a little confused just after waking up from his deep sleep, but when he saw the appearance of the two children clearly, his sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

"You...you..." How could he not help, this is the female assassin who wanted to kill herself before? But what he couldn't figure out was how could this woman suddenly appear here after being captured by Master Suo?

After hesitating for a moment in his mind, Wu Zhirong realized that the two of them were not good, and hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted: "Come..."

It's a pity that the character at the back has not been uttered, so Song Qingshu has already made a dumb acupoint.

"Who are we?" Song Qingshu chuckled, "We are the ones who are here to kill."

However, Shuang'er went up and slapped on the face: "Let your dog thief live a few more days, and then let the third grandma dispose of you."

"It's rare to see Shuang'er angry." Song Qingshu smiled and tied Wu Zhirong's five flowers together and stuffed them into a sack that had already been prepared.

Shuang'er's face turned red: "I'm not so fierce, but this dog thief is really hateful."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Of course I know that our Shuang'er is the most gentle and kind-hearted person in the world."

Shuang'er was moved and looked at him with scorching eyes: "Thank you, Brother Song."

Song Qingshu knew that she was referring to Wu Zhirong, and couldn't help rubbing her head: "This is just a matter of effort. Why should you thank you again?"

Shuang'er shook his head: "For Brother Song, it's just a matter of effort, but for the dealer up and down, it is Entong's reconstruction. Now that I have caught this dog thief, I want to set off to Jiaxing immediately and hand him over to Grandma Zhuang San. ."

Song Qingshu couldn't help being taken aback: "Why is it so fast?" At the same time, she complained in her heart. If she knew this, she should come to Wu Zhirong to settle the accounts later, so that she would be separated as soon as she reunited with Shuang'er.

Shuang'er also showed hesitation, but after hesitating for a while, he still said with an apologetic expression: "The dealer treats me as a mountain. I want to make the third grandmother get revenge as soon as possible. Freedom in one day."

Song Qingshu listened to her and knew that she was determined: "In this case, I won't force you to stay. I will send you out of the city. It is not convenient for you to take him out of the city."

Now that the city gate is closed, Shuang'er knows that with his own efforts, he will never be able to take a living person over the city wall; but if he is missing again in Wu Zhirong’s mansion until tomorrow morning, then the city gate will definitely be checked, even more. Difficult to take people out.

Seeing Song Qingshu's thoughts so thoughtful, Shuang'er felt grateful and replied sweetly, "Thank you, Brother Song."

Then Song Qingshu put his arms around his waist and a sack in the other. He quietly digged out of Yangzhou City. Then he found a vegetable farmer in a nearby small town and bought a donkey cart with a lot of money. Threw the sack containing Wu Zhirong into it.

"Shuang'er, I still have important matters in Yangzhou, so I can't accompany you to Jiaxing." Song Qingshu said apologetically.

Shuang'er hurriedly said: "Big Brother Song, you caught a man from the Qing Dynasty for me. The Yangzhou officialdom will definitely be shaken by that time. Maybe it will affect what you want to do. This makes me very upset. How can I delay you any more. Brother Song, don't worry, I have been experienced in going north and south these days, and nothing will happen along the way, not to mention that Jiaxing is not very far from Yangzhou."

Song Qingshu was relieved: "Then after you send Wu Zhirong to the dealer, come back to me as soon as possible. I will always miss you during this time."

Shuang'er's face was reddened, and he hummed softly, "I will be back as soon as possible."

Song Qingshu had to send her away despite her heartache. When she could no longer see her back, she only returned to the city of Yangzhou.

When passing by Wu Zhirong's mansion, Song Qingshu sneaked in and threw a torch, then quickly returned to the Taoist Yamen.

He just learned from 6 Guanying yesterday that the real envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty was in Yuqingguan. He was worried that his party might have been evacuated if he was late, so he needs Wu Zhirong’s disappearance to be discovered as soon as possible, so that he has a reason. Take the opportunity to lead troops to search Yu Qingguan.

Originally, it was not impossible for him to investigate Yuqing Temple alone, but his main purpose was to destroy the peace talks between Li Kexiu and the envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty, so he needed to make the battle as big as possible. Then the soldiers from Yangzhou would come forward, and the Southern Song Dynasty would not be allowed. The envoys were not suspicious of ghosts, and they were pregnant with ghosts. If the two sides could talk about a result, it would be hell.

Not long after returning to Daotai Yamen, the news that Yangzhou prefect Wu Zhirong was abducted by gangsters really spread. Suo Etu hurried over to discuss with Song Qingshu. Together, the two decided to Da Suo the whole city.

Suo'etu originally wanted to send troops to search the surrounding area of ​​Yangzhou City, but Song Qingshu stopped it on the grounds that "the city gate is closed and it is impossible for the culprits to run out with people". Suo'etu thought that it made sense, so he dispelled this. idea.

In the end, Song Qingshu volunteered to help find someone. Suo Etu was not easy to refute his face, so he allocated dozens of soldiers.

After leaving the Daotaiyamen, Song Qingshu found a Manchu soldier, asked Yu Qingguan where he was, and then led the troops to kill him mightily.

In the daytime, Cheng Yaojia and her husband, 6 Guanying, went out of the Taoist Yamen and circled around the city. After making sure that no one was following, they ran to the previously agreed Yuqing Temple.

Six Youzheng Yuqingguan and the envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty discussed how to rescue the two. After seeing them safely back, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. Then they reprimanded Six Guanying for a meal, and then softly comforted Cheng Yaojia.

Guanying is depressed in her heart, but the reason is not convenient to tell her elders. What's more, there is such a big man here. Is it possible to make everyone aware of his wife's disregard? He had to listen to his uncle's reprimand with a dark face, then went back to the room and fell asleep.

When Cheng Yaojia saw her husband doubting herself so much, she felt wronged in her heart, and could only go back to the room sullenly and weep in secret.

6 You saw that the two couples were awkward, and didn't take it too seriously. After they settled down, they discussed with the current envoy about Li Kexiu.

In the evening, the group rested individually. Who knew that there was a loud noise outside in the middle of the night, and the guards came back to report that it was Qing soldiers who surrounded Yuqing Guantuan.

The Southern Song Dynasty group was shocked, and hurriedly gathered together, 6 You said to the Zhengshi: "Master Han, taking advantage of the fact that there are not many soldiers, we will take the opportunity to kill and send the adults out of the city overnight."

The envoy known as Master Han shook his head and said, "No, since there are not many soldiers here, it proves that our identity has not been revealed. We will pretend to be ordinary tourists and go out to meet them for a while, and just kill them away."

6 You frowned and said: "But your lord, your status is honorable, if you are recognized by the Qing people here..."

Master Han laughed and said, "How about recognizing it? As a local official, don't they dare to move me? If it was the past, but now the Qing country is too busy to take care of it, how dare to provoke us. Don't forget, this is What happened to Li Kexiu's site, how could he stand by and watch?"

6 You still feel uneasy: "But far away cannot dissolve near fire, and after all, Li Kexiu is now an official of the Qing Dynasty in name. Even if we help us, we will inevitably be restrained.

Master Han pointed to a bearded officer next to him and said, "Don't worry, with General Wu Tiande and Wu, how can these people hurt the officer?" 8

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