Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1025: Play by question

Song Qingshu swaggered into Yuqing Temple and watched his soldiers make the whole Taoist Temple so ridiculous, he couldn't help but sigh: No wonder so many people say that men must not be powerless for a day. This is a bully...Ah, there are some trivial things. Doing it for you, really saved a lot of things.

"I don't know what it is for the adults to be here late at night?" A middle-aged fat Taoist led a group of Taoist priests out, his eyes swept over the scene of the Man Qing soldiers kicking the door everywhere, and his eyelids jumped.

"Are you the master of this Yuqing Guan?" Song Qingshu glanced at him with slanted eyes. On the surface, he looked white and fat and kind, but the occasional flash of light in his eyes showed that he was definitely a master.

"Yes, Ma Zhen, the poor Taoist, and watch the subject for Yuqing." The fat Taoist saluted.

"Ma Zhen?" Song Qingshu frowned. The name sounded familiar, but it was a pity that he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"That's the case. Not long ago, Mr. Wu Zhirong, the prefect of Yangzhou, was taken away from his home by a gangster. The official received a report that someone saw a suspicious person sneaking into your Yuqing Temple, so I came here to investigate." As the saying goes, the teacher must be famous, and Song Qingshu's use of force to suppress people, there must always be a reasonable reason.

"Suspicious person?" Taoist Ma Zhen hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, we Yuqingguan sent a lot of Taoist priests to patrol the surroundings on weekdays, and we will never let suspicious people come in."

Song Qingshu coldly snorted: "If you say that you don't have it, then you don't have it? After the officer finds it out, we can make a final conclusion." After speaking, he raised his foot and rushed inside.

"Wait!" Taoist Ma Zhen stretched out his hand to stop him, "Pan Dao has been a master in Yangzhou for more than ten years. Forgive me for the poor and clumsy. I don't know what position the adult holds. Is there any official document issued by the admiral's office in the search? "

"Bold! This is Jin Guoshangshuling, Marshal Tang Kuobian, Marshal of Soldiers and Horses. This time, Suo Xiang personally asked Master Tang Kuo to help. Your little watcher would dare to push three things here!" Song Qingshu has not yet done so. Answered, the group of soldiers assigned to him by Suo'etu had a small leader stepped forward and yelled at him.

"Marshal Jin Guobing Ma?" The Taoist Ma Zhen was secretly frightened, and after hesitating, he was led by Song Qingshu to break in.

Seeing that they were walking in the courtyard where the guests of Guanzhong were staying, Ma Zhen couldn't help but groan secretly, and hurried to catch up.

Before coming to a yard, seeing the soldiers under his men blocked there, Song Qingshu asked, "What's the matter?"

"Return to the marshal, Yu Qingguan has been checked elsewhere, and this yard has not been checked yet, but these people are blocked at the door and they will not let us in." A Qing soldier stepped forward and replied.

Song Qingshu's eyes swept away and noticed that although the opponents were not many people at the gate of the yard, they were all sturdy and sturdy. They were obviously masters. No wonder these Qing soldiers would suffer.

"It's unreasonable that I actually dared to block the court from handling the case. It seems that it is an accomplice of the culprits. Come on, take all the people inside, and interrogate them strictly."

Humph, put you in a big jail first, and see how you hook up with Li Kexiu.

Originally, taking the opportunity to kill these people was the simplest and most effective way, but firstly, Song Qingshu was not a cold-blooded person; secondly, after all, the other party was an envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty, and as a Han, he always had a certain closeness to it.

The guard accompanying Song Qingshu received the order and was about to rush over, when suddenly there was a cold shout: "Hold on!"

Soon a group of people filed out, for a clean appearance, a handful of delicately trimmed goatees. It added a bit of a superior atmosphere. There are also two familiar people beside them, the two of Guanying and Cheng Yaojia who had been let go a few days ago.

Seeing the appearance of Song Qingshu clearly, Cheng Yaojia opened her mouth slightly, apparently surprised in her heart; however, 6 Guanying subconsciously glared at his wife. In his opinion, the envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty was both bright and dark. The adult stayed here is extremely secretive, and it is impossible for outsiders to know that this golden man came to the door so quickly, it must be what his wife said to him.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly at Cheng Yaojia, causing the other person to blush and lower his head. Six Guanying looked even more jealous in his eyes.

Song Qingshu didn't have time to care about the contradiction between the young couple at this time, but instead focused on both sides of that person.

The man on the left is dressed up as a sergeant, and looks ordinary, but the whole person has a book aura, presumably he is the famous Southern Song poet who has been with him for a long time.

However, Song Qingshu's attention was more at this time on the other person, a big man with a beard holding a sword, and although he looked lazy, the whole person faintly exuded a sword aura.

"Top master! Or everyone who uses swords!" Song Qingshu quickly made a judgment, but what made him a little puzzled was that he hadn't seen this person before, why did he always feel a little familiar with him when he looked at him?

Some subordinates leaned into the ear of the goatee and whispered something. Hearing that Song Qingshu was actually the Marshal of the State of King’s soldiers and horses, the eyes of the goatee flashed away, and then he stepped forward and smiled: "Marshal, this It was just a misunderstanding. We were just businessmen who came here for business. We passed by Yangzhou and settled down in Yuqingguan by the way. We definitely have nothing to do with the culprit who robbed Yangzhou's prefect."

Song Qing's writing color was slightly different. The person in front of him clearly didn't understand martial arts, but he faintly exuded an awe-inspiring aura. Obviously, he was an official prestige cultivated in a high position all the year round.

"Shangshang?" Song Qingshu smiled non-committal. "What's your name?"

"My last name is Han, my name is Jiefu." The goatee replied neither humble nor arrogant. Although he did not use his real name, he used the real name. Anyway, this is not the Southern Song Dynasty. Unless someone is very familiar, he will never know him. Identity.

"Han Jiefu?" Song Qingshu read silently several times, and suddenly became furious, "Han Jiefu, shouting brother-in-law, he is so brave that he dares to take advantage of the official, come, give me a slap!"

The goatee was dumbfounded, and 6 You hurriedly stepped forward and cursed: "You are a dog official who is not learning and skillful, but you come to wrong a good man. The word "Jie Fu" is taken from the Southern Dynasty Liang Guo Ren Fang's "Playing Liu Zheng" "Chen heard Ma Yuan Feng's sister-in-law, no title, no entry; Fanyu character lonely, impermanent son. It is called a righteous husband, who has heard of it, has a good talk for thousands of years, and is called a brother-in-law. "Because of Jingkang's shame, 6 You is a firm leader. Therefore, there is no good face to hear that he is a golden man.

This statement made the Southern Song Dynasty group burst into laughter, and all of them showed sarcasm. The soldiers on the Manchu side wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and they held back extremely hard.

Song Qingshu originally came to find the fault deliberately, and when he saw it, he borrowed the question and waved: "Wow, how dare you insult the officer, come, let me take it all!"

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