Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1026: Bai Lian Fang Zong

"Hey!" The group of soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were assigned to him, all of them clamored to show their faces, and when they heard his order, they rushed over.


There was a sound of dragon chanting, and the group of soldiers saw a flash of cold light in front of them, followed by a sharp pain in their wrists, and the swords in their hands could no longer be held, and they were scattered all over the place.

The big man with a beard put his sword in his sheath Shi Shiran.

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up. With his current cultivation level, how could he not see that the opponent had been merciful when he came out of the sword. Although he stabbed these soldiers in their wrists, they didn't hurt their muscles, so he didn't stop him either.

&△△△, ≮.▼→.⌒p; "Dugu Nine Swords!" Such a magical swordsmanship will be unforgettable once people have seen it, how can he admit it wrong? It turned out that this person was pretending to be Ling Huchong, no wonder he looked so familiar.

Song Qingshu looked up and down the dress of the guilty man, and his heart became more and more weird: This servant won't be dressed up like the original Quanzhou Senate General Wu Tiande, right?

Seeing the strength of the opponent’s martial arts, the personal guards around Song Qingshu immediately surrounded him, firmly guarded him in the middle, and confronted the Southern Song delegation. Seeing that the situation was tense, when it was about to trigger, a loud noise suddenly came from a distance. Drink: "Stop!"

Looking back, I saw a group of green camp soldiers neatly running over and standing apart, and then one person galloping on a tall horse.

Song Qingshu narrowed his eyes. When Li Kexiu and his daughter went south to take office, he had rescued him. How could he not recognize who this person was? Thinking that he was the first person to come to Yangzhou as the first person of the Jin Guochaotang, Li Kexiu disappeared for an excuse. As a result, the Southern Song delegation had just had an accident on the front foot and his hind foot arrived. Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little heavy. It seems that Li Kexiu's heart The balance has been tilted very obviously.

After dismounting, Li Kexiu quietly cast a relieved look at the goatee, and then walked to Song Qing before writing and said, "Li Kexiu, admiral of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Waterways, has met the Marshal."

"It turned out to be Lord Li," Song Qingshu snorted noncommitantly. "Master Li's shelf is big enough. This handsome man has been in Yangzhou for so long and has never seen him. Why, Master Li is free today?"

Song Qingshu is now playing the role of the first person in the Kingdom of Jin, so he is naturally qualified to play official power, and judging from the experience during this period, he is not normal if he does not take the opportunity to have an emotional attack.

Li Kexiu has been in the officialdom for many years, and has already developed a face that is as thick as a city wall. He answered like a liu: "Some water bandits broke out near Yangzhou a few days ago. According to legend, they also colluded with Japanese pirates. The officer did not dare to take it lightly and hurried to investigate The details, so that I neglected Master Marshal, but also hope to forgive and forgive sins."

Song Qingshu snorted, "Since Master Li has returned to Yangzhou City now, it seems that the water bandit has been wiped out?"

Li Kexiu replied as usual: "The water bandits are so cunning and it is difficult to catch them. I just came back for a rest this time, and I will soon return to the Green Camp to preside over the overall situation."

Song Qingshu secretly cursed the old fox, it seems that he intends to hide in the dark forever.

Li Kexiu took the opportunity to laugh and said, "Master Marshal, it is all a misunderstanding. The master of Yuqing Guanguan, Dao Ma is my senior brother in Xixi. We have been in contact for many years, and we admire Ma Daochang’s character and martial arts very much. Yu Qingguan has him presided over. , You will never get involved in any thieves, the marshal can rest assured."

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned, no wonder he felt that the name Ma Zhen sounded familiar, it turned out to be him!

Because of the friendship with Li Yuanzhi, Song Qingshu is also very aware of the situation in Li Kexiu’s home. The Xixi he referred to should be Li Yuanzhi’s master, Lu Feiqing, nicknamed Mianlizhen, and Lu Feiqing is still a Wudang sect, since Ma Zhen It's his brother, so naturally he is also of Wudang school.

Although the Wudang School is based in Wudang Mountain, there are also several views in the world, collectively referred to as Wudang Five Views, followed by Zixiao Palace, Zhenwu Temple, Baiyun Temple, Shangqing Temple, and Yuqing Temple.

Among them, Zixiao Palace is naturally the Wudang base camp. Zhang Sanfeng was handed over to Song Yuanqiao to take care of the affairs of the world. Later, because of Song Qingshu's accidental killing of Mo Shenggu, Song Yuanqiao resigned and was replaced by Yu Lianzhou;

The Master of Zhenwu View is the Taoist Chongxu who is inseparable from Master Fang Zheng in "Smiling Proud Jianghu";

The Master of Baiyun Guan is a foolish tea Taoist. According to legend, he was invited by the people of Xia Ke Island, so that the Baiyun Guan has declined in recent years;

The masters of Shangqing are the masters of the sky, and the black and white swords, Shiqing and Min Rou, also learned art here;

Yuqing Guan's master is the fat Taoist Ma Zhen in front of him. He also has two juniors, one is Li Yuanzhi's master, Lu Feiqing, and the other is the fireman judge Zhang Zhaozhong.

Since they are all from the Wudang line, Song Qingshu is not very embarrassed. He hesitated and said: "Since Master Li is the guardian, this commander does not hold Yu Qingguan accountable, but these people are suspicious, and this commander suspects that they are. The spy, I'm going to take it back for a strict interrogation.

At this time, Ma Zhen hurriedly stepped forward and said, "The adults have misunderstood. They are genuine businessmen. Every time they come to Yangzhou to do business in these years, they have been watching and resting. The poor road knows his roots and is definitely not a spy."

Li Kexiu also took the opportunity to say: "Yes, I also have an impression of them. I have met them several times before in Yuqingguan. I also checked their road quotes and approvals. There is no problem. They will definitely not be spies."

Song Qingshu sneered in his heart, a group of ordinary caravans actually got your admiral's manpower protection, if it said it was okay, then it would be a hell.

However, the current situation has become that the identification of these people as spies means that Yu Qingguan and Li Kexiu are accomplices. Song Qingshu does not want to influence the Wudang faction, nor does he want to openly tear his face with Li Kexiu.

Fortunately, the purpose of this trip has basically been achieved, finding the true envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty, and at the same time confirming which force Li Kexiu prefers.

Song Qingshu was silent for a while, and finally said: "Since there is Master Li as security, then this matter is forgotten, let's go!" After speaking, he greeted his soldiers and left straight away.

"Xiaguan sent off to Master Marshal." Li Kexiu followed up with a smile.

Seeing the two teams leaving, Lu You hurriedly said to the goatee middle-aged man: "Master Han, this place has been exposed, we need to change the place as soon as possible."

"No!" The Lord Han shook his head, "We will stay here and not go anywhere."


What else Lu You wanted to say, the Lord Han raised his hand to stop him: "Today, the Grand Marshal Jin Guo brought his troops and returned without success. There is no safer place in Yangzhou than here. If we change places, it will not happen. Prove the guilty conscience and give that Marshal Jin Guo to come back to find fault? And we have been here, Li Kexiu has to always come forward to protect us, in that way, in the eyes of everyone, he is in the same group with us, and then want to ride the wall It’s not that easy anymore."

Lu You's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed sincerely: "Master Han really thinks about lofty, admire, admire!"

Li Kexiu escorted Song Qingshu all the way back to Daotai Yamen's imperial mission, and then said goodbye: "Master Marshal, please have a good rest. The case of the Yangzhou prefecture being robbed, please refer to the lower officials to investigate."

Song Qingshu talked to him along the way, clearly chatting a lot, but there was no useful information from beginning to end, so he had to scold the old fox secretly.

Seeing him leave, Song Qingshu didn't want to stay, and just let him leave with a few words of entertainment.

After Li Kexiu left, Song Qingshu changed into casual clothes and followed out quietly. Sure enough, Li Kexiu left the Daotai Yamen and went round and round, and finally walked into Yuqing Temple.

Although Li Kexiu had paid enough attention to whether he was being followed, how could he find Song Qingshu?

"It's just right, I just want to hear how far you talked about it." Song Qingshu found a remote corner and quietly turned into Yuqing Temple.

After the turmoil just now, it is obvious that Yu Qingguan's guards are much tighter. With Song Qingshu's martial arts, he must be careful not to be discovered.

Following the direction in his memory, Song Qingshu found the courtyard just now, and flew as light as a swallow to the roof of the room in the middle. After uncovering the tiles, the two sides really met here.

Li Kexiu stood behind Lu Feiqing and Ma Zhen, and behind the self-proclaimed Han Jiefu stood Linghuchong and Lu You.

Lu Feiqing, Lu You...

An inspiration flashed in Song Qingshu's mind. Presumably, Lu Feiqing was also a member of the Shanyin Lu clan. It seems that the Southern Song Dynasty was able to successfully hook up with Li Kexiu through Lu Feiqing's matchmaking.

But who is this Han Jiefu? From his appearance, he is obviously in a high position, but which official surnamed Han in the Southern Song Dynasty?

Song Qingshu was puzzled, and suddenly thought of Dai Qisi's mention of her husband Han Qianye being sent to undercover in the Kingdom of Jin by the family, and suddenly realized that it was him!

Throughout the Song Dynasty, the Northern Song and Southern Song dynasties were united, the prominent family did not know where they were, but there was no disagreement in the later generations who were openly named the first prominent family, and that was Zhending Han! The representative figures are Han Qi in the Northern Song Dynasty and Han Tong in the Southern Song Dynasty. Without exception, they have become officials of power under one person and over ten thousand people.

Calculating the time, this person naturally cannot be Han Qi, but it may only be Han Tong, who is currently a member of the political affairs of the Southern Song Dynasty. Song Qingshu is now living in a temple and has deliberately understood the power structure of various countries, so he can guess his true identity so quickly.

"Thank you, Master Li, for helping you just now." Han Tong said only.

"Han Xiang is polite. In fact, even if I don't come, Tang Kuo's defense will not hurt you. I heard that the guard next to Han Xiang stabbed more than a dozen Qing soldiers with a single sword." Li Kexiu exclaimed. Looking at Linghu Chong standing on the side, even Ma Zhen and Lu Feiqing behind them looked sideways. Although they claimed to be masters of swordsmanship, they wanted to stab more than a dozen brave soldiers with a single sword. They couldn't do it.

Han Tongxuan was also particularly pleased: "This General Wu Tiande Wu also happened to me by chance on the way. At that time I was assassinated by a group of mysterious people. If it weren't for General Wu's rescue, I'm afraid I would not be able to escape the end of the corpse wilderness."

Li Kexiu was taken aback: "Who dared to assassinate Han Xiang after taking the bear heart?

Han Tong snorted coldly, "It's not the remnants of the white lotus!"

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