Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1027: Mysterious belt imperial equipment

Hearing the word Bailian, Song Qingshu on the roof was shocked. Bailianjiao was bold enough to openly assassinate the ministers of the Southern Song dynasty level. I don't know if Zhou Zhiruo participated in this mission. In case of injury, Linghuchong would be in trouble.

However, Song Qingshu quickly let go of the worry. Although Linghu's swordsmanship is high, but the partial discipline is too serious, he learned a master of star attraction. It is still a semi-finished product. After all, Zhou Zhiruo is the number one master in the world at the lion slaughter conference. In addition, in the past two years, I have been doing yin and yang together with myself from time to time. The foundation of internal strength has long been strong and abnormal, and the hidden dangers of martial arts have been eliminated. Now, the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" has been cultivated to a very high level of enlightenment. Even if you encounter a five-level master, self-protection is more than enough, not to mention just a Linghu Chong.

However, what puzzled Song Qingshu the most was that Linghu Chonglu drew his sword to help when he saw the injustice. Why would he stay with Han Tong to protect him?

Linghuchong has always been smart and open-minded, and hates being restrained by all kinds of disciplines. It is indeed surprising that Linghuchong is now the minion of the imperial court.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu couldn't guess that the reason why Ling Huchong followed Han Tong was mainly caused by him. It turned out that Linghu Chong had previously agreed to let Wuxing go to Fujian to investigate the whereabouts of the evil swordsmanship in order to help the father and daughter of our company cope with the difficult situation of Heimuya, and by the way, he wondered if there was a chance to meet the younger sister.

It's a pity that news of the marriage between Heimuya and Jinsheying came from the rivers and lakes on the way. Linghu Chong's whole person was critically beaten, and he deliberately returned to Heimuya to ask for some understanding, but he thought to himself, whether it was appearance or martial arts, I can’t compare to Song Qingshu. What's more, I’m still an overlord, with tens of thousands of elite soldiers controlling a territory with a radius of thousands of miles, but I am a solitary orphan. Even if I go to Heimuya, what can I change? Would you choose him as your son-in-law?

In this way, I arrived in Fujian in a muddle-headed manner, and happened to ran into the Huashan group again. He was even more discouraged to see Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan showing affection all day long.

In order to avoid being recognized by acquaintances, he changed his name to Wu Tiande and wandered around aimlessly. He used alcohol to dissipate his sorrows all day. By coincidence, he rescued Han Tong's party and learned that the other party was actually a deputy of the Southern Song Dynasty court.

Seeing his amazing swordsmanship and powerful martial arts, Han Tongxong was determined to recruit him. Linghu Chong subconsciously prepared to refuse, but suddenly thought that the reason why Ren Woxing betrayed Yingying and betrothed to Song Qingshu was not because the other party was more powerful, and marriage with him could help Japan. Is Luna Sect? Then, if you can also make a name for yourself, won't you be able to **** Yingying back upright?

Han Chuan was a high-ranking official of the Southern Song Dynasty's hall sergeant, wouldn't it be a shortcut to get to the sky?

After thinking about all this, Ling Hu Chong resolutely accepted Han Tong's solicitation. Han Dongzhe didn't treat him badly either, and at the time he promised him an identity with imperial equipment.

Although the words "Taiyu Equipment" look ordinary, the background is huge. The emperor's guarding force in the Southern Song Dynasty is roughly composed of four forces: Shi Zhubanzhi in front of the palace, Imperial City Division, three guards, and belt imperial weapons.

In front of the temple, all the squads are the most brave sergeants selected from the army, with a total of about three or four thousand;

The gates of the imperial palace are guarded by the Imperial City Department. There are generally five cordon lines from the emperor's side. The Imperial City Department and the Dianqian squads intersect each other so that the Imperial City Department and the Dianqian Division check each other and prevent Change

The three guards are Xunwei, Yiwei, and Guanwei. However, compared with the Dianqian Si Zhubanzhi and Huangchengsi, their military value is much worse, because these people are the children of officials’ families, and they bear most of the burden. It is a ritual task, but because it is close to the emperor, the selection is very strict. For example, the guards who stood on both sides of the palace during the upper dynasty are required to be the concubines of the harem or the observant, and the officials of the Hanlin degree or above. ;

Compared with these three forces, carrying imperial weapons is the most mysterious. They can be regarded as the real guards with swords in front of them. There are not many people with this kind of official position. Most of the time, there are only three or four. The two Songs add up to nearly three hundred. In the year, there were no more than six at the most.

With such a small number of people, the selection criteria are naturally extremely strict. They are usually people who are very close to the emperor and are extremely brave. There is a passage in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in which Qu Lingfeng, Huang Yaoshi’s disciple, was expelled from Peach Blossom Island. Tiao Huang Yaoshi returned to his teacher with joy, so he ventured to steal the painting from the palace, and wanted to dedicate it to the master. In the end, he returned to Niujia Village with the chasing Ouchi master.

The military officer had a badge on his body, "Chongju defense envoy doctor Shi Yanming with imperial weapons." The official system of the Song Dynasty was very complicated. Chungju defense envoys and martial arts doctors were just titles. The really important thing was this imperial weapon.

After learning about this incident, the pharmacist in the original book sighed that if Qu Lingfeng had broken his legs by himself, he would never have died under Shi Yanming. In fact, the fact is just the opposite. Shi Yanming is an imperial weapon, and his martial arts is extremely brilliant, Qu Ling Feng is definitely not his opponent. If it hadn't been for the inconvenience of seeing Qu Lingfeng's legs, he would never have been hit by the Peach Blossom Island mechanism he set up, and eventually ended up with him.

As soon as Han Chuan came, he gave Linghu Chong with imperial equipment in return. For people like Linghu Chong, it can be regarded as a step to the sky. After all, carrying imperial equipment is usually by the emperor’s side, and it is easy to get the emperor’s appreciation. .

Originally, such an important position as carrying imperial equipment was definitely not determined by a minister, but Han Dongzhe’s family was very powerful, and a certain favored concubine in the harem was on the same front as him, so arranging an imperial equipment was not considered What is difficult.

Song Qingshu didn't know that Linghu Chong had such an adventure. He just listened attentively to what the next two parties were talking about.

Han Tong obviously didn't want to continue discussing the topic of White Lotus with Li Kexiu, and said, "Master Li, it's been so many days, how did you think about what you said last time?"

Li Kexiu smiled bitterly: "Han Xiang, you also know that my family is still hostage in Yanjing City. If I openly change the flag and return to the Song Dynasty according to your requirements, wouldn't it cost them their lives?"

"You don't have to worry about this, we will naturally arrange for someone to rescue the young master Li's house." Han Tong replied.

Li Kexiu frowned: "It's not that I don't believe in Han Xiang. Now that the ownership of the Jianghuai generation has attracted the attention of all parties, I am at the top of the storm. The court must be extremely strict with my family. It will be saved so easily."

Li Kexiu is not an idiot. He has sent people to Beijing several times to try to save his family, but it is a pity that the imperial court keeps his family members tightly guarded, and the people he sends cannot start at all.

Hearing his words, Han Tong smiled mysteriously: "You can rest assured about this. Mrs. Li asks yourself, who is more important to your family than the daughter of Pingxi King Wu Sangui?"

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