Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1030: Beautiful woman weeping

Hearing Jia Sidao's words, Liao Ying jumped in the center and hurriedly asked: "Does the master want to use the power of Xia Ke Island?"

"No!" Jia Sidao shook his head, "Xiaoke Island is my biggest plan, and it must not be easily exposed to people's eyes."

Liao Yingzhong smiled bitterly: "If we don't use the power of Xia Ke Island, the master we can use may not be better than that of the little lord. After all, we can't use the power on the bright side, and the masters on the rivers and lakes can surpass those of the White Lotus Cult. I'm afraid not much."

Jia Sidao snorted disdainfully: "The Bailianjiao dynasties have been the target of the court's attack. Zhao Bojiu, a prince, actually made friends with such bandits. Humph, it seems that he has done everything for that position."

Liao Yingzhong smiled and said: "Today, the saint has no children, and he deliberately adopted two from the clan. Everyone can see that the future emperor will inevitably emerge from these two. However, the signs that have been spread from the palace over the years indicate that it seems that Zhao Bo Cong hopes more. In addition to the fact that Han Tongxuan and Zhao Bocong had a good relationship, it is no wonder that the little prince had to use some side tricks."

"Is it useful? Bailianjiao doesn't help the court dispute at all. Nowadays, even the fight between the rivers and lakes can't be handled." Apparently, Jia Sidao was extremely dissatisfied with the little prince's actions.

Liao Yingzhong replied: "Although the White Lotus Sect is useless, it has at least one advantage, that is, you can carry this scapegoat after the matter is done. After all, the minister of the slaying chief was assassinated to death. This is unprecedented. The court will definitely take it afterwards. Investigating this matter, the intensity will be unprecedentedly severe, so the subordinates suggest that the lord is to watch the changes this time. If he participates in it, it is likely to cause fire."

Jia Sidao shook his head: "I thought so before, so I let Zhao Bojiu act, but it turns out that his men are not reliable, and I don't want Han Tong to come back alive, so I can only do it myself."

"But..." Liao Yingzhong wanted to say something, but Jia Sidao waved her hand to stop it.

"I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. Zhao Bojiu knows to kill people with a knife, so why don't I know how to use this knife?" Jia Sidao stroked his mouth, as if he was confident.

"I don't know whose lord's knife is going to borrow?" Liao Yingzhong hurriedly asked.

Jia Sidao smiled slightly: "The last time Zhang San Li Si on Xia Ke Island reported that they met a weird boy, what is his name... What kind of dog bastard? Untouchables are untouchables. Look at what bad names they got."

"If it weren't for his unique name, the lord probably couldn't remember these people." Liao Yingzhong casually echoed a few words, and then said, "That young man seems to be called Shi Potian, whose internal strength is terrifying, and even Zhang San Li Si is far inferior. Fortunately, People seem to be a little stupid, so Zhang San and Li Si can take the opportunity to become brothers with him and turn enemies into friends."

As Jia Sidao's assistant, he does the most thing to help him gather massive amounts of information, so he has a very strong memory, and after thinking about it, he told him the information.

Jia Sidao nodded: "Yes, the reason why I have an impression of this person is not only because his name is too...too fresh and refined, but also because he is a member of the Songshan School."

A move in Liao Ying's center can become Jia Sidao's chief staff. His head is absolutely not stupid, and he quickly grasped his thoughts: "Could it be that the sword the lord wants to borrow is from the Songshan school."

"Yes, I have checked the information of the Songshan School. This Zuo Lengchan is cruel and foresight. If he is not limited by the world, he is definitely a first-rate talent." If Zuo Lengchan learns that his evaluation in Jia Sidao's mind is so Gao, I am afraid he will be very pleased, "Songshan faction is huge, and he has made friends with many evil masters. It is a suitable knife."

Liao Yingzhong said suspiciously, "But Zuo Lengchan is not a fool, so how can he agree to kill Han Tong?"

Jia Sidao patted him on the shoulder: "Yingzhong, that's why you are an excellent staff, but not a qualified leader. I will only let Zuo Lengchan use it for me unknowingly, how can it be obvious? Tell him to kill Han Dong?"

"The subordinates are dull, and I hope the lord will give me advice." Liao Yingzhong respectfully saluted.

Jia Sidao smiled: "What do you think Zuo Lengchan wants most recently?"

"Evil Evil Sword Spectrum!" Liao Yingzhong blurted out, he was always paying attention to the turmoil of the rivers and lakes, knowing that the Wuyue Sword Sect had all rushed to Fuzhou some time ago, and wanted to get "Evil Sword Genesis", but all of them failed to return.

"But we don’t have the "Evil Guarding Sword Book" in our hands. It's weird to say it. It's hard to find out from the information network of Xia Ke Island that "The Evil Guarding Sword Book" may be hidden in the Buddhist hall of the old house in Xiangyang Lane of the Lin Family. But we When the people went to investigate, they only found traces of something hidden in a place on the beam. Obviously, "Sword of Exorcising Evil" has been published quickly, and I don't know who fell into it." Liao Yingzhong was puzzled.

"Although we don't have it, we can mislead Zuo Lengchan and make him think that someone has it." Jia Sidao smiled slyly.

"Who?" Liao Yingzhong asked hurriedly with a move of her eyebrows.

"Wu-Tian-De!" Jia Sidao paused every word.

Liao Yingzhong immediately exclaimed: "Wonderful! Wu Tiande had been in a mediocre martial arts before, but he suddenly became strong in martial arts and exquisite swordsmanship. In addition, he was also a general in Quanzhou before, and he would inevitably pass by Fuzhou when he returned to Beijing to report his duties. It's reasonable to say that he got the "Sword of Exorcising Evil"...Hey, the Sword of Extinguishing Evil is really in his hands, right?"

Jia Sidao shook his head: "It's just a mere "Sword Book of Evil Guarding", it's not worth the trouble, no matter who holds it. Anyway, as long as Zuo Lengchan believes that Wu Tiande has the sword of evil spirits, he will definitely do his best to grab the sword. With Zuo Lengchan's fierce character, in order not to leak this matter, he will surely kill all the people involved, and Han Dongzhan will become a fish in trouble."

"The master's trick to darken Chen Cang on the Mingxiu plank road is really wonderful. If I hadn't been told in advance, how could I guess that Han Chung was the real target." Liao Yingzhong was flattered again, which made Jia Sidao feel at ease.

"But how to pass the news to Zuo Lengchan, so that he will not doubt it, but also make it impossible for the court to track us down afterwards?" Liao Yingzhong suddenly realized a key issue.

"This is going to fall on that dog bastard," Jia Sidao caressed the eight-character Hu, and said slowly, "Let Changle gang leader Bei Haishi invite the dog **** back to be the gang leader in the name of dealing with rewards, good and evil. Since he is a member of the Songshan School, Zuo Lengchan will definitely go to investigate. Zuo Lengchan is very ambitious, and with such a good opportunity, he will inevitably lurch behind the dog **** and take the opportunity to control the Changle Gang. Then Changle will help. The spies told the dog **** that the nominal helper found out the whereabouts of "Sword of Exorcising Evil", and Zuo Lengchan naturally knew about it."

Liao Yingzhong suddenly realized: "In this way, no matter how clever the old fox, Ren Zuo Lengchan, he would only think that he intercepted the news himself, but he didn't know that we deliberately let him know. Moreover, the court couldn't find us no matter how it was checked afterwards. Body."

"No matter how cunning the fox is, how can it beat a hunter~" Jia Sidao smiled meaningfully.

Song Qingshu didn’t know about the conspiracies that took place in Lin’an. After descending from Han Tong’s roof, in order not to be discovered by the surrounding guards, he chose to turn out from Yuqingguan’s back wall next to the river. Take a walk along the river while thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

I don’t know how long I’ve been walking, I suddenly heard the cry of a woman in front of me. I looked up and saw a quiet and beautiful woman sitting by the river holding her knees and weeping, waiting to see the other side clearly. Appearance, Song Qingshu was startled: "This place is so far from Yuqingguan, how could she come here?"

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