Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1031: Little White Rabbit and Big Bad Wolf

The woman had a pink face and peach cheeks, clearly dressed as a young woman, but she was as shy as a girl in her gestures. It was Cheng Yaojia who had just released Daotaiyamen not long ago.

Before Song Qingshu brought Qing soldiers to search for Yu Qingguan, Lu Guanying recognized his identity and scolded his wife severely after returning. After all, in his opinion, the official Jin Guogou just released them with his front feet, and he came to the door with his back feet. Only a handful of people in Yuqing Guan, who are hiding in Han Dongzhan and others, know that there is no such a coincidence in the world.

He had been worried about his wife's loss of virginity, but he was soft and gentle in his wife's daily life, and coupled with the fact that this time was a non-resistance factor, he also suppressed his anger.

Until the night happened, Lu Guanying finally broke out. In his opinion, the loss of his wife's virginity is not completely inexcusable, but she should not hide it from herself, let alone tell the Jinren where the envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty was hiding.

He even wondered if his wife had any feelings with the golden man, otherwise, why would he tell such secret things?

Cheng Yaojia naturally felt that she was wronged, and she denied it directly, but the more she denied it, the more suspicious and angry her husband was, and in the end she even slapped her.

Cheng Yaojia has always been the jewel in the palm of his family since he was a child. In addition to his shy and gentle temperament, he never blushed with her husband even after getting married, but this time she received a solid slap in the face.

With grievances and anger in her heart, Cheng Yaojia cried and ran out of Yuqingguan. Lu Guanying was angry and did not come out to chase her. In this way, she ran farther and farther, the more sad she ran, and finally one by the river. Weeping secretly under the tree.

Song Qingshu saw that she was crying with pears and pears raining in her heart. She was about to come to comfort her, but suddenly noticed something and had to stop.

"Before they told me that Jiangnan is good and I didn't believe it, but when I came to Yangzhou, I didn't say that the water was sweet, and even women were so pitiful." Not far away, a group of people passed by, leading the young man to see Cheng Yao clearly. Jia's appearance couldn't help but his eyes gleamed, and he hurriedly led people toward her.

When Song Qingshu looked around, he saw that the man in front of him was dressed up like a young man, but the clothes and decorations were slightly rough, and he was definitely not a Han family man. At the same time, his style of dressing was very different from that of the people on the grassland. After all, Song Qingshu The nomads I have seen during this time are not too few.

Seeing the pedestrian's dress, Song Qingshu had only one thought left in his mind: Nowadays, the city of Yangzhou is surging, and all forces are here to fish in troubled waters. Looking at them like this, I am afraid they are the green forest thieves from somewhere.

Perceiving so many people coming around, Cheng Yaojia was flustered and stood up hurriedly. While wiping the tears on her cheeks, she blushed and looked at these people in front of her: "Who are you?"

"Who are we? Of course we are men." The son-in-chief elder brother blew a whistle, his tone full of frivolity.

Cheng Yaojia flushed, turned around and wanted to leave, but was immediately stopped by the son: "Little lady, why are you crying here late at night, and what kind of grievances you have suffered? Tell your brother, brother will help you get ahead."

Although Cheng Yaojia was shy, he came from the gate of the Chongyang Palace after all. Seeing the other party deliberately molested her, she couldn't help but feel cold: "Get out of the way!"

"Oh, the little lady is quite fierce, what if I don't let the little lady, brother?" The son said as he stretched out his hand to hook her chin.

Cheng Yaojia's expression suddenly changed, and the saber came out of her waist, and she stabbed him with a sword, but she was kind-hearted. This sword deliberately avoided the opponent's vitals, and only wanted to retreat from the enemy, and did not want to hurt anyone.

The young man flashed his figure and easily dodged her sword. He stretched out his hand and touched her cheek. However, Yaojia is a famous martial artist. Although his martial arts is not high, he has a solid foundation. He hurried his head and just avoided it. The other's hand.

Seeing a touch, the son was also a little surprised: "It seems that the little lady is still reluctant to let me touch your delicate face, but my temper is strange. The more you don't want me to touch it, the more I want to touch it." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and attacked, without touching any other places, he shot her face.

Cheng Yaojia was angry and anxious, and hurriedly swung his sword to protect himself. One of the two made a move, and the other dodged around. After a dozen moves, Cheng Yaojia's steps scattered.

Song Qingshu frowned. Cheng Yaojia was definitely not the young man's opponent. He was about to rescue him, but the sudden change over there.

"Where's the **** boy, in this broad daylight, he dares to molest the good women!" An old man burst out not far away and shouted at the young boy.

The young man stayed in a daze, subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky, and found a full moon hung in the dark sky, he couldn't help but furious: "Where is the old immortal? Are you blind?"

The old man's face burned. He had never done this kind of heroic saving of the United States. The first time he did it, he would inevitably have some tricks, and he uttered those slogans that others had called before.

In order to resolve the embarrassment in his heart, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and pointed: "Hey! Let this girl go, the old man can spare you."

In the distance, Song Qing wrote strangely and felt that things were getting more and more interesting, so he didn't rush over, but leaned against the tree with his hands to see how things would develop next.

He also knew this old man, speaking of it as an acquaintance, he was Luzhangke, one of the two running dogs Xuanming in the Ruyang Palace.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that this harking deer would actually come out to save the United States as a hero?" Song Qingshu secretly smiled.

Hearing Lu Zhangke's words, the young man's men scolded: "Smelly old man, do you know who our son is? How dare to speak wild words!"

"Who is it?" Lu Zhangke was startled, his heart still a little guilty. He was working as an errand in Ruyang Palace and deeply felt how powerful the government was. In case the other party was really the son of a high-ranking official, he really had to consider it.

"Our son is Major General Zhang of the Zhongyi Army of the Dabie Mountains..." Then he wanted to continue, but was slapped fiercely by the young son: "Shut up, useless things, it's not that I said that this trip can't be done. Reveal your identity!"

"Major General, **** your subordinates, damn!" Na hurriedly admitted his mistake.

Lu Zhangke was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "What **** the loyal army, isn't it just a group of bandits who killed a thousand swords in Dabie Mountain?"

He was mixed with Ruyang Prince's Mansion, and under the influence of his ears and eyes, his knowledge was not comparable to that of ordinary people in the world.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded his head. He also heard about this loyal army. At that time, Jin and Qing rose up, but because of the rapid advancement, many areas could not be digested effectively. This led to the rise of the rebels in many places in the Central Plains. The Southern Song Dynasty court was happy to see it. Adding more chaos to the Jin and Qing two countries, so they sealed some of the Song Dynasty officials in the hands of the rebels. Anyway, it was a blank check. The Southern Song court did not feel distressed. The leaders of the rebels were legalized, and both sides took what they needed.

However, as the Jin and Qing countries stabilized later, these rebels everywhere were wiped out. In the end, there were only three more famous ones. One was the Golden Snake Camp in Shandong, the other was the Red Coat Army in Henan, and the third was the Dabie Mountain. The Loyalty Army, the three rebels, the Golden Snake Camp is the strongest, the Red Coat Army is the second, and the Loyalty Army is the weakest, but it is still a force that cannot be underestimated, and it seems that the Loyalty Army seems to be inextricably linked to the Southern Song Dynasty court. Link.

When the major general heard Lu Zhangke's words, he couldn't help being furious. He waved his hand and ordered: "Kill him for me!"


His entourages have taken out their swords, and it can be seen that they are extremely brave and brave.

It's a pity that it's not fighting on the battlefield now. What they are encountering is the top-notch deer stickman. The figure of the deer stickman is constantly shuttled in the crowd, and this group of people soon screams.

The major general only confronted Lu Zhangke with one move, and he felt a chill of innocence burst into his body, and he hurriedly jumped out of the circle of war, knowing that the old man's martial arts in front of him was far above him.

Seeing his own men killed one by one, he suddenly understood that if he procrastinated a little longer, he might be planted here tonight, how dare to stay again and hurriedly ran away.

Perhaps he realized that his behavior was really not glorious, and he just listened to him yelling and cursing: "Die old man, if you have the courage, you will leave a name. Today's account will be counted with you by the loyal army in the future."

Luzhangke was furious, and slapped the last soldier beside him with a palm: "Your grandfather, can I change my name and sit still, so is Luzhangke!"

He originally wanted to chase the grass and remove the roots, but from the corner of his eyes, he caught Qiaoshengsheng's Cheng Yaojia who was standing by, and suddenly stopped. After all, how could that stinky man be attractive to such a beautiful little lady.

"Girl, are you okay?" As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Zhangke noticed the bun on her head, and was a little disappointed secretly, because he was already married.

But he quickly became happy again. No matter how married, this little lady is so beautiful that she is not in the slightest under the prince’s favorite girl Han Ji. When he thinks of Han Ji, he hates the Mingjiao gang. .

"I'm okay, thank you senior for helping me." Cheng Yao Jia Yingying owed a salute, and his tone was full of gratitude.

The Luzhangke hurriedly reached out and helped her up: "Where is the girl's house and why is there alone in the middle of the night?"

Seeing him holding on to her hand, Cheng Yaojia's face turned red, and she hurriedly retracted her hand. Although she felt strange in her mind, she didn't think about other places, because the person in front of her was not a fairy wind Bone, but older than her father.

Song Qingshu sneered secretly not far away, but I wanted to see what tricks you, an old and disrespectful old man would do. He knew that it was not a good time to step forward at this time. In Cheng Yaojia's heart, he was probably more terrifying. Even if he told her that the Luzhanger was a thief, she probably wouldn't believe it.

"I had a little conflict with my family, so I'm ready to go back." Cheng Yaojia wiped the tears on her cheeks. Although she still complained about her husband in her heart, it was better to be bullied by some gangsters around her than outside. it is good.

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