Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1050: I want her

Zhang Hongfan wanted to struggle again. Song Qingshu's bodyguard had already passed the knife and rested on his neck. He immediately became quiet.

"Whatever you are doing, don't move!" At this time, the team of clearing soldiers had already rushed up, and the leader, Na Pi, drew a knife and shouted at the man on the second floor. Regardless of the Huashan school, Murongfu, or Mu Gaofeng, seeing that they are crowded and crowded, coupled with the fact that this place is the border of the Qing Dynasty, he hesitated and did not act rashly.

Of course, they are more afraid of Song Qingshu on the other side, worrying about accidentally provoking such a difficult enemy.

As for Song Qingshu, he was too lazy to pay attention to the group, and signaled the accompanying guard to negotiate with Na Pi, and he went straight back to his seat.

$≡$≡$≡, ≈.≠▽.↑Na Pi will see Song Qingshu ignoring himself, and just as the attack is about to happen, he suddenly sees what the other guard has given him. He can't help but turn around 180 degrees. He ran over with a flattering smile: "The slave has eyes and no beads. I don't know that you are here. If you bump into you, I hope you can forgive me. I wonder if I can do anything for you?"

Although Song Qingshu was not an official of the Qing Dynasty, the two kingdoms of Jin and Qing were always brothers. In addition, Suo Etu became worshipped with him. During this time, no one in the Yangzhou officialdom knew that Jin had come to such a master, even the governors and chief envoys. They have to fight to flatter him, not to mention a mere helper.

Song Qingshu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and pointed directly at Yue Buqun and his group and said: "These are from the Huashan School, let them go."

Huashan faction is now in the territory of the Kingdom of Jin. As an official of the Kingdom of Jin, he naturally has no reason to embarrass them.

When Song Qingshu pointed their finger at them, the Huashan faction was all frightened, knowing that the other party could hardly deal with it alone. Now there are so many Manchu soldiers. If you really start, I am afraid that the Huashan faction will die here today. Up.

When I heard him opening his party, even people from the city like Yue Buqun were a little bit happy, clasped a fist and said, "Thank you very much."

Song Qingshu waved his hand and motioned for them to leave quickly. Yue Lingshan had a simple and straightforward character. Seeing that his father was so ignored, she was about to speak but was held back by the mother next to her.

Ning Zhong already knew what his daughter was, so he could stop her early and shook his head quietly.

Yue Lingshan remembered the terrifying martial arts that the other party had just shown, and she couldn't help but spit out her tongue in fear, she was really cute and cute.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, thinking that it's no wonder Linghu rushed to her with deep roots, and she was indeed a pretty and charming girl. It's just that he prefers a gentle and feminine character, Yue Lingshan's character is really insensitive.

Seeing that the other party didn’t blame his daughter, Ning Zhong couldn’t help but nodded slightly and thanked him. Song Qingshu smiled back and sighed inwardly: The former Huashan lady, but unfortunately she met a woman and married a hypocrite and son-in-law. Temperament and husband are also imprinted in the same mold, and they are doomed to a miserable end in the future.

Ning Zhong's heart jumped because of his weird smile. He wondered why this man smiled at him like this, so he didn't dare to look at him again, and hurriedly took his daughter downstairs.

After the Huashan faction left, Song Qingshu shifted his gaze to Murong Fu again, hesitated, and said, "This is the famous Gusu Murong son, don't embarrass him, let him go."

Although Murong Fu had not been authentic for several times before, he was kind to himself after all. Although he had already repaid the kindness, he was always a little unsure of the killer, and there was no fundamental conflict of interest between the two.

As for Liang Zi, who is with Murong Bo, it is said that he is in the wrong, and there is no need to count it on him.

Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, knowing that the other party just glanced at him casually, the pressure was unprecedented, and when he really started, he had no confidence in his family's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

"Thank you!" Murong Yiben still tried to make friends with him for a while, but the oppressive feeling of the other party was too strong, and he hesitated for a while and gave up the idea of ​​making friends.

Seeing that some people in the world do not even dare to breathe, waiting for Song Qingshu to announce their destiny, Cheng Yaojia's wonderful eyes can't help but shine. After all, it is the nature of women to worship the strong.

Cheng Yaojia suddenly had an illusion that the other party was a dazzling flame, and he was the silly moth. He knew the danger, but still couldn't help but want to get close to him.

When she was in a daze, Song Qingshu suddenly spoke again: "Wait!"

As soon as Murong Fu walked to the top of the stairs, he couldn't help feeling stiff when he heard the words, and the real energy flowed rapidly throughout his body, and he was ready to fight to the death.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Mr Murong doesn't have to be so nervous, I just want to tell him one thing."

"Please speak!" Murong Fu did not dare to relax.

Song Qingshu casually pointed to the direction where Mu Wanqing and the other two were located: "I want these two people, I think the son has no opinion."

"Naturally, there is no objection." Murong Fu replied quite gracefully. Of course, he knew that the subtext of the other party's words was to let him not trouble these two people in the future.

The pursuit of these two people was originally only because of the entrustment of their aunt, even if it failed, it would not be a big deal. Naturally, Murong Fu would not be so stupid to offend this unfathomable master for these two people.

When Murong Fu went downstairs, he sneered again and again, saying, what do you want these two people, what are you doing with that dead camel, Mu Gaofeng, didn't you just fall in love with that stunning girl? You have been courteous to her since just now, when we are blind.

Sure enough, Murongfu's thoughts were the voices of other people in the field. Cheng Yaojia looked disappointed, but Mu Wanqing was ashamed and angry: "You disciple!"

After speaking, he raised his hand to shoot Song Qingshu with a poisonous sleeve arrow, and Mu Gaofeng hurriedly stopped her next to her: "Never!"

The miserable experience of Zhang Hongfan's group just now is still vivid, and he doesn't want him to repeat the same mistakes.

"But he..." Mu Wanqing also knew that the martial arts gap between the two sides was too great.

"I don't know why your Excellency left us?" Mu Gaofeng tried to squeeze a smile, but it was a pity that he reflected on his ugly face, which was uglier than crying.

"I don't want to keep you, I want to keep her." Song Qingshu pointed at Mu Wanqing's body, but he simply said, "You can go now."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the court looked weird, and the next person thought: "My dear, how are these big people different from us, don't they just see beautiful women directly rob them? I must become a bigger official in the future to have a chance to grab such a beautiful woman."

Cheng Yaojia's face darkened, and she lowered her head to stare at the tea in the cup without speaking.

"You!" Mu Wan's face was pale with anger. If Mu Gaofeng hadn't been blocking her, she would have rushed forward to find him desperately.

"What if I don't leave?" To everyone's expectation, the ugly Mu Gaofeng didn't take the opportunity to escape, but instead protected him in front of Mu Wanqing.

p. The double monthly pass event is over, and as expected, it ranks 21st, and all the books have gone up.

Thanks to Kovaduin, come back alive, 9420 and other book friends for their rewards, now it’s back to 20

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