Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1051: Chaos and abandonment

Even Cheng Yaojia unexpectedly raised his head and glanced at him, thinking that although this man looks ugly and vicious, he did not expect that he was a man of love and righteousness.

Song Qingshu chuckled, stood up and walked over to the two of them. Because the performance just now was too shocking, Mu Gaofeng and Mu Wanqing subconsciously stepped back.

"When did the Saibeiming Camel Gaofeng become a man of righteousness?" Song Qing said expressionlessly in writing.

Mu Gaofeng laughed and said, "Although I am not a good person, Mu Gaofeng is not a scumbag who abandons his niece and escapes alone!" As soon as the voice fell, he pushed Mu Wanqing out, and at the same time the camel sword was taken out to Song Qingshu. Past.

"Hurry up...?" Mu Gaofeng roared vwá female vRoba, ≡.︾≦. he stopped abruptly, he knew that his martial arts would definitely not be able to beat the opponent, but he could try to hold the opponent for a while. Yes, who knew that he pierced out with a sword and stabbed into the sky, and there was no other person in front of him.

Mu Wanqing had jumped out from above the railing on the second floor with half of her body. Who knew the next moment a chuckle came from her ear: "I have a lot of things to say to the girl, so why bother to leave?"

Only then did Mu Wanqing realize that her whole person was actually held in her arms by the big beard, and she was so shocked that she immediately raised her sleeve arrow and wanted to shoot him. Who knew that the other party had pressed her on her body, and she just raised her hand halfway. Hanging limply.

"Let go of her!" Mu Gaofeng roared and hurriedly attacked with a camel sword, but Song Qingshu pointed it at his chest, his whole figure seemed to be frozen.

"Yiyangzhi? Who are you Duan Zhengchun?" Mu Gaofeng was suddenly frightened.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, ignored him, turned around and left with Mu Wanqing in his arms.

"If you dare to touch me again, I...my grandfather will definitely kill you!" Mu Wanqing glared at him.

"Are you mate?" Song Qingshu touched his nose subconsciously, "I don't know who the girl’s mate is?"

"I'm afraid I will scare you when I say it." Mu Wanqing said deliberately.

"Oh?" Song Qingshu roughly guessed one or two, and his mischievous heart paused, deliberately pretending to be curious, "Then I really want to see and see."

"Huh, my grandfather is the Golden Snake King Song Qingshu!" Mu Wanqing said proudly. When she was parting, the other party asked her to report her name in times of crisis, but she was not in danger in Manduo Mountain Villa. Taking out his name, until now, there is really no other way. She can only be a dead horse doctor and give it a try.

"Song Qingshu!" Hearing this name, the Qing soldiers in the field stepped back, showing the current appearance of the enemy. It turned out that before Song Qingshu broke the 100,000 Qing army, and the scene of the last call for the wind and rain was deliberately exaggerated by the minded people, it has long been spread fascinatingly.

Song Qingshu didn't expect that the Qing soldiers next to him would react so much when he heard his name, but when he saw Mu Wanqing's proud look, how could he bear to disappoint her.

"Ah, could it be Song Qingshu who defeated the world hero and finally won the title of Golden Snake King?"

Song Qingshu deliberately pretended to be shocked, and then took a few steps back.

Cheng Yaojia was taken aback. The two of them have been together these past few days. They have long admired his martial arts, and even thought that he was the most powerful master he knew. How can I know that he becomes like this when he hears a name, is that Song Qingshu really so powerful?

Mu Wanqing was also startled. She originally wanted to use Song Qingshu's title to make the other party jealous. Who knew that the other party had such an exaggerated reaction? After all, in her impression, even though Song Qingshu's martial arts is high, he and the person in front of him are probably only between the first and second, so the other party does not need to be scared like this at all.

Seeing the other party’s face in doubt, Song Qingshu also felt that his acting skills were too amateurish, and coughed to cover up his embarrassment: “Huh, you said that the grandfather is him? Who knows if you just slapped Zhang Hu on it. Scaring me?"

"Which daughter's family would make a joke about this kind of thing?" Mu Wanqing suddenly became anxious.

"Then I don't care, take it back for a good interrogation, and then I will know if you have lied."

Song Qingshu was about to step forward, but Mu Wanqing exclaimed, "Don't touch me!"

Seeing her panicked, but there was a hint of determination in her eyes, Song Qingshu couldn't bear to make her feel frightened anymore, so he said softly: "Okay, well, I won't touch you, but it doesn't matter if a woman is allowed to help you. Right?"

After speaking, he returned to his seat and said to Cheng Yaojia: "I'm tired of my wife."

Cheng Yaojia thought you were molesting other girls here, why did you pull me in? However, seeing the gentle eyes of the other party, she found that she couldn't refuse the other party's request, so she pouted slightly and walked to Mu Wanqing's side: "This girl, let me help you."

Although Mu Wanqing had always been fierce, she couldn't get angry with the gentle woman in front of her. After hesitating, she let her help.

Seeing that Song Qingshu went out with a beautiful and dignified young woman, and when she came back, there was an extraordinarily beautiful and refined girl. The guards of Taotai Yamen were admired in their hearts, thinking that this Jin Guo official really had the ability to make women.

After returning to the yard, Song Qingshu asked the guards to throw Zhang Hongfan into the wood house. He was more polite to Mu Gaofeng. Originally, he didn’t have a good impression of the sinister and vicious hunchback in the original book, but he just stepped forward to protect the wood in the inn. In front of Wanqing, he made a big difference, so he quietly ordered his subordinates to entertain him.

Then Cheng Yaojia was rushed to the next door with a grudge on his face, and then Song Qingshu carried Mu Wanqing into his room.

"Let go, you bastard!"

"My guild will kill you!"

"Do not touch me!"

Until the door was closed, Mu Wanqing was struggling desperately, causing the guards in the yard to show a meaningful smile.

After returning to the room, Cheng Yaojia sat down several times and stood up several times, finally biting her lip as if she had made a great determination, tiptoe to the wall, and raised her ears to eavesdrop on what the next room was saying.

After Song Qingshu closed the door, she gently placed Mu Wanqing on the chair, and then sat down and looked at her tenderly.

Although the other party did not continue to touch her body, making Mu Wanqing secretly relieved, but the other party looked at her so directly, she was still a bit creepy.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, this girl will dig out your eyeballs!" She is used to speaking ruthlessly, and she realized that this person in front of her is not the one she can teach at will on weekdays. character.

"My eyeballs are gone, you are not the one who suffers in the end?" Song Qingshu laughed.

"Hmph, what does it have to do with me if your eyeballs are gone." Mu Wanqing always felt that the person in front of him was a little weird, an indescribable weirdness... and a sense of deja vu.

"Of course it does matter. If my eyeballs are gone, wouldn't you marry a blind mate?" Song Qingshu couldn't bear to tease her anymore, reverting to her original voice.

"Who wants to marry you, I have a husband..." Mu Wanqing was halfway through her words, suddenly showing an incredible expression, staring at him blankly, "You are..."

Song Qingshu took off the mask, revealing his original face, and looked at her tenderly.

"Song Lang!" Mu Wanqing was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly reached out and pinched his face, "Is it really you?"

"Oh, it hurts~" Song Qingshu knew that she wanted to make sure that she was wearing a mask, "It's not who I am, it's a real thing!"

"Song Lang!" After confirming his identity, Mu Wanqing threw herself into his arms and started crying.

"You've been wronged during this time, be good, don't cry~" Song Qingshu patted her pink back, softly comforting.

Suddenly, Mu Wanqing sat up straight, and slapped him when she raised her hand.

Although Song Qingshu was able to escape, but seeing the tears in her eyes, she couldn't help feeling soft, and just sat there and let her slap.

"Did you calm down?" Song Qingshu reached out and wiped the tears from her cheeks, and asked gently.

"I hate you!" Mu Wanqing said while wiping her tears, "It was the same last time, and it was the same this time. Is it fun to tease me?"

Song Qingshu hugged her in her arms, leaned her face into her ear and whispered, "Because you are really fun~"

Mu Wanqing couldn't help but feel her heart, and she unconsciously remembered the intimate time between the two, her face flushed suddenly, and she said, "I hate it~"

Song Qingshu knew that her anger had mostly disappeared, so she took the opportunity to turn the subject away and asked, "Why are you with Mu Gaofeng and still being chased by Murong Fu?"

"It wasn't the last time I went to assassinate the woman from the Wang family, but Mantuo Villa was heavily guarded. I accidentally missed and was captured. Fortunately, the woman from the Wang family was not there, and there was a weak girl in the house. She didn't embarrass me, and she still thought. He secretly released me, but was stopped by the mothers in the villa, so I was locked up and waited for the woman from the Wang family to return to the village before disposing of me. Later, my uncle passed by Suzhou and learned that I was in danger, so he broke into the Manduo Villa and took me. He was rescued because he injured many people in Mantuo Villa and shocked Murong Fu in Yanziwu. In order to please his aunt, he volunteered to chase us down." Mu Wanqing lightly said a few words, but he heard Song Qingshu. Frightened.

He knew that the woman of the Wang family that Mu Wanqing said was Mrs. Li Qingluo, and that Qin Hongmian had the worst relationship with her, so he often sent Mu Wanqing to assassinate her. As for the weak and weak girl, it was naturally Li Qingluo's daughter Wang Yuyan. She was so kind, and she was so tolerant towards people seeking revenge.

But what made Song Qingshu most curious was the uncle in her mouth. She couldn't help but asked curiously: "Isn't your father Duan Zhengchun? How come Mu Gaofeng became your uncle?"

"Don't mention that person to me!" Hearing the three words Duan Zhengchun, Mu Wanqing suddenly remembered some unpleasant things in her mind. After all, since getting acquainted with the Duan family, she hasn't encountered any good things.

After a while, she faintly said: "Back then, my mother was abandoned by that person and returned home heartbroken, but was forced by the family to marry the Xixiamu family to cover up. This scandal."

p. I feel that in the second issue of "Nutrition Express" published in the public account today, I feel that there are so few people who like it. I really feel that the bridge sections and disguise in this movie seem to be similar. Is it because this film is more compared? Have you seen it before?

In addition, I hope all readers who read this book can add my WeChat public account: Liuru monk, whether it is genuine or pirated readers, are welcome, let me see how many people actually read my book Book, to satisfy my little vanity, it's convenient to go out and brag.

In the past, hundreds of thousands of people were found searching for my book on some pirated channels. Why did such a small number of people finally add the official account?

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