Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1052: Single-handedly

"Xixia Mu Family?" Song Qingshu looked strange, "Which Mu Family, wouldn't it be the Mu Family of Xixia Mu Yuqi and Mu Wangrong brother?"

The original names of Muyuqi and Muwangrong were Yeliyuqi and Yeliwangrong, but these nomads have a deep influence on the Han culture. It is generally popular in aristocratic circles to give themselves a Chinese name, and the Yeli family chose it. The surname Mu.

Song Qingshu knows about these two brothers, because half of Xixia’s power is in the hands of the emperor, and the other is generally in the hands of tribal leaders. The Yeli brothers are the most powerful tribal leaders. The direct and indirect control of the army is almost half of Xixia’s , And the current Queen of Xixia is also from the Yeli family. Song Qingshu studies the leadership of various countries and naturally pays extra attention to them.

"Do you know them?" Mu Wanqing was also surprised, and then said embarrassedly, "Mu Yuqi is...my father."

This time it was Song Qingshu's turn to be surprised: "Mu Yuqi is your father?"

As if he knew what he was thinking, Mu Wanqing had no choice but to explain: "Back then, Duan Zhengchun started chaotically and finally abandoned, my master... my mother was pregnant with Liujia, and coupled with the persecution of the family brother, I had to marry Mu Yuqi. But because my mother had just been pregnant with me at that time, Mu Yu was begging and didn't doubt it. Instead, she cared for our mother and daughter."

"It's just that my mother still can't let go of that person after all. She took me to live in seclusion near Dali for a while away from home. You probably know what happened afterwards." These secrets are really embarrassing and involve my mother. If Song Qingshu hadn't loved Song Qingshu, she would never reveal half of the scandal.

Song Qingshu thinks that your identity is still complicated enough. You are the daughter of the King of Dali Zhennan and the daughter of General Xixia. You can almost make an ethical blockbuster in your previous life.

t "What's the matter with that Mu Gaofeng?" Song Qingshu continued to ask.

"Recently, something happened in Xixia, my father... Mu Yuqi was anxious to find me and my mother back, so he sent his clan brother Mu Gaofeng out to pick us up, and learned from my mother that I was going to assassinate Gusu, so he followed to find After coming over, it happened to rescue me from Manduo Mountain Villa." Mu Wanqing replied.

"It turned out to be like this." Song Qingshu nodded secretly. No wonder Mu Gaofeng changed his normal to protect her, turning out to be his niece.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) t "Brother Song, will you despise me because of this?" You must know that it is a very serious matter to be pregnant when you are unmarried in this world, and illegitimate children are even more despised by the world, let alone her mother This approach is indeed not very kind, and it makes people like to be a dad not to talk about it, but also to miss the old lover.

t "It is also the daughter of a great general and the princess of the royal palace. With such an identity, whichever one, I don't know how many men want to climb high but still can't climb high. I have you, which is equivalent to killing two birds with one stone. It is too late to be happy. How can you dislike it?" Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted.

Mu Wanqing was so amused by his words that she couldn't help but punched his chest with a pink fist: "You are always so serious."

The two quarreled for a while, when Mu Wanqing suddenly thought of something, her expression changed, and she snorted, "It's a good time to kill two birds with one stone. During this period of time, I...I'm all the time...I don't miss you, but you are here and goodbye. You’re a woman who’s fighting, don’t remember me."

Song Qingshu knew that she was talking about Cheng Yaojia, and hurriedly explained: "You have misunderstood, they are already married, and they are the young lady of Guiyunzhuang. It doesn't matter if you misunderstand me, if it spreads out to ruin the reputation of others, how can she let her? Facing the eyes of the world?"

Because of her mother, Mu Wanqing is also very sensitive to this aspect. Hearing what he said, she felt extremely guilty in her heart, but she was not stupid after all, and she quickly thought of the intimacy that the two showed in the inn. , Jiang Xin asked suspiciously: "Is that really the case? Then why does she stay by your side all the time?"

"That's because her husband was arrested by the Mongols, and I beg me to help save him..." Song Qingshu then roughly told her the whole story.

"It turned out to be like this, it was really pitiful." Mu Wanqing was cold and warm, but instead worried for Cheng Yaojia.

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help admiring herself a little. She didn't have a lie in what she said just now, but she resolved her jealousy into intangibles. She really knew the essence of the four words "avoid the heavy and light".

"Wan'er, I feel your pulse is chaotic and weak. I'm afraid it's too tired. Why don't you take a good rest first." Song Qingshu touched her wrist and said with pity.

Mu Wanqing was okay, but when he reminded him of this, she felt sleepy and couldn't help but hit

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Yawn: "I'm really a little sleepy. During these days, Murong Fu has been chasing after him like a urging ghost, so I didn't have a good night's sleep."

Song Qingshu frowned and said, "It's so good to be bullying me like this. I knew she would not let him go before."

t Mu Wanqing smiled sweetly: "Okay, people don't know the relationship between me and you, so I can't blame him."

"Did you not let you explode my name when you were in danger? Murong Fu and I are also a little friendly. For my sake, it shouldn't be embarrassing for you." Song Qingshu couldn't help but scratch her. Nose.

t Mu Wanqing looked ashamed: "I am a daughter, so I am ashamed to talk about men at every turn."

Seeing her shy and infinitely shy look, Song Qingshu couldn't help but dale: "But today you still moved me out."

Speaking of Mu Wanqing, she was angry, and couldn't help but pinch his waist: "It's not that you deliberately bullied me with no conscience, making me really helpless..."

Song Qing laughed and couldn't help but sue her again and again. It took a long time to coax her. Maybe it was because she was too relieved to stay beside her lover. It didn't take long for Mu Wanqing to fall asleep in his arms.

Knowing that her mind was exhausted during this period of time, I was afraid that she would not be able to wake up without sleeping for a few hours, so she could not help but pity her up and put her on the bed.

Covered her with a quilt, kissed her, and then Song Qingshu tiptoed out the door.

After closing the door, Song Qingshu's face suddenly became stern, and he went straight to the next door without knocking on the door, and went straight in.

"Ah~" Cheng Yaojia exclaimed, and hurried back a few steps in fright, "You, you..." I don't know if it was fear or some reason, she couldn't say anything afterwards.

Song Qingshu closed the door easily, then walked silently to the table and ignored her. He poured a cup of tea and started to stand up. It wasn't until Cheng Yaojia was uneasy that he said, "Madam is also half of the rivers and lakes. People, don’t you know the reason why don’t listen if you don’t?"

"I... I didn't hear anything." Cheng Yaojia looked at the handsome man in front of him, but suddenly missed the rude and vicious beard before.

(End of this chapter)

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