Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1053: Incomprehensible style

"I didn't hear anything?" Song Qingshu smiled non-committal. "Everyone understands, so why bother to deceive herself?"

Cheng Yaojia also regretted it, thinking why he was so obsessed and eager to eavesdrop, but when he heard such a big secret, he now caught fire.

"I won't tell other people." Cheng Yaojia hurriedly promised.

Song Qingshu shook his head, stood up and walked in front of her: "I have no doubt that Madam is sincere in saying this at this time, but people will always change, and I will not be watching by then, who knows if you will be because For other reasons, choose to reveal my secret."

Cheng Yaojia took two steps back and said in a panic: "No, you have a great kindness to me these days. I can't be grateful for it yet, so why would you do something I'm sorry for you?"

Looking at her delicate and weak face, Song Qingshu asked faintly: "What if your husband asks you to say it?"

"I...I don't know how to say." Cheng Yaojia hesitated at first, but then his voice became more and more determined.

Song Qingshu stretched out a hand and picked up a strand of hair in her ear: "I can feel the sincerity of the lady at the moment, but I am a sensible person and I will not give the future a promise."

Cheng Yaojia's face turned pale, and her figure trembled and said: "I understand what you mean, just ask you to remember your previous promise and help me save Lu Lang." After speaking, he closed his eyes quietly.

Seeing her delicate eyelashes trembling lightly, Song Qingshu smiled and said, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you trying to kill me, do it," Cheng Yaojia replied, but her rapid ups and downs showed that her heart was not as calm as pretending to be.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile: "Who said I was going to kill you?"

"Huh?" Cheng Yaojia opened his eyes and looked at him blankly, "You... won't you kill me?"

Song Qingshu gently hooked Cheng Yaojia's chin, and said in admiration: "Madam, such a beautiful and beautiful woman, which man is willing to hurt you."

However, he quickly changed the subject: "Of course, if there is no intersection with the wife before, even if he is reluctant in his heart, I am afraid that he will have to deal with the flowers."

Although Cheng Yaojia is shy and shy, she is also a smart woman. Hearing this, she knew that the other party had no intention of killing, and she couldn't help biting her lip: "Thank you."

"Madam, don't rush to thank you, although I will not kill you, but in order to ensure that the secret is not leaked, I can only ask Madam to be wronged. Before I think of the perfect solution, she will stay by my side." Song Qingshu had to sigh at this time. Why doesn't I like killing people so much? Like the protagonists who kill and decide in the fantasy novels of the previous life, they can solve this kind of thing in the blink of an eye, and in the end I still have such a headache.

After thinking about going to Song Qingshu, I can only attribute it to the fact that he was just an ordinary person in his previous life. He knew the psychology of ordinary people and didn't want to be wiped out by nobles, privileged figures or some powerful people as ants. He came to this world because of various reasons. I don't want to lose my heart and mutilate the lives of other ordinary people at will.

Because of Song Qingshu's loss of mind, Cheng Yaojia had the opportunity to take a closer look at the new look of the man in front of him, with sword eyebrows and stars, extraordinary handsomeness, and a calm and unhurried temperament.

She blushed unknowingly when she watched it: she looks much better than the big beard before...

Song Qingshu finally came back to his senses and noticed that the other party was staring at him intently. He couldn't help but smiled slightly and stretched out his hand: "Get to know again, I'm Song Qingshu."

Looking at the hand he stretched out in front of him, Cheng Yaojia's face flushed: "You...what are you doing?"

Song Qingshu then realized that it was no longer the world of the previous life. Shaking hands with a woman would be regarded as indecent, but he is such a big-hearted person that he naturally doesn't care about these red tapes. He still said with a constant expression, "This is our hometown." For the handshake ceremony over there, when two people first met, they would stretch out their hands and hold each other to show their friendship." The perfect interpretation of what is meant by serious nonsense.

Cheng Yaojia thought about where there would be such a ridiculous custom, but she still subconsciously reached out and shook it with him: "Hello, I...I'm Cheng Yaojia."

Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a move when she heard that she hadn't mentioned her identity as the young lady of Gui Yunzhuang.

The two of them touched their skin and felt the heat in the palm of each other's palms. Cheng Yaojia's face flushed even more. She tried to pull her hands back several times, but found that she didn't move.

Suddenly thinking of something, Cheng Yaojia exclaimed: "Are you the Golden Snake King Song Qingshu?"

Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows: "Have you heard of me too?"

"More than ever," Cheng Yaojia glanced at him with a complicated expression, and then suddenly stopped talking, "Does it take so long to hold the handshake in your hometown?"

"That's not the case, it's just that the lady's hand is too slippery, I can't bear to let it go for a while." Song Qing said in writing, but let it go after all.

Cheng Yaojia suddenly felt a familiar feeling when he heard him say such shameless words so righteously, and then he felt that the man in front of him was the one who had been protecting her and comforting her before, and at the same time molesting her from time to time.

"You have assassinated Kangxi before, and you are well known in the world. Later, you defeated the 100,000 army of the Qing Dynasty. I don't know how many Han people clapped and cheered. Not long ago, you rescued dozens of princesses from the Song Dynasty. Now the entire Song Dynasty treats you as Look at the heroes of the Han people." Cheng Yaojia thought that this name was mentioned most often by the elders of the family, and even her husband often praised him well. If he knew that he was now with the hero he admired, he didn’t know. Will he be envious.

Cheng Yaojia's face suddenly blushed, thinking that he and Song Qingshu were sleeping on the same bed, Lu Lang knew that he was not angry, and he would be envious.

"What about Madam, how does Madam treat me?" Song Qingshu sat down next to the bed and asked meaningfully.

"I..." Cheng Yaojia opened her lips slightly. How dare she say what was in her heart, after thinking for a while, she had to describe it in a relatively tactful way, "You are a very capable hero in my heart, but It's just a bit...a bit rascal."

Song Qing smiled: "Madam's words are too light, I am afraid that in your heart, I am more than a rascal, I am afraid I am more like a lust, a demon, and a thief."

Who knows Cheng Yaojia shook her head slightly: "No, although you sometimes... you are a bit rascal, but in your bones you are a decent gentleman." I thought that although the other party molested him from time to time, he didn't do anything to her after all, even last night. He took the initiative to give him a hug, and he also abide by the etiquette, at most... at most he used his arms when he got up in the morning.

"Really?" Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and Cheng Yaojia was sucked into his arms by him, holding her waist and pressing her on her leg, "But what if I don't want to be a gentleman?"

Feeling the masculine aura on him at close range, Cheng Yaojia was also a heart pounding, afraid to face his eyes, subconsciously turned his head to the side, and his voice was inaudible: "Only the son remembers what he promised me. , Other...whatever you want."

Feeling the warm and plump body in his arms, Song Qingshu slid his throat and moved his head over.

Seeing him getting closer and closer to him, Cheng Yaojia's heart beat faster, and her eyelashes gradually trembled.

"Madam's heart beats so fast, what are you afraid of?" Song Qingshu suddenly stopped with only about an inch of distance between the lips of the two of them.

Cheng Yaojia bit her lip: "You know... know what I'm afraid of."

"I don't know." A smile floated on Song Qingshu's lips. It's better to let me feel what Madam's heart is afraid of.

A daze flashed in Cheng Yaojia's eyes, wondering how this would feel, but the moment the other party's hand reached into her shirt, she instantly understood.

"This rogue~" Cheng Yaojia was slightly stiff, but did not dodge.

Looking closely at the little cherry mouth in front of him, Song Qingshu couldn't help it anymore and kissed it directly.

Cheng Yao gave a cry, and her whole body suddenly collapsed in his arms.

At first, she felt very complicated, and then thought that she was sorry for her husband by doing this, and then comforted herself that doing so was to save him. Not long after she was kissed by Song Qingshu, she gradually became emotional and closed her eyes involuntarily. The body is getting softer and the skin is getting hotter and hotter.

Feeling the beauty in her arms as if all her bones were melted, Song Qingshu took the opportunity to put her on the bed, and then pressed her whole body on it.

"Marshal, Marshal!" At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Song Qingshu sat up with a depressed look, and asked in a bad tone: "What's the matter?"

Cheng Yaojia also woke up from her lust, turned around in shame, and started to button the buttons on her clothes in a hurry.

Hearing the tone of the room, the guard outside shook his heart, knowing that he might have ruined the boss’s good deeds, but now that he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "The kid who was caught back was yelling in the cell, yelling. I want to see you."

"If he wants to see this handsome, he will see you? Wouldn't you handle such trivial matters yourself!" I was disturbed at a critical moment. If Song Qingshu had always been kind, I am afraid that he would have dragged this man out and beat him with dozens of kills.

"But he said that his uncle was Zhang Jun, and that the marshal would definitely go to see him after hearing this name." The guard cursed secretly in his heart, and he had to clean up the kid after a while before he could relieve his hatred.

"Zhang Jun!" Song Qingshu suddenly got up, "He really said that?"

"Yes it is!"

"Okay, you go down first, and I'll go to see him right away." Song Qingshu is not careful, because Zhang Jun is now the Southern Song Dynasty Shang Shu You She and Zhong Shu Shi Lang, which is commonly known as the Right Minister, and the official position is still in Han Tong's reference. Above the governing affairs, and the left minister are the nominal central heads of the Southern Song court——

ps. Thanks to Chen Xichukai, Su Xinran and other book friends for their rewards, now the monthly ticket list has reached 19, which is really unexpected.

pss. After readers’ reaction, the Xiaolongnv posted in the public account today missed Fan Wenfang, and I must make up for it next time I have a chance;

There is also feedback from readers. After watching the second issue of "Nutrition Express", they found that the movie was unexpectedly good-looking, and the monk was very pleased. Amitabha, good and good

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