Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1054: Daughter of Yue Fei

Zhang Jun and Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and Liu Guangshi were among the four major generals of Zhongxing in the Southern Song Dynasty, but they were not good people. He was one of the culprits who killed Yue Fei, and he was cast into a bronze statue and knelt inside the Yue Temple.

But that's something for later generations, and now Zhang Jun is in full swing. After Yue Fei's death, Qin Hui, Wan Tudao, Zhang Jun and others took charge of the Southern Song power center. However, these people quickly turned against each other due to power struggles. In the end, Qin Huiqi made a good move, and Wan Tuao and Zhang Jun were demoted. In the end, expelled from the court.

When Qin Hui was in power, even the Southern Song Emperor Zhao Gou was afraid of him for three points, and even hid a dagger with him, always guarding against the other party to engage in a coup to seize power or something.

Fortunately, God had eyes, Qin Hui finally couldn't hold it because of his age. The clan Zhao Ruyu took the opportunity to unite with a group of like-minded people to overthrow the Qin family's power, but Zhao Ruyu was impeached by Han Qi's forces not long after he became a leftist.

The left side's throne was empty, and Han Tong thought he was none other than himself. Who knew that Shi Miyuan and Jia Sidao were united together, coupled with Zhao Ruyu's remaining forces, forcibly blocked his ascent.

The forces of the various parties were fought, and the entire Southern Song Dynasty Hall was in a state of discomfort. In the end, in order to balance the forces of all parties, Zhao Gou had to bring back the former chief executives, so Wan Tusao and Zhang Jun took over again. The left and right phases.

Regarding this ending, although the various forces were not satisfied, they were barely able to accept it, and the Southern Song court gradually stabilized.

(Note, this period of history is 70% true and 3% false. It is only for this plot. Don’t treat it as true history.)

Although people in the know understand that Wan Qixuan and Zhang Jun are a transitional team, after all, they are now the ministers of the imperial court. They were also the masters in those days. As the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse, you can’t just look at him. Human energy.

So Song Qingshu was so moved when he heard that Zhang Hongfan was Zhang Jun's nephew. After all, he could not imagine that the volunteers in Dabie Mountain were actually related to Zhang Jun.

What's even more unfathomable is why the Loyalty Army attacked the Huashan faction and his party, Zhang Juntang, the prime minister of the court, and how could they forge grudges with the Huashan faction?

With too many doubts in his mind, Song Qingshu finally decided to ask Zhang Hongfan's son.

With a decision in his heart, Song Qingshu looked at Cheng Yaojia apologetically: "Madam..."

Cheng Yaojia was already extremely ashamed, so she dared to look back at him, so she could only lower her head and replied quietly, "Go by yourself, don't worry about me."

"Madam will have a good rest, I will come as soon as I go." Song Qingshu was also very depressed when he was interrupted at the critical moment, but now that business matters, she can only be wronged.

Cheng Yaojia was so ashamed that she fainted, wondering how you asked me to answer, "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back"? She had already made up her mind, she would close the door to death after he left!

Song Qingshu didn't know her thoughts, and after putting on Tang Kuobian's mask again, he hurried out, just thinking about asking Zhang Hongfan and coming back soon.

"Quickly let me go, or my father will lead an army to raz you here to the ground."

"My uncle is a magnificent Southern Song Dynasty Rightist. If you dare to touch my hair, then the Song Dynasty army will march northward..."

Before Song Qingshu arrived, he heard Zhang Hongfan crying and howling ghosts in the cell. He was disturbed by good things and was depressed, so he kicked the door open with an angry kick: "What is the spirit of the ghost!"

Zhang Hongfan saw his appearance clearly, and he was suddenly full of spirits, and immediately calmed down, knowing that Song Qingshu had been too horrible in the inn before.

Seeing that he finally shut up, Song Qingshu said, "You are crying and howling at me. I'm here now. If you have any farts, just let it go."

Zhang Hongfan said with a heart and wing: "This lord, people before me didn’t know Mount Tai, offended the lord’s friend..."

"Heavy!" Song Qingshu interrupted him unceremoniously.

"Uh," Zhang Hongfan showed a bit of resentment in his eyes. He usually hugged and hugged him. He can be regarded as the emperor of the earth in the hundreds of miles around Dabie Mountain. It is too late for the people he meets on weekdays. Who would dare to follow him? What he said? However, he knew that the situation was better than others, and quickly concealed that bit of bitterness. "My father is the leader of the loyal army, and my uncle is the right minister of the Southern Song Dynasty. If you can let go of me with your precious hand, we will definitely A generous gift will be prepared as a ransom, and my father and uncle also owe you a favor..."

The reason why he dared to do this is that although the Loyalty Army is nominally regarded as the Han Chinese Volunteer, it has never been against the Jin Kingdom on weekdays. It is completely different from the Red Coat Army, and their relationship with the Jin Kingdom can even be regarded as good. Therefore, he will not be embarrassed by Jin Guo officials because of his identity. At the same time, Zhang Jun is also a well-known master and sect in the Southern Song Dynasty. He has always had contacts with Jin Guo high-level officials. In the end, Jin Guo people are generally very greedy for money, and the captives exchange huge ransoms for freedom , Is a very common thing.

Song Qingshu was silent, and from Tang Kuobian's standpoint, there was indeed no reason to embarrass him...

In Song Qingshu’s heart, Mongolia is the number one enemy. There is no need to conflict with the Southern Song Dynasty for such a personality. It is a good choice to take the opportunity to blackmail a sum of money. It happens that the Golden Snake Camp is short of military pay now, and the fat to be delivered to the door is not. To kill the white is not to kill.

Although he had an idea in his mind, Song Qingshu didn't show it, but snorted coldly: "You Zhang Jun is your uncle and that's your uncle. What proof do you have?"

"Huh?" Zhang Hongfan was dumbfounded, thinking how to prove this thing, can't you call Zhang Jun in front of him now? Even if it is a letter to verify, the day lily is cold in this time.

"Since there is no proof, it must be deliberately deceiving the commander, what a brave guy! Come here, give me a good fight until he tells the truth." Song Qingshu sneered in his heart. This person had tried to mislead Cheng Yaojia. If he doesn't let him suffer, how can he have the idea? What's more, Zhang Hongfan was a Han in history, but he helped Mongolia to destroy the Song Dynasty.

Thanks to Song Qingshu's coming from a later generation, there are still some legal principles in his mind. He is unwilling to use what has not happened to execute a person's life casually. At the same time, taking into account the interests of all aspects, otherwise Zhang Hongfan's death ten times will not be enough.

Seeing that Song Qingshu was about to walk out of the room, Zhang Hongfan suddenly became anxious, thinking that if he left, would he not be beaten to take off his skin? Hurriedly shouted: "Wait, I have a way to prove it!"

Song Qingshu understands people's psychology deeply, and did not stop, and continued to walk outside.

Now Zhang Hongfan was really panicked, and the secret that he had originally planned to use as a bargaining chip also blurted out: "This time we came to Yangzhou and got the uncle's instruction to come... to find Yue Fei's daughter." ——

ps. Book friends 800174 and other people's rewards and everyone's monthly ticket support, now the monthly ticket list still remains at 18.

pss. What do you think of the Dragon Girl video posted on the official account? Anyway, I saw it and felt a little bit uncontrollable. I am really a conscientious director and photographer.

psss. WeChat public account: Liuru monk

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