Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1056: Glamorous and enchanting

Song Qingshu couldn't help but wonder, who is this beautiful woman who suddenly appeared? It is truly shocking to see her standing on top of the bamboo as if she is weightless.

Although he couldn't see the other person's appearance at this time, Song Qingshu was very sure that he had never seen this woman before, after all, if he had seen such a martial arts and temperament, he would never fail to recognize it.

At first he even thought it was a girl in a yellow shirt, but this person was obviously older and had a plump body. Compared to the slender and tall girl in a yellow shirt, he felt a lot more enchanting. It's just that the whole person stood there, a chill radiated from the whole body, and the whole person's temperament reached a perfect balance between enchanting and glamorous.

"I don't know why she came here, is it also aimed at Yue Lingshan?" Seeing the other person's gaze also seemed to fall on Yue Lingshan, Song Qingshu couldn't help frowning.

Now the occupation below has become increasingly clear. After all, the Huashan faction is inferior in number. In addition to each other's high martial arts, Yue Lingshan and Lin Pingzhi have been restrained, and it was not long before Ning Zhongze and an enemy were screaming. The human leg was injured at the same time.

The enemy retreated. Although Mrs. Yue had one less enemy in front of her eyes, she was severely slashed in her leg. The injury was really serious, and she was dismantled several times. She was hit by the enemy's back on her shoulder, and she fell to the ground.

The two horse thieves laughed and clicked a few points on her vest.

Song Qingshu saw that they were just hitting them and acupuncture points. It seemed that they didn't mean to hurt people. He hesitated for a while and decided to sit and watch the changes. Obviously, the mysterious woman on the opposite side had the same idea.

A group of fifteen people surrounded Yue Buqun, eight of them stood in all directions, fighting against Yue Buqun, while the remaining seven were holding Ning Zhongze and others, while waiting for the opportunity to move, the Huashan faction leader although his internal strength Deep, although the swordsmanship is good, the eight players in the battle are all good players. Coupled with the need to guard against the other seven at all times, I know in my heart that the Huashan faction has been defeated, and it is about to be wiped out in this bamboo forest. With all their hearts and minds, the loyal army and his party are in their hands. How can they be willing to fight with him? One can lose each other, and the eight enemies can't help him at the moment.

A horse thief shouted: "Yue Buqun, will you surrender?"

Yue Buqun said loudly: "Yue Mou would rather die than humiliate, and kill if you want to."

The human said: "If you don't surrender, I will cut off your wife's right arm first!"

Speaking of lifting a ghost knife with a thick back and thin blade, under the sunlight, the blade glowed with a faint blue light, and the blade faced Mrs. Yue's shoulder.

Yue Buqun hesitated: "Surely let the younger sister break her arm?" But then he thought: "If you abandon your sword and surrender, you are generally bullied and humiliated by them, how can the name of my Huashan faction for hundreds of years be ruined in my hands? ?"

Suddenly took a breath, his face was purple, and he swung his sword towards the man on the left. The man raised his sword to block the grid. Did you know that Yue Buqun’s sword companion was attached to the Zixia magical skill, and his strength was so strong that the sword was forced back by the long sword. At the same time, he chopped up his right arm and cut off his right arm. Two pieces, blood splattered. The man yelled and fell to the ground.

Yue Buqun succeeded, with a sneer, and then inserted another enemy's left leg. The man yelled at him and stepped back. Two people were missing from the battle with him, but the situation did not slow down, and only a puff was heard, there was a chain hammer in his vest, and Yue Buqun attacked three swords in a row to drive away the enemy. He couldn't help but spit out blood. Out.

The enemies cheered in unison: "Lao Yue was injured, tired and exhausted to death!" The six people who were fighting against him saw the chances of winning and let go of the circle. As a result, Yue Buqun had no chance to take advantage of it. .

The loyal army and his entourage consisted of 15 people. Three of them were injured by Yue Buqun and his wife. Only one was severely injured by the amputated arm. The other two injured their legs. There was no serious problem. They could not help but laugh at Yue Buqun. curse.

As for the leader Zhang Rou, she didn't even make any moves from start to finish.

Yue Buqun heard that their accents are both north and south, and martial arts are more mixed. They are obviously not a school, but when they are retreating, they have a deep understanding of each other. They are not together temporarily. What is the origin? I really can’t guess it. The most surprising thing is that none of these 15 people are weak. With their knowledge in the arena, it shouldn’t be that 15 martial arts masters can’t even recognize them, but they just touch them. Not thinking about it.

He was sure that these people had never fought against him and had no grievances. Is it really for the "Sword of Exorcising Evil" to make such a big embarrassment with the Huashan faction?

He thought in his heart, but his hands were unremitting. The Zixia magical power was displayed, and the tip of the sword faintly shone. After more than ten moves, another enemy had a sword in the shoulder, and the steel whip in his hand fell to the ground. Another horse thief outside the circle grabbed it. He came over and went out for him. This man was holding a serrated knife with a heavy blade and a hook on the head of the knife. He couldn't help but lock the long sword in Yue Buqun's hand.

Yue Buqun was full of internal strength, and his spirit grew longer and longer. Suddenly his left hand folded back and hit a person in the chest. With a click, he broke his two ribs, and the iron wand held by the person's hands immediately shook to the ground. .

Unexpectedly, this man was brave and brave, and his rib was broken, so painful, but aroused anger. Rolled in on the ground, opened his arms and hugged Yue Buqun's left leg. Yue Buqun was taken aback and swung a sword towards his vest, and the two single-handed swords beside him stretched out at the same time. Yue Buqun's long sword failed to cut off, and his right foot kicked on his head.

The man was a good grasper, his left arm grew out, even his right leg was hugged, and he rolled. No matter how strong Yue Buqun's martial arts was, he couldn't stand still, and fell immediately. In an instant, single-handed swords, short spears, chain hammers, and long swords all aimed at his head, face, throat and chest at the same time.

Yue Buqun sighed, let go and withdrew his sword, closed his eyes and waited for his death. He only felt that the acupuncture points around his waist, under his flanks, throat, and left breast were tapped with heavy hands, and he followed the two horse thieves to pull him to his feet.

Immediately, Zhang Rou said: "Mr. Gentleman Jianyue has outstanding martial arts, and he really deserves his reputation. We have fifteen people to deal with you alone, and four or five people are injured. Only then can you catch you, hehe, admire, admire!"

Yue Buqun sneered: "If your Excellency had made a move, I am afraid that Yue would have already lost."

Zhang Rou smiled and said: "We shouldn't be the only one to be a widow. If I make another move and spread it out in the future, I won't have much face to be in the rivers and lakes."

After a pause, he only heard him continue to say: "Mr. Yue, we have no grievances with you. We took the liberty to offend tonight, but we just wanted to take a look at the "Sword of Exorcising Evil". Is it not you? From the Huashan school, you did everything possible to bring the young Lin from the Fuwei Escort into your sect. Naturally, you are plotting this sword book. This matter is too unpretentious enough. Everyone in the martial arts group listened to them and everyone was very angry. You should give it out!"

Yue Buqun was furious, and said, "Since Yue has fallen into your hand, if you want to kill, kill. What do you talk about nonsense? How is Yue Buqun, everyone in the world knows that it is easy for you to kill Yue and want to be bad. My reputation is a dream!"

Zhang Rou laughed and said loudly, "Is it not easy to ruin your reputation? Your wife and daughter look good, we are not as good as everyone, and we are married as a little wife! Haha, this time, your Mr. Yue is here. The martial arts can be famous." The rest of the loyal army all laughed, the laughter was full of lewdness, and Yue Buqun trembled with anger.

Song Qingshu subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the mysterious woman in the distance. Seeing her frowned, he thought to himself, wait until she clarifies her intentions.

Zhang Rou said: "Mr. Yue, our origins, maybe you have guessed three points. We are not some heroes in the martial arts, and there is nothing we can't do. The brothers are lustful, if they are offended. Madam Zun and Ling Ai are not so glamorous on your face."

Yue Buqun exclaimed, "Fine, nothing! Since your Excellency doesn't believe it, just search for us, let's see if there is any "Sword of Exorcising Evil"!"

A horse thief laughed and said, "I advise you to give it out yourself. The search officers will pick up one by one and find your wife and girl-girls. It may not be any good-looking."

Song Qingshu was puzzled. These people were clearly coming for Yue Fei's daughter. Why did they keep asking about the whereabouts of "Sword of Exorcising Evil"? Yes, it must first be used to cover up the real purpose, and secondly, the people of the Loyalty Army also have a covetous heart for the "Sword of Exorcising Evil" that is popular in the arena.

I only heard Lin Pingzhi yelling: "All misfortunes are caused by me, Lin Pingzhi. I tell you, my Lin family in Fujian, there is nothing "Sword of Evil" at all. Believe it or not. It's up to you."

He picked up a shocked iron wand from the ground, and violently shot it down on his forehead. It's just that his arms have been tapped into the acupuncture points, and he is weak in his shot, and with a click, although the stick hits his head, only some oily skin is scratched, and there is no blood. But the purpose of his move is well understood by others. He intends to sacrifice his life, indicating that no sword is in the hands of the Huashan faction.

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. Although Lin Pingzhi was male and female, but his bones were very hard, and it was not in vain that I valued him before and passed him the Five Sacred Sword.

Zhang Rou smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, you are quite loyal. We have friendship with your dead father. Yue Buqun killed your father and swallowed up your family's "Sword of Exorcism". Today we are fighting injustice. . Your master has the name of a gentleman, but you have no real gentleman. Why don't you switch to my sect, so that you can learn a good martial arts that can cross the rivers and lakes."

Lin Pingzhi cried, "My father and mother killed Yu Canghai and Mu Gaofeng from Qingcheng. What does it have to do with my master? I am a disciple of the dignified Huashan School. How can I be greedy for life and fear of death when I am in danger?"

Zhang Rou looked cold: "If that's the case, don't blame us for being rude, just search for me!"

"Good!" The subordinates had been waiting for a long time. Hearing the words, their eyes lighted up, and they rubbed their palms and touched Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan's arms.

By now, Song Qingshu could no longer sit back and ignore it. Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly heard a few screams from below. It turned out that each of those people had a green bamboo leaf in their hands.

"Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people!" Mo said it was the loyal army below who was taken aback, even Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue. It seems that this woman's martial arts is even higher than previously thought.

"Where is your sacredness? What kind of a hero is he who hides his head and reveals his tail!" Zhang Rou was furious and hurriedly looked around.

"I was not a hero." A beautiful but icy voice sounded, and the mysterious woman flew down from mid-air leisurely, her clothes fluttering, as if a fairy girl descended from the earth.

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