Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1057: Aunt and sister

Song Qingshu had a weird heart. He hadn't seen the opponent standing there before, but now he was facing the virtual wind, showing his graceful and graceful posture in front of everyone.

"Compared with the sense of holiness of real fairies, the figure of the woman in front of me is a bit too devil, and feels more like a enchanting witch." Although the woman in front of her has a white skirt fluttering, it is completely the standard configuration of the fairy in the novel. But Song Qingshu always felt that her temperament was more coquettish.

Even Song Qingshu who has read the world's stunning beauty like this is a little lost, let alone the loyal army of horse thieves who are suffocated in the mountains every day. Seeing her protruding and full and attractive figure, each has two eyes. Shining, I came up with an idea: This time it was really not in vain, not only Yue Buqun’s wives and daughters can enjoy, but now there is such a superb beauty!

Noting the obscene gaze in everyone's eyes, the mysterious woman's eyes became cold, and when she landed, she turned into a puff of blue smoke. She only heard the screams. In the blink of an eye, the horse thieves next to Ning Zhongze's mother and daughter had fallen. Being motionless on the ground, he was obviously too dead to die.

Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue, it seemed to be a thorny rose. But what surprised him even more was the light work the other party showed just now, clearly Lingbo Weibu! He had seen Ambassador Duan Yu before, so he recognized it.

"Is she Li Qiushui?" After thinking about it, Song Qingshu's first person who came to Song Qingshu's mind was Li Qiushui, but he quickly dispelled this idea. , Li Qiushui is so old now, even if there is no skill in the face, it has its limits, and the scratches left by the Tianshan child's grandmother remain on his face.

Although the woman in front of him is not at the age of a girl, she is unlikely to be Li Qiushui.

Zhang Rou and Zhang Rou were also taken aback. They didn't expect that the other party was actually a woman, let alone that the other party would fight as soon as they said they would fight, and he was merciless when he shot, and couldn't help but be surprised and angry: "Why your excellency shot so harsh!"

The woman just unlocked the acupuncture points of the three of Yue Lingshan, and she sneered as if she heard some funny jokes: "You were still here just now, don't you think these are ridiculous?"

Zhang Rou's face became hot, and she realized that the sentence just now was nonsense. It is normal for the weak to eat strong in the arena. She drew out her long knife in anger and said, "Give me up together!"

This woman exudes a mysterious and dangerous smell, Zhang Rou, a figure who survived on the battlefield, of course will not be as big as he did with Yue Buqun and his party before, and she will do her best.

Seeing Zhang Rou's sword light like snow training, Yue Buqun was secretly shocked. Even if he was fighting alone, he was not his opponent. No wonder the other party had been sitting on the sidelines just now.

Song Qingshu also secretly nodded, Zhang Rou's sword is impeccable in strength, angle, and speed. At the same time, she still carries a brutal murderous aura. Even if an expert of the same river and lake confronts him, he will probably be affected by his murderous aura. In the end, Become a dead soul under his sword.

It's a pity that he is not very lucky today. First, he encountered himself who is known for his speed, and he had no time to perform martial arts. Now he encountered Lingbo Weibu, the number one dodge in the gold book, and he was doomed to use the offensive in vain.

Sure enough, the mysterious woman flashed out of Zhang Rou's attack range, and took the opportunity to attack his subordinates. Because her steps were too delicate and exquisite, the two originally followed the leader and waited for the opportunity to move. Expected that the other party would suddenly pass Zhang Rou and appear among them?

Two screams sounded, and Zhang Rou broke two of his men.

Zhang Rou's eyes were almost red, and the long knife in her hand looked like a tarsal maggot in pursuit of the mysterious woman, but it was a pity that the other party drew it dangerously and dangerously every time, and at the same time, she could even take the opportunity to injure her men.

It didn't take long for the loyal army and his entourage to be intact. Zhang Rou only feels aggrieved in her heart. With their martial arts, even if they encounter a top five masters, they can fight against one, but the woman in front of her is too magical. From start to finish, she is the only one who can fight her. Why can't you even touch the corners of her clothes? How can you not be aggrieved?

"Stop it, or I will kill Yue Buqun's dog!" Seeing that there was something wrong, the Li brothers hurriedly withdrew from the battle circle and put the knife on Yue Buqun's neck.




Hearing the exclamation of Yue Lingshan and others, the mysterious woman's figure flashed, and she jumped out of the battle circle: "If you let go of the head of Yue, this seat will let you make a living today."

Zhang Rou breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Fortunately, the other party still had some scruples, otherwise the Loyalty Army might be wiped out today.

"How easy is it, Haotian, Hao Nan, you take the injured brothers and go first, and take away the corpses of those who sacrificed by the way. I will break them!" Zhang Rou came to Yue Buqun and grabbed him. At the same time, the long knife in his hand was lying across his neck.

The mysterious woman's eyes narrowed: "If the head of Yue hurts a hair, this seat will definitely chase you to the end of the world."

Song Qingshu became more and more curious in her heart. Hearing her tone seemed to have something to do with Yue Buqun, but if Yue Buqun had such a powerful backing, would he be afraid of Zuolengchan and have to work hard to obtain the "Exorcising Sword" Spectrum"?

Zhang Rou snorted coldly, but he was indeed a little afraid of the other party's ghostly stature, and he didn't dare to really kill Yue Buqun. After his subordinates were far away, he patted Yue Buqun's back with a palm, and at the same time went to Yue Lingshan and others. A hidden weapon sprinkled there, and when the mysterious woman intercepted the hidden weapon, she mounted her horse and galloped away.

Throwing the intercepted hidden weapon on the ground, the mysterious woman looked at the direction Zhang Rou was leaving, and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Huashan Yue is not the group, thank you Madam for your life-saving grace." Yue Buqun has the Zixia magical body protector. Although the palm was heavy just now, his life was safe after adjusting his breath for a while, and he hurried forward to his benefactor. thank.

In fact, Yue Buqun couldn't tell whether the other party was a girl or a lady, but she looked more like a lady in her temperament and dress.

The mysterious woman nodded slightly: "Headman Yue doesn't need to be polite, I would like to thank you too much."

"Thank me for what?" Yue Buqun was confused and filtered through his mind, confirming that he did not know this person.

The mysterious woman did not answer, but turned to look at Yue Lingshan: "Are you the Yue family...Miss?"

Yue Lingshan didn't know what it meant, and subconsciously replied, "Thank you, senior."

The mysterious woman suddenly frowned and muttered to herself: "It's not like, it's not like..."

"What's it not like?" Yue Lingshan asked blankly.

The mysterious woman looked up at her and asked with a smile: "Little girl, how old are you this year?"

"I'm eighteen this year." Yue Lingshan didn't know what she meant, and looked at her mother subconsciously, wondering why this person always said some strange things in ancient times.

"Eighteen?" The mysterious woman's expression turned cold immediately, "Well, you can go now."

Ning Zhong and Yue Buqun looked at each other. They didn't understand why her attitude had changed so much. However, this woman looked like a stranger now, and they didn't dare to say anything. They could only thank again and again and hurried away with their daughter. .

After they left, the mysterious woman sighed faintly: "Auntie, after so many years, there is still no whereabouts of my sister, will you blame me..."——

ps. Some readers responded that Monk hadn't fulfilled the promise of double the monthly ticket plus change last time, and then deliberately reduced the change, and finally did not respond to him, so he was angry and watched the piracy. Keke, let me explain here,

1. No response should be a QQ message. Some time ago I was sorting out the plot and I haven't been on QQ. Everyone should be able to see that my QQ status has been in retreat, so I couldn't process some information in time. I'm sorry here. .

2. As for the addition, I remember that the previously promised addition still owes about twelve chapters. This month I started to feel that every time I said something owed after the chapter, it was a bit troublesome, so I didn’t explain it chapter by chapter. . Then I will sort it out again now. In the first part of this month, there are three changes every day, nine chapters are added, and the next ten days, the days during the double monthly pass are not counted. The remaining two chapters are 5000+ words, every day It's 1k words more than 4000+ in the previous 2 chapters, and it is enough to owe 3 chapters after conversion.

3. For a period of time in the second half of last month, it did become one chapter per day. It was not that I deliberately reduced the update. After all, the more I paid, the more manuscript fees I took. Who would have trouble with the money? The main reason is that the plot is stuck in sorting out. It took me a lot of time to rationally soften the following plots, and I can't change it for more.

In the end, the monk had to remind me that I have always belonged to the handicapped party. It’s the norm every day, dear. I can’t just assume that I have the ability to maintain more than two updates a day because of my recent rise, not to mention the foundation of the previous promise. The remarks of 2 updates per day are only valid for the double monthly pass period.

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