Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1058: Fairy sister

"Auntie?" Song Qing wrote a strange expression. Listening to the woman's tone, Yue Fei's wife seemed to be her aunt. Unfortunately, she didn't ask Zhang Hongfan to ask clearly before, only she knew that Yue Fei's wife was named Li, and she didn't know her name.

The completely different attitudes towards Yue Lingshan before and after her just now seemed to prove a certain judgment in her heart that Yue Lingshan was not Yue Fei's daughter, whether it was the loyal army or the right photo Zhang Rou, it seemed that they were all taken advantage of by other people.

"The surname is Li? Li Qiushui seems to be also surnamed..." Song Qingshu was puzzled, isn't it such a coincidence.

"Who?" During Song Qingshu's loss of consciousness, his aura would inevitably be abnormal, and the mysterious woman below immediately noticed it.

So far, Song Qingshu didn't have the need to hide it, so he jumped straight down: "Wandering through here in Xia Xia, I was offended by the beautiful lady, and I hope to forgive me."

Looking at the big beard in front of her, her words were utterly nondescript. The mysterious woman couldn't help frowning: "When did you come?"

"It's been a while since I got down." Song Qingshu replied.

"Then you heard everything?" A cold light flashed in the mysterious woman's eyes.

"I heard everything that should be heard, and didn't hear a word that shouldn't be heard." Song Qingshu didn't seem to see the murderous in her eyes, and said leisurely.

"Then you... go to hell." The mysterious woman's voice suddenly turned cold, and she stretched out her hand and patted him on the chest.

Ling Bo stepped slightly, she had already appeared in front of Song Qing's writing. Seeing that the white jade palm was about to press on his chest, she suddenly lost sight of the other party.

This shock is not trivial. You must know that just now you used the subtlety of Lingbo's microsteps to play with the powerful loyalty army and his party in the palm of his hand, but now the one that was determined to win has actually failed?

"You and I have no grievances in the past and I have no enemies in the past, why are the shots so cruel?" Song Qingshu appeared ten feet away, frowning and said.

"It's just that you know too much." The mysterious woman attacked again, thinking that what was just now was an accident in her mind. After all, she was very confident in her martial arts and more confident in Lingbo Weibu.

Song Qingshu always felt a little awkward when he saw Duan Yu make Lingbo move slightly before, but now he sees the woman in front of him acting out, and now he knows what Lingbo's move is, Luo Socks gives birth to dust, this woman is like a Luoshen in the water, with a posture. Elegance, every move and every style can be described as beautiful and picturesque, but behind the gracefulness conceals the viciousness of her moves.

Song Qingshu is now well-informed, and he knows the martial arts of the world, but he has never seen the martial arts performed by this woman except for Lingbo's microsteps.

It was somewhat similar to the white lotus sage Fu Minyi that she met last time in the Kingdom of Jin. Although the martial arts used by the two were quite different, the feeling of ethereal ecstasy was almost alike.

"Are you from the Xiaoyao faction?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking with a move in his heart.

"Outsiders know the Perks, kill without mercy!" The murderous intent on the mysterious woman's body became stronger, and her shot was three points faster.

As the saying goes, people who are made of clay still have three points of anger. Song Qingshu tried to endure it, but in exchange for the other party to get worse, couldn't help but become angry: "Since you don't say it, then I will see for myself how holy you are."

As soon as the voice fell, his fingers took off the veil on the mysterious woman's face. He is now close to ghosts and gods, and he appeared in front of the woman with just one step, and his fingertips even reached the bottom of the veil.

The woman didn't expect him to be so fast. Soon she couldn't even use Ling Bo's microsteps, so she hurriedly fell back, her soft waist bends in an exaggerated arc, and the whole person seems soft. The boneless broke from it, and this dangerously avoided his finger.

Seeing her amazing flexibility and her puffy and full breasts, Song Qingshu couldn't help whistling like those little rascals in the previous life: "Wow, good figure~"

The woman took advantage of her body to fall backwards, raised her toes and kicked his hand away. As soon as she got up, she heard the other party's rather frivolous whistle and couldn't help but flushed: "Deng the disciple!"

After speaking, she attacked again, but after seeing the martial arts that Song Qingshu had just shown, she became a lot more cautious than before, and she always left a third of her energy to prepare for emergencies.

Song Qingshu can't do as he pleases like before. After all, this woman's martial arts is very high. I am afraid that apart from Dongfang Muxue, no woman she knows can compare to her, plus Lingbo's microsteps and a magical and exquisite martial arts, you two There are dozens of tricks that have been dismantled in an instant.

The woman was also more frightened as she fought. Her martial arts was already very high. Coupled with the light work of Ling Bo's Weibu, she could easily win even if she encountered a master of the same level. , A light work seems to be hidden on himself.

If an outsider is watching at this time, I am afraid that my eyes will fall out. The woman swung Ling Bo's microsteps to the extreme, and the whole person turned into a light white smoke, with her afterimages on all sides. It was dazzling to see which was her body; Song Qing's book body method is another style. , Often suddenly disappear somewhere, and then appear out of thin air in another impossible place in the next moment.

The two silhouettes were entangled in this way, and after a dozen moves, the two silhouettes separated quickly.

"Your martial arts is nothing more than that." Although the woman was shocked, her mouth looked calm and gentle.

Song Qingshu didn't speak, but proudly raised the white silk scarf in his hand.

"Huh?" The woman suddenly turned pale, and hurriedly reached out to touch her face, the masked scarf was already gone.

"Sister Shenxian?" After seeing the appearance of the woman in front of him, Song Qingshu blurted out. He tried to find Musashi in the world. He once ran to Dali's Boundless Jade Cave, and saw the beautiful jade statue inside. The jade statues are similar in five or six points.

"No, it seems a little different." Song Qingshu shook his head. The jade statue was eighteen or nineteen years old, and the woman in front of her was in her thirties. The jade statue was beautiful and smart, but the woman in front of her was a bit enchanting in her coldness.

"What is your relationship with Wang Yuyan?" Song Qingshu suddenly felt that the woman in front of him was more similar to Wang Yuyan than the jade statue.

"Do you know Yuyan?" The mysterious woman was startled, but she quickly woke up and closed her mouth and said no more words.

"It really has something to do with Wang Yuyan, but I don't know who she is." Song Qingshu had several speculations in his mind, but he quickly denied them one by one.

"Who are you?" The mysterious woman obviously had the same doubts as him.

Song Qingshu was about to answer, when suddenly there was a flash in front of her, and a thick cloud of smoke rose near her. When the smoke dissipated, how could there be a mysterious woman?

"It was actually put together." Song Qingshu stood in place, depressed--

ps. Thanks to the gentle and domineering a Baidu and other book friends for their rewards. Now the monthly ticket list is 17th. I hope that this advantage can be maintained until the end of the month and will eventually remain in the top 2

pss. The content of the official account today is the character pictures given to me by many enthusiastic book friends, but the ones who took the initiative to give me pictures are a few. I hope that more people can participate in the final perfection of this "list of actors", for any women in this book If the character has a suitable candidate, welcome to the official account: Liu Ru monk, give me a communication 8

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