Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1059: Destiny

Until he returned to Daotai Yamen, Song Qingshu was still depressed about this matter, and she let her run away so easily. After all, this person is related to the secret of Yue Fei’s daughter, and at the same time is related to Xiaoyao faction and Wang Yuyan. The key figure.

However, Song Qingshu quickly became relieved. She was a top martial artist, and she was not much worse than her with light skill. It was not so easy for her to catch her.

"You are already a wife, why are you still staying with Song Lang?"

"I... I don't need to explain to you what I do?"

At this moment, the quarrel coming from the garden awakened Song Qingshu from his contemplation, and hurried over, only to see Mu Wanqing staring at Cheng Yaojia with a bad face, and Cheng Yaojia flushed, obviously It was ashamed and angry.

"Why don't you need to explain to me? You are seduce Song Lang in this way, can't I just ask?" Mu Wanqing is the kind of person who is the most affectionate and sexual, thinking that the lover can treat himself wholeheartedly, Zhou Zhiruo It's fine to wait for someone to have a marriage contract with him first, but a married woman like Cheng Yaojia can't bear it.

Cheng Yaojia was pitying herself in the room, but Mu Wanqing suddenly came in and questioned her in an unkind tone. Although she was gentle and shy, she was not made of mud after all, plus she was bothered by her husband during this period of time. , And couldn't help fighting back: "The girl yelled nicely one by one, Song Lang, but I don't know if the girl is his wife or has a marriage contract with him?"

"I..." Cheng Yaojia's words happened to hit Mu Wanqing's weakness. She was already very sensitive to this matter, and when she was agitated by the other party, she immediately exploded her hair.

Song Qingshu was a big head for a while, how came back to meet Shura scene, and was about to turn around and leave, but was discovered by the two women.

"Song Lang, what is the relationship between this woman and you?" Mu Wanqing ran over and grabbed him, her tone of grievance and anger.

Song Qingshu was embarrassed for a while, and subconsciously replied: "I am the young lady of Guiyun Zhuang, what can it have to do with me?"

Even though Cheng Yaojia didn't have any expectations in her heart, she still lost her expression when she heard him say this, turned her head, and pressed her lips tightly and did not speak.

Song Qingshu also felt that he was a bit unkind. A few hours ago, both of them had already developed to the point where they rolled their sheets. Although they did not take the last step, they did everything else that should and shouldn’t be done. At this time, she said. It feels like you don't recognize people when you put on your pants.

"Since she has nothing to do with you, why keep her by your side? You lone men and widows live next door, are you not afraid of rumours?" Mu Wanqing could have guessed something from the immediate glances of the two, and her expression was even more serious. Miserable.

"Uh, they have no relatives and no reason, and they need help urgently. The Mongols outside are eyeing the Southern Song mission. If they drive her out at this time, wouldn't they push her into the fire pit?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Hearing that he still remembered to speak for himself at this time, Cheng Yaojia's mood finally improved.

"I don't care, you obviously just can't bear her." Seeing the two men frowning again, Mu Wan stomped her feet with anger, the more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved.

Song Qingshu also felt that his head was very big, as it was said that an honest official could hardly break housework. No matter how high his martial arts, he could only stare at a fire in the harem. While not knowing what to do, suddenly a guard came to report: "Report, according to the report from the spies arranged near Yuqingguan, Li Kexiu is heading to Yuqingguan."

"Ah, then I have to go and take a look right away." Song Qingshu looked solemn, and then said to the two women, "You will wait until I come back to talk about your affairs. I will deal with the business first."

They didn't wait for them to answer after speaking, and hurried out.

As soon as Song Qingshu left, Mu Wanqing suddenly felt that it was boring to continue the quarrel, so she snorted and turned away proudly. Although Cheng Yaojia was depressed, after all, she could only close the door of her room and sullen.

After leaving the Daotaiyamen, Song Qingshu took a long sigh of relief and immediately said to the guard just now: "Wait later, you will get a hundred taels of silver, and this handsome will reward you."

"Huh?" The guard looked inexplicable, thinking that he didn't seem to have done much work? But how could he be unhappy with the reward, and hurriedly replied, "Thank you, Marshal!"

Song Qingshu nodded slightly, wondering if he should take the initiative to find a few clever subordinates and come out to the rescue when he sees a fire in my back house?

All the way to the vicinity of Yuqing Temple, he refused the request of the guards to follow. Song Qingshu found a secluded corner and sneaked into Yuqing Temple without knowing it.

All the way, he touched the room where Wang Baobao was located. Because of the confidentiality, he did not have many masters here. The masters were all used to deploy defenses on the periphery. There was no problem with this arrangement of guarding the outside and the inside, and it was quite in line with the art of war. It's a pity that Wang Baobao didn't expect that there are people in the world who have such a low function that they can quietly break through the surrounding protection without being discovered.

"Admiral, how did you think about what the king just said?" Song Qingshu hid on the beam of the corridor outside, and Wang Baobao's voice soon came from the room.

Then Li Kexiu's wry smile came: "Little prince, it's not that I don't believe in Mongolia's strength, but after all, your country is not bordered by Jianghuai. What happened then, even if the little prince wants to save it, I am afraid it will be beyond reach."

Wang Baobao chuckled and said: "This king knows what the admiral means, and I am afraid that in the heart of the admiral, after betraying the Qing country, bordering the Jianghuai land, and having enough power to protect you, only the Southern Song Dynasty is left. But this king has to I would like to remind the admiral that the situation of wars between countries in the past few years is notorious for the weakness of the Southern Song Dynasty. Take this time as an example, the dignified Southern Song mission cannot even protect itself. You can count on an accident in the future. Are they capable of protecting you?"

"This..." Li Kexiu obviously loosened his tone.

Song Qingshu listened for a while, and had to admire Li Kexiu, an old fox, who really did not leak. On the surface, he followed Wang Baobao's words, but he did not make any substantive promises. This hand was beautiful and impeccable.

Wang Baobao is not a stupid person either. He quickly noticed the other party's slickness and couldn't help but snorted: "This king doesn't force you. The admiral can consider it carefully after he goes back, and reply to this king after he thinks about it."

"Thank you, the little prince, for your hospitality." Li Kexiu said with his hands.

"The admiral, don't think about it for too long, after all, this king's patience is notoriously bad." Wang Baobao said suddenly.

Li Kexiu's heart shuddered and hurriedly smiled: "That's natural."


Seeing Li Kexiu's departure, Song Qingshu thought that it was about time to contact Li Kexiu. After staying on the beam for a while, he quietly left to look for the whereabouts of Lu Guanying and others without hearing any more useful information.

After all, he had taken Cheng Yaojia so much advantage before, so if he didn't do something for her, it was always a little sad.

After some investigation, the members of the Southern Song Dynasty mission were kept under separate supervision. Among them, the guards who took care of Han Tongzhe were the strictest. With Song Qingshu's martial arts today, it is absolutely impossible to rescue him without disturbing others.

Of course Song Qingshu would not do such a thankless thing. He soon continued to investigate and found the cell where Lu Guanying was located.

"It seems that Lu Guanying's status in the mission is really not good." Song Qingshu sighed like this because there were only two ordinary monks guarding Lu Guanying, and they were very impressed with the group of monks under Wang Baobao. After all, that night They almost suffered a big loss under their unique combination of forces, but these two monks did not belong to Wang Baobao's 18th King Kong, and martial arts were only ordinary.

As they flashed past the two of them, Song Qingshu sealed their acupuncture points to make them look the same as usual, then took out the keys from their waists and opened the door, staring at the inside with a smile. Lu Guanying locked by steel chains.

He was bloodstained at this time, with a disheveled hair hanging on a wooden stand. He was obviously tortured by the Mongols. How could there be half of the vigorous spirit of the Young Master Yunzhuang?

"You Mongolian dogs, die your heart, I won't tell you anything." Lu Guanying didn't look up, just murmured.

"Although I admire your toughness, I have to say that you are too stupid." Song Qingshu shook his head.

Lu Guanying raised his head in surprise. When he saw his appearance, he couldn't help but said angrily: "It's you a dog thief!"

"Hey, hey, I don't like to listen to your words. Speaking of which, I still let you go. Why are you so kind and revenge?" Song Qingshu said silently.

"Bah!" Lu Guanying spit out blood, staring at him with bloodshot eyes, "You bullied Yaojia, don't you still make me grateful for Dade?"

"Which one of your eyes saw me bullying her..." Song Qingshu suddenly felt guilty, and couldn't help but think of pressing Cheng Yaojia on the bed before and up and down. "Well, just treat her as if I bullied her. You can't protect yourself now. Want revenge?"

"You!" Lu Guanying was eager, but it was a pity that his body was tightly locked by the chain.

"Okay, let's get back to the subject, this time I was entrusted by the respected wife to come to rescue you." Song Qingshu waved his hand and motioned him to calm down.

"Save me?" Lu Guanying was not at all happy when he heard the news. After all, he and the other party were not relatives, and the other party came to rescue him, obviously because of his wife. But why would the other party promise his wife to save himself? The answer is self-evident.

"It's despicable when people are in danger!" Lu Guanying's face was pale, always feeling that the scenery in front of him was a little green.

Song Qingshu ignored him, and said to himself: "But don't be too happy too early. Now that there are many masters in Yu Qingguan, I can't save you out for a while, but I can bring you a message to Mrs. Zun. Say what you have."

"No need!" Lu Guanying replied coldly.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I know you want to kill me now, but I have to remind you that you may be killed by the Mongols tomorrow in this situation. This is most likely the last word you said to your wife. If you miss this village, you won’t have this shop."

"Okay, but I don't believe you, give me pen and paper, and I will write by myself." Lu Guanying said coldly.

"Where am I going to find you paper and pen?" Song Qingshu frowned, and suddenly thought of something, he took a handkerchief from his arms and gave him, "You can write on it."

"Birthless mother, vacuum hometown!" At this moment, there was a faint noise in the distance. If it were not for Song Qingshu's profound cultivation, it would be impossible to hear clearly.

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