Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1060: Our Lady of White Lotus

The noisy place is still some distance away from the cell, Song Qingshu can only vaguely hear it, but Lu Guanying doesn't even know what happened.

"The White Lotus Sect?" Song Qingshu's heart shuddered. I don't know why the White Lotus Sect came to trouble the Mongols. Could it be that it was the Southern Song Mission in Yuqing Temple?

The more Song Qingshu thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. After Wang Baobao took control of Yu Qing Guan, he immediately blocked the news from spreading, and at the same time created a state that nothing happened to the outside world. It is not surprising that Bai Lianjiao did not know the changes. .

"I don't know if Zhiruo is here." Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a little worried when he thought of Wang Baobao's masters.

While Song Qingshu was lost in thought, Lu Guanying stared at the Jinpa in his hand and trembled. How could he not recognize the things that his wife specially embroidered for himself, stitch by stitch!

This is similar to the token of love that has always been carried by the wife, but now it is actually in the arms of the man in front of him. It is self-evident what happened between them!

"Why is this thing here for you?" Despite guessing eight or nine points in his heart, Lu Guanying still held a glimmer of hope, hoping to get a different answer from the other party.

"Huh?" Noting the fierce reaction from the other party, Song Qingshu looked down and hurriedly took the Jinpa back into his arms and took out another one, "I'm sorry, I got it wrong."

Na Jinpa is Cheng Yaojia's personal thing, he can't bear to take it out to let others scribble.

"You!" Lu Guanying almost vomited blood because of his behavior.

Song Qingshu realized that the man in front of him was Cheng Yaojia's husband, and couldn't help but smiled: "Don't get me wrong, I snatched this Jinpa from Cheng Yaojia, but she didn't give it to me. "

He originally intended to explain for Cheng Yaojia. After all, he had countless ways to get Cheng Yaojia, and he didn't even dismiss those little tricks. However, these words fell in Lu Guanying's ears but their taste changed. The other party only took the initiative to excuse his wife when the relationship between him and his wife was so close.

"That bitch!" Lu Guanying was burning with jealousy, his eyes almost burst into flames.

Song Qingshu shrugged. He had already explained what he wanted to explain. He just had a clear conscience. There was no need to say anything. Who would make Lu Guanying not trust his wife.

"Hey, do you still want to write? I don't have that much time to waste." Song Qingshu doesn't mind playing Lu Guanying a lot, but now he is worried that Zhou Zhiruo will participate in this Bailianjiao action, and is even more worried about her encounter What kind of danger, what kind of mood is there to talk nonsense with Lu Guanying here.

"Okay, I'll write!" Lu Guan's English suddenly became extremely calm, and he took the pen handed over by Song Qingshu, and quickly covered the entire handkerchief.

"Xiu Shu?" After seeing the content on the handkerchief, Song Qingshu frowned, "Do you know how much Cheng Yaojia paid to save you?"

Lu Guanying couldn't help but fill up the picture of his wife betraying his body. She couldn't help but twitched, and roared, "Who wants her to save me!" Rather than spreading the news in the future, it ruined the Lu family's reputation and made him laughed at by the world. It's better to act first and kick her out of the house first, so that she can barely keep her face.

Song Qingshu was a human for two generations, and had long been insightful into the world of humanity. After hesitating for a moment, he roughly guessed the other party's thoughts, and couldn't help but sigh: "The poor self-esteem of a man..."

"What are you talking about!" Lu Guanying stared at him like a wounded beast.

"Nothing." Song Qingshu did not choose to continue stimulating him, and even understood him a little bit in his heart. If he moved from a different place, his performance would not be any better than him. Negative emotions such as jealousy are inherent weaknesses in human nature that cannot be restrained. Who in this world can really think sensibly every time?

Before leaving, Song Qingshu suddenly turned around: "By the way, although you don't appreciate it, but I don't want to see Cheng Yaojia sad in the future, I still remind you that the best strategy to deal with enemy torture is not to grit your teeth. , But deliberately misled, remember this sentence, lest you will be beaten to death by the Mongols before I can save you."

Without waiting for him to answer, Song Qingshu disappeared outside the door, heading all the way to the front yard, to see if he would encounter Zhou Zhiruo.

It was just that Song Qingshu was disappointed very quickly. The entire Yuqing Guan had killed corpses everywhere, but it was a pity that there was no trace of Zhou Zhiruo inside.

Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling dispirited, and was about to leave to let the Mongols and Bailian teach the dog to bite the dog. Suddenly, his eyes swept to a familiar figure, he couldn't help but stopped quickly.

Bai Lianjiao obviously miscalculated the strength of the guards in Yuqing Temple, and immediately suffered a big loss after some contact, because Song Qingshu had been delayed for a while with Lu Guanying just now, and the situation in the field was clear by this time.

Ruyang Royal Palace masters are like clouds, and they have geographical advantages. Coupled with the information error of the White Lotus Sect, the defeat of the White Lotus Sect is now set, and only a few elites are still struggling to support it.

Of course, the White Lotus Sect had all the elites, and Ruyang Palace was also seriously damaged.

Originally, both parties bit the dog, and Song Qingshu didn't bother to pay attention, but the woman who was besieging Taoist Daoist, King Kong Sect Master, and Xuan Ming was the mysterious woman in the bamboo forest before.

The Taoist and King Kong masters are all super masters in the arena. Although the two elders Xuan Ming are close, they are not inferior to the first two when they join forces. Although the mysterious woman's martial arts is high, she is not Song Qingshu after all. She has been in distress several times in just a short time. It is obvious that she has suffered serious internal injuries before. If it were not for the subtlety of Lingbo Microwave, I am afraid that she would have been defeated.

Although she can still barely support her with light work, once the other masters of the Ruyang Palace have cleaned up the white lotus cultists, and then encircle her, she may not be able to use her light work no matter how high she is.

"What is the relationship between her and the Bailian Sect?" Song Qingshu originally thought she was from the Xiaoyao Sect, but now it seems a little different.

The doubts in his heart were quickly resolved, only to see a man and a woman two white lotus cultivators cut off the monk in front of him, and immediately ran over to stop the Taoist and King Kong master, and at the same time yelled to the woman: "Mother, go away. !"

"The Mother of White Lotus!" Song Qingshu’s surprise was quite extraordinary. The White Lotus Sect has always been mysterious in the world. Countless people are curious about who its leader is, but unfortunately no one has ever seen it in the rivers and lakes, but only knows that the leader of the White Lotus Sect is one. "The Mother of White Lotus" woman.

"Will I be the first person in the rivers and lakes to see the true face of the White Lotus Mother?" Song Qingshu's mouth rose slightly, suddenly becoming a little proud. ——

ps. What do you think about the sharing method introduced in the public account today, using Huang Rong's method?

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