Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1062: It turned out to be her!

However, Song Qingshu has dealt with so many beauties over the years, gentle, pungent, frosty, passionate, and varied, knowing that every woman has the characteristics of every woman, so he not only did not take the other person’s attitude to heart. On the other hand, I found it particularly interesting: "Since you have experienced so many winds and waves, what blood do you vomit?"

"Knowing the other party's tricks is one thing, but not vomiting blood is another thing." Mother Bai Lian replied coldly.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Just keep your mouth hard. I have just checked your body. It has already turned into a pot of porridge. It is supported by a breath of blood in your chest. The blood will spit out and the qi will vent. If I let you go If you can’t take three steps by yourself, you will faint.”

"Hmph, you let me go, let me go and try it myself!" Mother Bai Lian is also a stubborn temper, as she spoke, she stretched out her hand and pushed him away.

Song Qingshu shrugged: "Okay, you can go by yourself." After speaking, she let her go.

Without the support of the other party, Mother Bai Lian shook her body, but she gritted her teeth and forcibly stabilized her figure, then took a step forward and snorted coldly: "One!"

"This is the first step." Song Qingshu laughed.

"Two!" Our Lady of White Lotus took another step forward, and at the same time looked back at him quite proudly.

Song Qingshu was not in a hurry, stretched out his hand and gestured for her to continue.

"Three!" Without hesitation, Mother Bai Lian took another step forward. Before she could be proud, her expression suddenly changed and she gave him a deep look, "Well, you won."

As soon as the voice fell, her whole body fell softly to the ground. Song Qingshu was ready to help her up, shaking her head and smiling bitterly: "Why are you doing this again? Being strong now makes the internal injury more serious. Up."

Mother Bai Lian's beautiful eyes seemed to open and close, and her moist red lips were slightly open, as if she wanted to say something, but at this moment she had more than enough energy to speak, and she didn't even have the strength to speak.

"I'll talk about it later, the two old perverts are about to be chased." The two delayed their efforts for a while, the Daoist Daoist and the Vajra sect master were gradually approaching, and Song Qingshu was already approaching.

I noticed their breath.

"Where are you going to take me?" Madame Bai Lian finally accumulated a little bit of strength at this moment, grabbing Song Qingshu's skirt with both hands, and asked weakly.

"Take you to a safe place." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, took her legs, hugged her and disappeared where she was.

After a while, Daoist Baihu and the master of King Kong appeared in the same place.

"Weird, because of the internal injuries she suffered, she should have been unable to hold on now, will we chase in the wrong direction?" Daoist Bai Hou said in confusion.

The King Kong Sect master took a deep breath, revealing a look of intoxication: "It is the direction that is right, I have already smelled the blood-boiling smell of her."

"What are you waiting for, let's catch up." When thinking of the other's bumpy figure, the Taoist Baihua felt a hot belly, and suddenly felt an old tree in the spring.

"Wait!" The King Kong Sect Master grabbed him, his face a little ugly.

"What are you waiting for?" Daoist Baihui looked confused.

"In addition to the smell of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there is also the smell of a man." The King Kong Sect Master's expression was a little ugly.

"Man?" Daoist Baiyun was startled, and immediately laughed, "It is estimated that the Bailian Sect came to meet him, you and I will join forces. Are you afraid that he won't succeed."

The King Kong Sect Master shook his head solemnly, pointed to the ground and said: "Old Miscellaneous Mao, don't you find any footprints on the ground?"

Daoist Baishou looked in the direction of his fingers, and kept checking for dozens of feet. There seemed to be no traces on the ground, and he couldn't help but say, "No traces on the sand?"

"The other party was seriously injured Bai Lian Mother, but she did not even leave any footprints. Obviously, the effort is much higher than us. Even if we want to catch up, we can't catch up, and even if we catch up, it's probably not the opponent's opponent." The master of King Kong sighed.

Taoist Baishui looked suspicious: "Is there such a powerful person in this world?"

The King Kong sect master sighed: "Have you forgotten the embroidered thief that night?"

The Taoist Baishui was shocked, and suddenly stopped talking.

"Let's go back, so as not to overturn the boat in the gutter." The King Kong Sect Master said in a deep voice.

"Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years." Taoist Bai Hou nodded and agreed, but still couldn't hide the depression in his heart, "Damn, we worked so hard for half a day, and the result was to make wedding dresses for others!"

Thinking of the enchanting posture of Our Lady of White Lotus, the King Kong Sect Master also felt the same: "I don't know which one is cheaper!"


Song Qingshu sneezed heavily, feeling inexplicably in his heart. With his current martial arts, he has long been invaded by the cold and heat, why would he still sneeze?

Mother Bai Lian fell into a deep sleep because of her weakness, and was awakened by his sneeze. She looked around curiously: "Where is this place?"

"A safe place." Song Qingshu smiled slightly without explaining. In fact, Song Qingshu was also very hesitant about where to take her back. Originally he planned to take her to Jiao Wan'er, but he didn't want the secret whistle of the Golden Snake Camp to be touched by the Bailian Sect. At the same time, he didn't want to leave Mu Wanqing in the cold because of saving her. Simply took her back to the Taoist yamen.

Although Tang Kuobian’s identity also needs to be hidden, he is a native of the Kingdom of Jin, and does not circulate much information with the Southern Song Dynasty. It’s no surprise that Mother Bailian knew that Tang Kuobian would martial arts, not to mention that she is seriously injured now. Just be careful. , Even Tang Kuobian's identity could not be let her know.

"Fucking mystery!" Madame Bai Lian curled her lips and looked around, but unfortunately she couldn't tell where this place was from her experience in the arena, so she could only let the flow go. Although this beard is mysterious, it does not seem to have any malice so far. .

Mu Wanqing was bored and angry in her room. Suddenly heard the movement outside the door, she knew that Song Qingshu was back, her sadness was instantly wiped out, and she hurriedly ran out, when she was about to meet the other party, she suddenly saw him hugging him. The smile on her face froze when she met a woman.

"How can you do this!" Mu Wanqing stomped her feet, and tears of grievance suddenly overflowed in her eyes. I thought I was panicking because of Cheng Yaojia's affairs, but he went out once and came back with a woman in his arms.

"It seems that this is not the safe place you are talking about." Mother Bailian raised her head and gloated at Song Qingshu. With her martial arts status, she naturally disdains to compete with a young girl to be jealous, so although she feels Mu Wanqing's voice is a bit familiar, she still does. Not interested in taking a look at her.

Who knows Mu Wanqing looked at her with wide-eyed eyes: "So it's you!"

As soon as Mu Wan finished speaking, she scolded and drew her short sword from her waist to stab at the Mother of White Lotus.

The second monk Song Qing Shuzhang couldn't figure it out, but Mother Bai Lian was seriously injured now, he couldn't just sit idly by, so he had to hold his deadly sword that escaped Mu Wanqing. Seeing that she had the intention of continuing to attack, he hurriedly asked: "Wanqing, what are you doing?"

Mu Wanqing pointed her sword at the woman in his arms: "Do you know who she is?"

"You know..." Song Qingshu said uncertainly. He really didn't understand what was going on between Mu Wanqing and Our Lady of White Lotus? Whether it is martial arts or forces, the two are obviously not opponents of the same level.

"Since you know you still help her!" Mu Wanqing felt wronged in her heart because of the previous incident. Now that Song Qingshu has chosen to help her opponent, she suddenly felt a little frustrated.

Noting Mu Wanqing's obviously wrong expression, Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "Wanqing, listen to me. I thought I knew who she was, but from your reaction, my previous judgment was obviously wrong, so I I don’t know who she is."

"It seems that you are quite nervous, your little lover." Seeing him murmured a lot as if he was a tongue twister, Mother Bai Lian chuckled. Now she naturally recognized Mu Wanqing, but it was Mu Wanqing who was puzzled in her heart. How can I get entangled with a Jin Guoren.

Mu Wanqing was also confused by that long paragraph. It was not enough for her to feel that Song Qingshu was still nervous, and her mood suddenly calmed down. At the same time, she was worried that her lover would be deceived, and hurriedly said: "She is what I have been The lady Wang who is going to kill!"

"Madam Wang?" Song Qingshu crashed for a few seconds before realizing who this Madam Wang was. He couldn't help but stared at the woman in her arms in surprise, "Are you Li Qingluo?"

He was not surprised. Li Qingluo was the daughter of Wuyazi and Li Qiushui. After she married into the family of King Gusu, she was lured by Duan Zhengchun, the southern king of Dali, and eventually gave birth to an illegitimate daughter, but she became Duan Yu’s god. Sister Wang Yuyan.

"How do you know my full name?" Mother Bai Lian looked at him in surprise, apparently tacitly acquiescing to her identity.

"I know a lot." Even though Song Qingshu said so, deep in his heart, he was already Spartan. How could Mary White Lotus be Li Qingluo? In the original work, Li Qingluo is just a woman who cuts men as flower fertilizer because of love and hate. The biggest wish in her life is to live with Duan Zhengchun, and in theory, she should not be able to martial arts very much, which is like now. You can also escape from the siege of the four top masters of the King Kong Sect Master, Baishui Taoist, and Xuanming Second and Elder.

However, Song Qingshu passed through the crowd after all, and quickly accepted this fact. It seems that because of his arrival, the butterfly effect produced by this magical world is really powerful.

Seeing that Song Qingshu really didn't know her true identity, Mu Wanqing forgave him instantly: "Song Lang, get out of the way and let me kill this **** with one blow." Mu Wanqing's character is as if wrapped in ice. The flames of the whole person dared to love and hate, and the emotions came and went quickly. At the first moment, she could not wait to break her righteousness with Song Qingshuen, and the next moment she was full of affection.

"You came to Mantuo Mountain Villa to kill me over and over again, presumably that **** Qin Hongmian instigated it." Li Qingluo asked coldly.

"Don't insult my mother!" Mu Wanqing was furious, and pierced her chest with a sword.

Song Qingshu suddenly became one of the first two. He naturally didn't want Li Qingluo to die like this, but he didn't want to destroy his relationship with Mu Wanqing because of an outsider. ——

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