Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1063: Femme Beauty

Just when Song Qingshu didn't know what to do, Li Qingluo in her arms suddenly moved. When she raised her hand and swept her sleeves, Mu Wanqing felt her wrist numb, and she no longer grasped the short sword in her hand, and fell to the ground with a clang. .

"This should be the cold-sleeve-punching in the legend of the Xiaoyao School." Song Qingshu nodded secretly. This move was really brilliant. Of course, because Li Qingluo was badly injured and weak, this move would not cause any harm to Mu Wanqing, so he was just that. So leisurely.

Mu Wanqing was stunned immediately. In her heart, she always thought that the other party was just a pampered noble lady. How could she know that she had such a brilliant martial arts?

If she knew it in advance, how could she rush to Manduo Mountain Villa to assassinate the other party without fail.

"You are not my opponent, let Qin Hongmian come in person." Li Qingluo forced her true anger, and now she is obviously uncomfortable, and a trace of blood oozes from the corner of her mouth.

"Qin Hongmian also has martial arts as smart as you?" Song Qingshu was immediately dumbfounded, and suddenly felt that Duan Zhengchun was really a heifer standing upside down, and every girl who had made her was not only beautiful, but also so sturdy.

Li Qingluo shook her head slightly: "I'm not sure about that, but her nickname is Shura Sword, martial arts is not too bad, right."

"Eh?" Song Qingshu was absolutely stubborn about this reason. It turned out that her majestic Mother of White Lotus actually judged the opponent's strength based on her nickname.

"Song Lang, are you helping me or her?" Mu Wanqing finally woke up, realizing that she still had the trump card of love man, even if Li Qingluo's martial arts was high, could it be higher than Song Qingshu? What's more, she is still injured now.

"Uh, of course it is to help you." Song Qingshu said without hesitation.

"Well, then you will kill her for me now." Mu Wanqing said, biting her lip.

Song Qingshu looked down at the beautiful woman in her arms and saw that her eyes were indifferent. After hesitating, she put her on the side of the flowerbed and sat down, and ran over to pull Mu Wanqing to the other side: "Wanqing, the reason why I saved her is actually There are hardships."

"What trouble can you have!" Mu Wanqing stared at the exaggerated figure of the other party, and said angrily.

Song Qingshu was also a little embarrassed. After all, he still judged people by their appearance to a large extent. If the White Lotus Mary looked like a sow, even if her identity was of great use, how could he risk such a big risk to save her?

But he has a thick face, and his face is not red and he said without a heartbeat: "Just now you said I didn't know her identity, but in fact, you didn't know her identity."

"Isn't she the Madam Wang of Mantuo Villa?" Mu Wanqing asked with a puzzled look.

"Ahem, she is of course Mrs. Wang, but this is just one of her identities. If you think about it, do you think Mrs. Wang can have such a brilliant martial arts?" Song Qingshu hurriedly explained.

"No." Mu Wanqing shook her head. In fact, she had already thought very clearly. If the mother really knew that her martial arts was so high, she would never send herself to die, so even the mother who had been with her for decades didn't know it. Madam Wang knows martial arts, which shows how deeply the other party hides.

"Because she is the Virgin of the White Lotus Sect." Song Qingshu then threw a heavy bomb.

"What?" Mu Wanqing walked through the rivers and lakes, naturally knowing what kind of existence is the White Lotus Mother, the black Taoist giant who is as famous as the leader of the Mingjiao and the leader of the Sun Moon God Church, how can she be provoked by her martial ability?

"Wanqing, you also know the current situation of the Golden Snake Camp, the value of Our Lady of White Lotus, that's why I spent so much effort to save her..."

What more Song Qingshu had to say, Mu Wanqing hurriedly pressed her finger on his mouth: "Don't worry, I am the kind of woman who disregards the overall situation. My personal grievances with her are small, and your business matters are more important."

Seeing Mu Wanqing's pure eyes, Song Qingshu suddenly felt guilty and felt that she was a little unworthy of her unreserved love. With mixed feelings in her heart, she hugged her in her arms and said affectionately in her ear: "Wanqing, whether your father is Dali Prince or General Xixia, I must marry you!"

Hearing these words, Mu Wanqing suddenly felt that all the grievances she had suffered were nothing, and subconsciously hugged the man in front of her tightly.

"Don't you feel nauseous in broad daylight?" Li Qingluo who was not far away suddenly said.

Mu Wanqing immediately flushed with shame, pushed Song Qingshu away, and ran back into his house.

Seeing her young daughter's posture suddenly revealed, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile, and hurriedly said to her back: "I will deal with the injury for her first, and I will come to you after I have dealt with it." It just responded with a bang. The door closes.

"It seems that your charm is not very good." Li Qingluo sneered beside her.

"Of course a woman like you can't understand what love between lovers is." Song Qingshu was in a good mood at the moment. "I kindly remind you that I am a very charming person. Don't fall in love with me accidentally in the future."

"I will fall in love with you?" Li Qingluo glanced at him contemptuously, "I don't take a **** and take pictures of myself."

"I look in the mirror every day and I am very sure of my charm." Song Qingshu didn't care about her ridicule, "It's you, don't talk too much."

"It's boring." Li Qingluo rolled her eyes and ignored him. If she met such a man on weekdays, she would have used it as flower fertilizer.

"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, uncle, and I don't have the same knowledge as you." Song Qingshu stepped forward and hugged her horizontally.

Li Qingluo finally turned pale: "What are you going to do?"

"Of course it's to deal with your internal injuries. I don't want to save a dead Mother Bai Lian back." Song Qingha smiled and carried her into another room. With the lessons learned, how could he dare to be with Cheng Yao in Mu Wanqing? Next to Jia, fortunately, the garden was big enough and there were enough empty rooms. He deliberately found a room far away from Mu Wanqing's residence.

"Thank you." Li Qingluo couldn't help but whispered when she realized that the other party was really healing herself.

"Don't rush to thank me, I didn't save you in vain." Song Qingshu originally wanted to negotiate a deal with her first, but Li Qingluo is now injured, plus the forced use of force just now, if he is not treated in time, I am afraid Our Lady of the White Lotus is about to become the White Lotus Ghost Mother, so we can only save her first.

However, Song Qingshu is not a fool either, it is impossible for her to recover her skills so easily, so she only initially stabilized the injury in her body and planned to stop.

But at this moment, the mutation rose sharply, and Song Qingshu suddenly felt that a huge suction was coming from Li Qingluo's body, and his own internal force immediately surged out uncontrollably.

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