Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1070: Want to catch

Perhaps because of the rush to come out, Cheng Yaojia was hit, and the whole person immediately stood unstable and fell back. Song Qingshu gently embraced her soft waist with his arm, and put the other hand on her back. He held her in midair.

"Song...Song son?" Cheng Yaojia's face was reddened, and when the two of them were in their pose at this time, the whole person was dizzy.

"I'm really sorry, my protective body will automatically counterattack, didn't hurt Madam?" Song Qingshu asked softly.

"No...No." Cheng Yaojia shook her head, realizing that her posture was a little wrong, half of her body was tightly under the other's abdomen, and she struggled to remember, "Can you...can you get me up first? "

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and helped her up: "Madam came out in such a hurry, what's the matter?"

"I...I..." Cheng Yaojia started to hesitate, and couldn't help thinking that after hearing the conversation next door last night, he was always worried about gains and losses in the second half of the night. The entanglement was naturally inconvenient to tell him again, so he had to say, "That's it. Didn’t the son go to Yuqing Temple yesterday? I want to find out if there is any news about me... my husband."

"Sixth Young Master..." Song Qingshu muttered for a moment before saying, "I went to see him for you yesterday."

"How is he now?" Although Cheng Yaojia was swayed by him during this period of time, 6 Guanying is her husband after all. After so many years of hard work, he has a lot of affection no matter what.

Song Qingshu hesitated, but told the truth: "Is he not in good condition?" Six Guanying was severely tortured by the Mongols. I am afraid that he has lost half of his life during this period.

"Huh?" Cheng Yaojia suddenly felt dizzy in his head, and his body shook involuntarily.

"Madam, don't worry too much, the situation is not as bad as you think." Song Qingshu hurriedly supported her, holding her hand to the central pavilion in the garden, "Let's sit down there and talk slowly."

Cheng Yaojia's cheeks were hot, and his eyes fell on the other person holding her hand, wondering whether this person was taking advantage of me intentionally or unintentionally. Could it be that he has been playing as a goldman for a long time, and he has also been infected with the carelessness of a goldman. Are you used to it? But he is obviously a Han, he should know how can a woman's hand be pulled casually?

After hesitating for a long time, Cheng Yaojia didn't say anything after all, but let him lead him to the pavilion and sit down.

"Six Young Zhuangzhu suffered a lot of torture by the Mongols in Yuqingguan, but there is no worry about his life, my wife can rest assured," Song Qingshu gave a rough description of the situation of Six Guanying, and suddenly paused, "On the contrary, it is. Another thing, I don’t know whether to say it or not."

"What's the matter?" Cheng Yaojia looked at him flickeringly with her eyes wide open.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a while, after all, he took out something from her arms and handed it to her: "You can see it for yourself, but you'd better prepare yourself mentally."

Cheng Yaojia took the handkerchief in his arms in confusion, and saw the red character "Xiu Shu" at the beginning, and the red face suddenly faded.

After holding back the trembling and reading the entire book, Cheng Yaojia suddenly turned around, and then fainted. Fortunately, Song Qingshu had quick eyes and hands, otherwise she might fall to the ground.

After a long time, Cheng Yaojia woke up leisurely, with a tearful expression, and muttered to herself: "How can he be like this? During this period of time, I have tried all kinds of ways to save him, how can he be like this... "

Seeing her desperate appearance, Song Qingshu sighed: "There should be a misunderstanding in this. If I expected it to be correct, he should have misunderstood the relationship between you and me, so he wrote this divorce note on impulse."

"But we obviously have nothing!" Cheng Yaojia said, biting her lip.

"Are we really nothing?" Song Qingshu gave her a thoughtful look.

Cheng Yaojia's heart jumped, and he thought of the scene where he was pressing on her body for no reason. Yes, although she kept saying that she has a clear conscience, does she really have a clear conscience?

Cheng Yaojia suddenly felt a strong feeling of guilt, and immediately understood her husband's behavior. She glanced at Song Qingshu gratefully: "Thank you!"

If he hadn’t reminded him, I’m afraid I would not have realized the problem, and I had misunderstood that the other party was unruly towards him, but after contacting him during this period of time, the other party was really a gentleman...Of course, he also had a time when he was a beast, but For men, that's normal.

"Don't thank me, the main reason is that I don't want to be the culprit that affects the relationship between your husband and wife." As soon as Song Qingshu said, he despised himself a little. It hurts to set up a memorial hall after being a bitch.

Cheng Yaojia bit her lip, and suddenly knelt in front of him: "My son, I want to ask you something."

"Madam, please get up soon." Song Qingshu hurriedly reached out to help her.

Who knows that Cheng Yaojia twisted her body and refused his support, tears streaming down her eyes: "If the son doesn't agree, I will kneel here and won't get up."

Song Qingshu had no choice but to give up, and said with a wry smile: "Madam, what do you ask for, even if you don't say it, I know it in my heart. No matter, I promise you, madam, get up quickly."

"The son agreed?" Cheng Yaojia asked in surprise.

"Who makes me the most unsightly beauty cry." Song Qingshu smiled slightly.

Cheng Yaojia's heart jumped because of his warm smile. He lowered his head hurriedly and said softly, "Thank you, son!"

"Since we want to save it, it should be sooner rather than later, let's get out now." Song Qingshu helped her and said, "but there is something that needs to be told to the wife first. I can only rescue 6 young owners this time. There is nothing I can do about the other members of the Southern Song Dynasty mission, and I don’t want to take this risk."

"I know that I am very satisfied to rescue Guanying, how can I put my son in danger." Cheng Yaojia is a woman after all, and what she pursues is nothing but the happiness of her family. As for the other members of the Southern Song Dynasty mission, they are all in her heart. Is secondary.

"Then let's go." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, then took her waist and hurried towards Yu Qingguan.

Cheng Yaojia stiffened, but this time he relaxed his whole body and pressed her body tightly to the opponent to reduce the resistance during the movement of the opponent. She didn't even want to understand, she seemed to be used to this kind of cuddling, and she couldn't get any disgust in her heart.

Song Qingshu took Cheng Yaojia all the way to Yuqing Temple like this, because he entered the exploration several times before, and now Song Qingshu is familiar with the road even if he took one person in. He clearly felt that the atmosphere was a lot more chilling along the way, but the last time the White Lotus sect raid. , Despite the defeat, the White Lotus Sect was also the elite last time. The Mongolian side also suffered a heavy loss. It is obvious that there are fewer guards than before, and many of them are still injured.

"The combat power of the White Lotus Sect is indeed not to be underestimated. This time it was an intelligence error, which led to insufficient estimates. Li Qingluo thought that she would be able to clean up the Southern Song delegation and his party. If the White Lotus Sect really came out, the people like Ruyang Palace I'm afraid I won't be able to eat anymore." Song Qingshu secretly thought, and then thought of Li Qingluo's hot and moving body. He couldn't help but feel like a heartbeat. At the same time, he couldn't help but think of Wang Yuyan's pure and flawless face. I don't know why, he suddenly felt hot. It's a bit powerful.

"Amitabha Buddha, how can you think about this kind of thing, it's too shameless, too nasty, too dirty..." Song Qingshu kept admonishing himself rationally, but from time to time, there would be bloodshots in his mind. Thoughts.

"Princess... Young Master, I'm a little... a little uncomfortable, can you put me down." Cheng Yaojia said suddenly with a trembling.

Song Qingshu was startled first, and noticed the twinkling eyes of the other party. Only then did he realize that his body had undergone obvious changes because of the cranky thoughts just now, and Cheng Yaojia was held in his arms again, and he could not miss the slightest feeling of his body. Change, and it's not convenient to speak directly, only such a shy attitude.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu's face was thick enough and he slapped him haha. He didn't know about it, and put Cheng Yaojia down, and then took her to hide in the middle east of Yuqingguan with a serious face, avoiding a few secret whistles, and came. Arrived at the location where the 6 crowns were held.

After lightly tapping the guard's acupoint, Song Qingshu led Cheng Yaojia into the cell again.

"Six Lang!" Seeing only half-life husband left not far away, Cheng Yaojia exclaimed and couldn't help but rushed over.

Song Qingshu shrugged and walked behind.

6 Guanying heard the familiar voice, raised her head in disbelief, and saw his wife's appearance, with a hint of joy in his eyes: "Yao Jia..." But he immediately saw Song Qingshu who was following his wife. His face suddenly became gloomy.

"Six Lang!" Cheng Yaojia stroked the wound on his body, tears distressedly like broken pearls, "Six Lang, you have suffered."

Guanying's heart softened, but when she thought of his wife coming with this man, her heart was even more jealous, and she sternly shouted: "What are you here for!"

"I..." Cheng Yaojia didn't expect her husband to react this way, so she couldn't say anything for a while.

Song Qingshu still couldn't see it, and frowned and snorted: "Of course I'm here to save you, don't bite Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people."

6 Guanying was furious: "Whoever wants you to save, even if I die here, I won't be favored by you!"

Song Qingshu snorted coldly, and was about to flick his sleeves to leave. Cheng Yaojia hurriedly pulled him and looked at him with pleading eyes: "My son~"

The pitiful appearance of the Chuchu made people feel distressed, and Song Qingshu stopped now: "Well, I will save him again for your face." After speaking, he raised his hand, and the sword energy accurately shot to the 6th crown. On top of the shackles on her body, the chain made of stainless steel broke, and Guanying took a breath as she watched.

"Thank you, son!" Cheng Yaojia burst into laughter, and then hurriedly returned to her husband, "Six Lang, you misunderstood the son. He is a good man. I will explain the reason slowly after I went out. "

"Is he a good person?" Hearing his wife had been speaking for Song Qingshu, 6 Guanying was almost mad, with bloodshot eyes and staring at him viciously. If it weren't for the injury and weakness, he might have already rushed over. 8

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