Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1071: Husband and wife disharmony

Noting Lu Guanying's reaction, Song Qingshu was immediately unhappy: "I took such a big risk to save you, so why am I not a good person?"

"Aren't you doing it for..." Lu Guanying glanced at his wife, breathing quickly, "Aren't you doing it for Yaojia, do you think I don't know what you think?"

Cheng Yaojia hurriedly explained: "Guanying, you have misunderstood, there is nothing between us, he...he is also a gentleman with courtesy." She agreed to Song Qingshu before not revealing his true identity to others, even if The husband is not good either.

Song Qingshu said in a leisurely manner: "Of course I am for her, otherwise I and you are not relatives, why should I take such a big risk to save people?"

"Did you finally admit it!" Lu Guanying pointed at him, shaking with anger.

Cheng Yaojia couldn't help but stomped his feet: "Guanying, don't make trouble! Now this place is so dangerous, I will explain it to you slowly when we get to a safe place."

"I'm making trouble?" Lu Guanying was furious when accused by his wife, "You blame me for this savage man?"

"I..." Cheng Yaojia opened her lips slightly, and she didn't know what to say for a while, tears in her eyes kept rolling, and she felt aggrieved for a while.

Song Qingshu frowned, stretched out his hand to pull Cheng Yaojia back, patted her shoulder lightly for comfort, and then said to Lu Guanying, "If I remember correctly, you have already written a letter of divorce, Cheng Yaojia. If she has nothing to do with you, even if she does find another man, you have no right to interfere, and if you are more honest, you are a wild man now."

"You!" When Lu Guanying noticed his movements, Lu Guanying couldn't help but wince, and found that his wife was accustomed to it and didn't mean to resist at all, and his face was even greener.

"My son, please don't irritate him, okay?" Cheng Yaojia shook his arm hurriedly, begging softly.

"Humph!" Song Qingshu snorted softly, but said nothing more.

Cheng Yaojia ran to her husband again and begged, Lu Guanying turned away, "Even if I die here, I don't want him to save it!"

Cheng Yaojia was anxious and wanted to say something. Song Qingshu said at this time: "Yaojia, I have tolerated it again and again. How could I do this thankless thing if it wasn't for your face." Since he wants to stay here, let him stay."

"But..." Cheng Yaojia glanced at her husband reluctantly, and stood there for a while and stopped.

Song Qingshu knew that if Lu Guanying didn’t leave, Cheng Yaojia would never abandon him. As soon as he rolled his eyes, he thought about it: “It’s better if he doesn’t leave, so that we won’t even get sneaky after we go out. ."

"Huh?" Cheng Yaojia blushed in surprise, and was about to explain, but Song Qingshu came to her and said quietly:

"Madam, this is to arouse him, and I hope you will cooperate."

Cheng Yaojia understood it immediately, but vaguely felt that this matter was a bit wrong, but now that she has no other better way, she can only lower her head and tacitly agree.

This adulterer is an adulterous woman!

Seeing the two people hugging each other intimately, Lu Guanying's lungs almost exploded with anger: "Huh, who said I won't leave?" After speaking, she resisted the pain on her body and walked over step by step.

Cheng Yaojia was overjoyed and hurried to help him. Lu Guanying wanted to wave her away, but when he saw his wife's faintly tearful eyes, his heart softened.

"I'm coming." Song Qingshu frowned as he saw the two holding each other.

"Who wants you to help?" He was soft to his wife because of his many years of affection, and Lu Guanying naturally didn't have such a good temper with him.

Song Qingshu said coldly: "Who made your husband and wife work so lightly? Now Yu Qingguan is heavily guarded, not to mention that even Yao Jia can't run out with your oil bottle."

"Yaojia Yaojia, shouting so affectionately." Lu Guanying couldn't help muttering.

Song Qingshu was too lazy to argue with him, so he could not help but intervene between the two, holding Cheng Yaojia’s waist with one hand, landing Guanying’s collar with one hand, carrying light work, sprinting all the way, and soon outside Yuqingguan. .

Even as an enemy, Lu Guanying had to admit that the other party's lightness was too high, even if compared to the master Huang Yaoshi who he regarded as a **** in his heart, he might not be as good as him.

Thinking of the gap in martial arts between himself and the other party, and looking at his wife's charming face, Lu Guanying felt like a big stone was blocked in her heart, and she felt a deep sense of powerlessness besides being uncomfortable.

Song Qingshu naturally didn't have time to pay attention to the mentality of the weak. He stretched out his hand and beckoned, and several Jin Guo guards in disguise came nearby: "First **** them to Daotai Yamen, and ask a doctor to treat Lord Lu Shao Zhuang. "

He saw Li Kexiu's figure in Yuqing Temple just now, and he knew that he could not drag on any longer, and it was time to find Li Kexiu for a showdown.

"Who is going to your place? Yaojia, let's go by ourselves!" When Lu Guanying heard that he stopped doing it, he stretched out his hand to pull his wife. Who knew Cheng Yaojia's hand shrank subconsciously, making him suddenly stunned. There, at this moment, he faintly felt that he seemed to have lost his wife forever.

"Your Southern Song Dynasty mission was wiped out by the Mongols, and the Mongols have many masters. You may be captured by the Mongols any time you hide outside. It's okay if you are caught back. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. If you are caught, then you will die without redemption." Song Qingshu said coldly.

"You!" Lu Guanying glared suddenly.

Song Qingshu said: "You come to my place to heal your wounds. I am afraid that there is no safer place in Yangzhou than mine."

What else Lu Guanying wanted to say, Cheng Yaojia hurriedly took his hand and whispered: "Guanying, he is a knife-mouthed tofu heart, you must not take his words to your heart, let's go to him to heal you first. Injury, think of a way to save Master Han and Uncle Lu."

Lu Guanying suffocated his breath. His wife made sense. He couldn't find a reason to refuse. He was depressed and couldn't let go, so he could only snorted heavily.

Seeing that her husband had no objection, Cheng Yaojia was overjoyed, and then ran to Song Qingshu, looking at him with watery eyes: "We're going back, then...what about you?"

"There are still things on my side, you go back first, I'll be back in a while." Song Qingshu laughed.

Cheng Yaojia's face flushed, thinking about how to make it look like I was asking when you will be back.

After sending the two away, Song Qingshu had been waiting outside Yuqingguan, and it didn't take long before Li Kexiu came out of Yuqingguan.

Song Qingshu first tore off Tang Kuobian's mask in a secluded place, before swaggering out to stop Li Kexiu's team.

"Bold! How dare you run into the admiral's car!" Li Kexiu's guards shouted.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Old people are visiting, is this the way Mr. Li treats guests?"

Li Kexiu heard the movement and went out to investigate. After seeing Song Qingshu's appearance, he couldn't help being surprised, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to go away. Although Song Qingshu is now well-known in the world, there is no TV and no internet in this world, so I can recognize Song Qingshu is one of the few, but Li Kexiu received his life-saving grace back then, and he would naturally recognize it.

"Master Li, I wonder if I can enjoy a cup of tea together?" Song Qingshu said with a slight smile.

Li Kexiu couldn't help showing hesitation, but after all he nodded and said, "There are so few people in the world who can be invited by Song Gongzi, so how can I refuse?"

Seeing that he was not known as the Golden Snake King, he must have been together as an old friend, rather than an official meeting, Song Qingshu knew it in his heart, but was not in a hurry to pierce it, but just reached out and invited: "Please!"

"Please!" Li Kexiu hurriedly gave way.

The two went to the next restaurant together. It happened to be the restaurant where Song Qingshu met Mu Wanqing and his party. Li Kexiu's men had already cleared the restaurant in advance, and everyone stayed downstairs. Only Li Kexiu and Song Qingshu were on the second floor.

Originally, Li Kexiu's master Lu Feiqing and others wanted to stay on the second floor to protect him, but Li Kexiu drove him down: "If the Golden Snake King wants to disadvantage me, what difference does it make if you are not here? Not to mention that I have a very close personal relationship with Song Gongzi. How can there be any danger."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Uncle Li is really magnificent, and he deserves to be in charge of the 100,000 green camps in the south of the Yangtze River."

Li Kexiu smiled and said: "The son is polite, you and I are the same, how can I be worthy of being an uncle."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I am in the same spirit as Ling Qianjin, and are already very good friends. As Yuan Zhi's father, I should call my uncle."

When he said this, Li Kexiu was naturally inconvenient to say anything, but when he heard what he said, her eyebrows jumped, and she began to think about the relationship between the other party and her daughter.

"Uncle Li came out of Yu Qingguan this time, but finally made a decision?" The two chatted for a while, and Song Qingshu suddenly asked.

"What's the decision?" Li Kexiu held up the tea cup, concealing the unnaturalness in her heart.

"Uncle Li, everyone is his own, so I won't talk secretly," Song Qingshu filled his tea for him, and then continued, "I wonder if Uncle Li plans to choose Southern Song Dynasty or Mongolia in the end?"

Li Kexiu's face changed, and after all she smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from my nephew. I am dissatisfied with my nephew and said that I am also having a headache now.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Since Uncle Li has a headache, why not give a third way to my nephew?"

"The third way?" Li Kexiu looked startled, but she couldn't help but feel embarrassed when she thought of something soon.

"I know uncle's concerns, you can read this before making plans." Song Qingshu took out a letter from his arms and handed it to the other party.

"This is...?" Li Kexiu's hands trembled a little when he saw the familiar handwriting on the envelope.

"Yes, this is a book written by Mrs. Zun himself. My nephew heard that his uncle’s family members were detained by the Manchus, so he was a bit of a rat, so Mrs. Zun, Linglang and others were rescued from the city of Yanjing. They are now in the Golden Snake Camp. He was entertained with good food, my nephew did not dare to neglect at all." Song Qingshu said slowly.

The reason why he has been waiting for this period of time is that in addition to making Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty confuse each other, he is also waiting for news from the capital. He secretly sent someone to take Li Kexiu’s family to the Golden Snake Camp, but only recently did he hear from him. .

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