Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1072: Offer a wife for glory

Now that the city of Yanjing is actually under the control of Song Qingshu, it is not difficult to rescue Li Kexiu's family.

Looking at the contents of the envelope, Li Kexiu's face changed, and she slowly closed her eyes, and then said after a long time: "I know the purpose of my nephew. Back then, my nephew had a life-saving grace for our father and daughter. This time I saved it again. My family members have this friendship. Everyone is not an outsider. I will tell the truth about some things."

"Uncle Li, but it's okay to talk about it." Song Qingshu knew that things weren't that simple, but he didn't look too surprised.

"Like today, there are 100,000 troops under my command, but I don't have the talent to dominate the world, so I have always been seeking the Lord." Li Kexiu paused and gave him a meaningful look. "My nephew is now Although the Golden Snake Camp might be the world's largest, but with all due respect, I am afraid that it will not be able to win the Central Plains."

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows, and asked calmly, "I wonder why Uncle Li said this?"

Li Kexiu sighed: "In the past few years, China has been lost and the rebels have risen in the Central Plains. I don't know how many rebels suddenly prospered and then suddenly declined. As the saying goes, seeing him rise up a tall building and see his banquet guests. It’s okay to understand what the regime is, but it’s okay to be a gangster, but it’s absolutely impossible to win the world."

"Originally based on our friendship, I should be the best choice to join the Golden Snake Camp, but since it is impossible for the Golden Snake Camp to dominate the world, then I take the family to take great risks," Li Kexiu said, "Instead of our family in the future The smoke disappears, and it is better to have broken his wrists now. At most, I sacrifice a few people of my wife and son. If they join the Golden Snake Camp, the destruction of the Golden Snake Camp in the future will be a disaster for our entire family. I hope my nephew will understand."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "It is normal for Uncle Li to have these concerns, but the Golden Snake Camp under my leadership is not the same as the other rebels like gangsters. We not only have the strength to defeat the powerful Qing army, but we can also manage the Shandong area in an orderly manner. People in the territory live and work in peace and contentment. Yangzhou is not very far from Shandong, presumably Uncle Li also knows what I said is true."

Li Kexiu nodded slightly: "Yes, these days, Shandong is indeed a harmonious society, but it is a thriving scene." Then the conversation turned around and continued: "But in my opinion, this is only a temporary prosperity, until the Qing court settles down the three feudal vassals. After the chaos, the Golden Snake Camp will inevitably not be able to tolerate the existence of the Golden Snake Camp. The Golden State has always moved forward and retreated with the Qing. Then, under the oppression of the two major military powers, how long can the Golden Snake Camp support?"

This actually represents the views of most people in the world on the future of the Golden Snake Camp. After all, the Golden Snake Camp is to the west, the Qing country to the north, and the vast sea to the east. There is no room for expansion. It is the limit to maintain the current situation. What is the future?

"Is the Qing State and the Golden State?" Song Qingshu smiled inexplicably, "Uncle Li, because we are not our own now, so there are some things I can't tell you bluntly. I can only say that the Qing State Jin State will not become an obstacle to the Golden Snake Camp. , On the contrary, it will become the support of the Golden Snake Camp."

He secretly controlled the Jin and Qing two countries is the biggest secret and hole card, naturally it is impossible to tell others at will. Song Qingshu has not considered using this as a bargaining chip to persuade Li Kexiu to join, theoretically speaking, the hope of success is very high. However, the risk to be taken is too great. If Li Kexiu leaked the matter out, all his previous layouts would be nothing. So he held Wang Zhan in his hand, but he couldn't easily punch it out.

"What do you say?" Li Kexiu is also an old fox who has lived in officialdom for a long time, and soon realized the mystery in his words.

Song Qingshu sorted out the language: "I can only say that I can influence the decision-making of the two courts to a certain extent. I don't know that Uncle Li can be satisfied in this way?"

"Can it affect the decision of the court?" Li Kexiu was taken aback, but he also knew that these words are very important to the extent to which they can be affected. If you ask the other party directly, the other party will definitely not tell me the details, but you can try Side by side, "If the nephew can let Suo Etu and Tang Kuobian leave Yangzhou, I can consider alliance with the Golden Snake Camp."

Suo Etu and Tang Kuo Bianchu were in Yangzhou during this period of time. The pressure on him was very high. He couldn't do anything he wanted to do. Naturally, he hoped that the two plague gods would leave sooner.

Of course, Li Kexiu also said casually, even if Song Qingshu kept saying that it could influence the courts of the Qing and Jin Dynasties, Suo Etu and Tang Kuobian were the top figures in their respective courts. He did not think that the other party had the ability to affect these two people. .

Li Kexiu said this deliberately, just to let Song Qingshu get out of trouble, so as not to be too blunt and embarrass everyone.

Who knew Song Qingshu looked at him with a weird look: "Uncle Li is serious about this?"

Li Kexiu was taken aback, but she nodded: "Naturally take it seriously." In his mind, how could the two figures in his mind be so easily influenced by the Golden Snake Camp?

"Then it's settled like this." Song Qingshu laughed unpredictably, causing Li Kexiu's heart to beat, and he always felt like he had fallen into a pit.

After separating from Li Kexiu, Song Qingshu did not return to the Taiyamen, but went to a secret stronghold of the Golden Dragon Gang first, and immediately wrote a secret edict to Suo Etu. He carried a lot of this blank secret decree with a jade seal, just for emergencies. In addition, when he was disguised as Kangxi in the Forbidden City, he learned Kangxi’s notes vividly, so this secret decree is enough to be false. Of course, from To some extent, this secret edict is indeed true.

I wrote another secret letter to inform Dongfang Muxue in the Forbidden City, so as not to get the time when Suo Etu returned to Beijing, and the confession of the two parties was not suitable for dressing. He had written this secret letter in secret, without the corresponding secret key, even if it was intercepted, he would not reveal anything. Song Qingshu comes from later generations, after all, he has a lot of previous experience in this regard.

Sending people to send the two secret letters to their respective channels, Song Qingshu then hurried back to Daotai Yamen in a leisurely manner.

He didn't know that in that Daotai Yamen courtyard at this time, the couple of 6 Guanying and Ying had already been quarreling.

"How can you believe me!" Looking at her angry husband, tears of grievances rolled in Cheng Yaojia's eyes.

Guanying sneered in bed, but did not speak.

Cheng Yaojia felt bitter, but seeing her husband’s injuries and the thick bandages, her heart suddenly softened again, walked over to pull his sleeves, and said softly, “Guanying, let’s stop. After a quarrel, okay, let's make up."

Guanying's face was uncertain, and suddenly said: "It's okay to reconcile, but you promise me one thing first."

Cheng Yaojia was overjoyed, her face couldn't help but smile: "Don't say it is one piece, even if it is ten pieces, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree."

"Of course you can do it," 6 Guanying gave his wife a meaningful look. "Go and ask that person to help rescue Master Han, Uncle 6 and others."

"Huh?" Cheng Yaojia looked embarrassed, "Saving you alone has caused him to take a great risk, and it was I who begged hard, so he reluctantly agreed to save Han adults, I'm afraid."

"Brief hardship." Six Guanying twitched her face a few times and sneered, "He has such a high level of martial arts, and saving people is easy, so there is no risk."

"But after all, he is an official of the Kingdom of Jin, and we are enemies of Song, so how could he be willing to save Master Han and them." For some reason, Cheng Yaojia subconsciously spoke for Song Qingshu without revealing his true identity.

"From the standpoint of Jin Guo officials, he really won't save Han adults and them," Sixth Champion Ying paused, and suddenly stared at his wife meaningfully, "But what if it's for you?"

Cheng Yaojia's heart jumped, and hurriedly asked: "What do you mean?"

Guanying's eyes were drooping, and she said blankly: "Wait later in the evening you go to his room, no matter what method you use, let him agree to help."

The blood on Cheng Yaojia's face faded, she stepped back subconsciously, and looked at her husband in disbelief: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know!" Six Guanying's expression suddenly became savage, "But what can I do! Our six families have already weighed the fate of the entire family on Master Han. If there is something wrong with him here, we will be six. The family will be completely finished. In the future, Jia Sidao and Shi Miyuan will settle their accounts. Our six families will be completely destroyed. The men who are slaves will be charged to the Jiaofang Division, and the Sanyin 6 will disappear humiliatingly into the long river of history."

"But I am your wife, how can you let me do this kind of thing?" Cheng Yaojia murmured.

6 Guanying sneered: "What does it mean to let you do this kind of thing? It sounds like you haven't done it before, so why not do it again?"

This is the true idea of ​​6 Guanying. He only treats his wife as sorry for himself. Since the loss of his wife's virginity cannot be changed, he will follow the flow of the boat and use his wife to rescue Han Chungzhan and others to maximize his interests.

Although as a man, this kind of thing is a bit fucking, but the benefits of a wife and the whole family are completely negligible.

"You!" Cheng Yaojia pointed at her husband, who was so angry that he couldn't speak.

6 Guanying has always known his wife’s character, knowing that she is shy and tender. If you push her in a hurry, it may be counterproductive. So she quickly said softly: "Yaojia, I was not good before, but in fact, this time she was born in Yangzhou. No wonder you, I just blame me for not being able to protect you. But now that the matter has occurred, we have to face it actively. You also know that the honor and disgrace of our six families are tied to Master Han, if something happened to him The matter, our entire family will suffer. By then, you will not be much better off as a wife of six."

"If you can save Master Han this time, Master Han will definitely know Entu's report, and the status of our couple in the family will also increase."

Seeing his wife remained silent, 6 Guanying continued: "I will remember your sacrifice this time. After returning to Jiangnan, I will treat you twice as good. Then we will treat Yangzhou as a dream. Okay? ?"

Cheng Yaojia shook his head and smiled sadly: "Since you want me to find another man, then I will find him at night."

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