Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1077: A grassland above your head

Thinking of Zhou Zhiruo’s beautiful face, Song Qingshu's heart gradually rose to warmth, and then said to Li Kexiu: "Emotions cannot be calculated like this. Of course, if Uncle Li insists on being a queen, I can also agree to it. But has Uncle Li forgotten the lessons learned from Liu Xiu and Guo Shengtong?"

Li Kexiu's face suddenly changed, how he didn't know this story. At that time, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Xiu loved his wife Yin Lihua deeply. However, in exchange for the support of the 100,000 troops of the King Zhending, he had to marry Guo Shengtong, the granddaughter of the King Zhending, as his wife and made him a queen. But Liu Xiu has always loved Yin Lihua, and because of this, he was full of guilt for Yin Lihua and always wanted to make up for her. In the end, Guo Shengtong was abolished, and the King of Zhending was almost exterminated due to conspiracy.

The meaning of Song Qingshu's remarks is also very obvious. Don't force me. If you force me, I can promise you first, like Liu Xiu, and then cross the river to demolish the bridge.

"In that case, my nephew should consider it carefully, and contact me when you think about it." Li Kexiu stood up, showing inconsistency, leaving a faint sentence, and then walked away.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile. He actually has a more tactful way, but for the sake of future considerations, he doesn't want to lie and coax against his will. And I don’t know why, he suddenly became ill. Is it because Zhou Zhiruo is involved? Song Qingshu was suddenly lost in thought.

Cheng Yaojia saw Li Kexiu's group of people filed out, and couldn't help but walk in in confusion: "Is it not successful?" She didn't know what the two were talking about, but seeing Li Kexiu's face when he went out, she obviously talked. It was not pleasant.

"It's a little bit worse." Song Qingshu sighed in his heart. According to the more recognized standards in the society of the past life, there is actually no difference between being a little bit or a lot worse.

For example, two startup advertising companies a and b have done a very good job on a certain project, but Party A feels that b may be slightly worse than a, and finally selected a to win the bid. For b, although it is only poor A little, but already lost all.

"Let's go, take a walk with me." Song Qingshu let out a long breath, pulling Cheng Yaojia out.

After getting along for this period of time, Cheng Yaojia is now accustomed to his intimate touch, his face flushed slightly, and he followed behind him.

Song Qingshu remained silent along the way. Cheng Yaojia hesitated for a long time, but after all he mustered up the courage to ask: "That...why did the Golden State Mission leave?"

Song Qingshu looked back at her, her white face was very cute and attractive, she couldn't help but squeezed her cheek: "You want to ask how 6 Guanying is."

Cheng Yaojia turned her face in embarrassment. Although every inch of her skin had no secrets to Song Qingshu, her intimate behavior on the street in broad daylight made her a little guilty.

"Don't worry, no one will embarrass him. This is just a small lesson for him." Song Qingshu said lightly. He was scolded by the other party several times before, although it was because of Cheng Yaojia's affection, it was not good. What does he do, but it's okay to punish him.

"Oh." Cheng Yaojia breathed a sigh of relief. After getting along with each other during this period, she believed that the other party did not bother to lie to herself in this regard.

Song Qingshu suddenly stretched out his hand around her waist, embraced her in his arms, and looked down at her: "What are your plans, Madam?"

"Huh?" Cheng Yaojia was taken aback by his sudden behavior, and looked around subconsciously with a guilty conscience.

"Does the madam intend to continue to be a virtuous wife and mother with the six young owners, or do they have other plans?" Song Qingshu asked.

"Good wife and good mother?" Cheng Yaojia smiled bitterly, "Am I worthy of these words now. Good wife, who did such a thing with you, is a good wife; good mother, I am married to him like this? For a long time, there have been no heirs, and the mother-in-law has been quite veiling about this matter, and she is a good mother."

Song Qingshu leaned over and bit her ear gently, and said with a smile: "I personally experienced last night that the lady's body is absolutely fine. It should be the problem of the six young owners who have no children. If the lady wants to deal with her mother-in-law, or else How many times did I work hard to give my wife a son?"

"How do you send it?" Cheng Yaojia asked in a daze, and then reacted, her small face turned red all of a sudden, she couldn't help but angered, "Hate, you are good or bad~"

"Let go of my wife!" At this moment, there was a sudden shout of anger not far away, Cheng Yaojia's face suddenly turned pale, Song Qingshu turned his head, and now 6 Guanying was staring at the two with red eyes.

6 Guanying was suffering in the room alone because of what happened last night. It wasn't until the people from Taotai Yamen came to clean the room that he had all the people from the country mission gone. He suddenly had a kind of compensation. The feeling that the lady broke down again.

Although what happened last night made him painful, as long as he can rescue Han Chengxuan and others, this sacrifice can be totally bearable, but watching people go to the empty Jin Guo mission, he suddenly felt deceived.

Whenever he thought of his wife being played for nothing, he was furious. Regardless of his injuries, he carried a knife and searched the streets of Jin Guoren. It's just that the Golden State Mission has already left the city, where can he find it?

The more he can't find him, the more he feels aggrieved, and the more anger in his heart. At this moment, he suddenly saw Cheng Yaojia not far away. He was surprised and furious because his wife was not alone at this time. Instead, he was being held in his arms by a young man with a shy face.

Originally because of Tang Kuo's argument, he felt that his head was green, but now another man appeared, and he suddenly felt that his head was simply against a piece of grassland.

The more he thought about it, the more anger he got, he carried the knife and rushed over, stabbing the two men with a stab, wishing to kill the adulterer.

Song Qingshu guarded Cheng Yaojia with one hand, and easily gripped 6 Guanying's knife with the other, and said coldly: "Sixth Young Master, are you treating your benefactor who saved your wife like this?"

"Huh?" Mo said that 6 Guanying was confused, even Cheng Yaojia was dumbfounded, looking at the man next to him stupidly, not knowing what medicine he sold in the gourd.

"What do you mean?" 6 Guanying drew his knife vigorously, but couldn't move at all, she could only stare at him and asked.

"Today I saw Madam Zun being escorted by a few people from the Kingdom of Jin, so I rescued her. I heard she said that you were also imprisoned by the people of the Kingdom of Jin, and were about to save you. Who knew you would wave a knife at each other as soon as you came." Song Qingshu He said without hesitation, Cheng Yaojia was really impressed, and he was able to organize such a seamless lie in such a short period of time.

"Is that really the case?" The 6th crown Ying looked at his wife suspiciously.

Cheng Yaojia's face was reddened. For some reason, she subconsciously followed Song Qingshu's words and said: "Yes, it was this son who saved me." A feeling of guilt rose slightly in her heart. After all, she deceived her husband with an outsider, why? It’s not good to say, but when I think that my husband is forcing myself to do something like that, it is definitely not what a husband should do, and I feel relieved at once. And he didn't tell lies, Song Qingshu did save her many times during this period.

Guanying hurriedly withdrew the knife, and said to Song Qingshu apologetically: "I'm really sorry, I misunderstood En Gong, dare to ask En Gong Gao's name?"

"In the Xiajinsheying Song Qingshu." Before Song Qingshu changed Tang Kuobian's attitude towards him, becoming much more modest and polite.

"You are the Golden Snake King Song Qingshu?" Six Guanying looked shocked. "Your prestige has long been like thunder, and I have always admired it in my heart. Now I have met a real person, and I am really fortunate to see a real person."

Cheng Yaojia on the side looked strange when she heard her husband say this, thinking that if you knew that this was the man who galloped on your wife last night, you wouldn't know if you would feel lucky in Sansheng.

"Guiyunzhuang 6 Shao Zhuang doctrine Bo Yuntian, I am also extremely admired." Song Qingshu smiled slightly.

Guanying's face was hot, thinking that his reputation was nothing compared to him. Although he knew that the other party was polite, he was still a little happy in his heart.

"How does Song Gongzi recognize me?" Six Guanying suddenly realized something, her expression changed, and she stared at him closely.

Cheng Yaojia's figure trembled when she heard the words, a heart was raised in her throat, and she looked at the man beside her with a worried expression.

"If the Golden Snake Camp wants to gain a foothold in the world, this intelligence capability is still there." Song Qingshu said calmly.

6 Guanying was startled, and there was no suspicion anymore. As today, the group is coming together, and each force is vigorously cultivating intelligence agencies. As the overlord of one party, Song Qingshu is not surprised to know his own information.

Cheng Yaojia also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, bit her lip lightly, her cheeks were dizzy, thinking that this man really didn't blink his eyes when cheating others.

"I don't know what the so-called Song Gongzi came to Yangzhou this time?" 6 Guanying asked tentatively.

"Not long ago, I dreamed that I would meet someone destined in Yangzhou, so I came here to relax." Song Qingshu gave Cheng Yaojia a calm look while speaking.

Cheng Yaojia was shocked by what he saw, and looked at her husband subconsciously. When he saw that he hadn't noticed himself, he suddenly felt a strange feeling of excitement when he relaxed.

Guanying didn’t notice their eyebrows, but was thinking that Song Qingshu’s trip was definitely for Li Kexiu, and he was a competitor to the Southern Song Dynasty. However, when he thought that Han Dongzhu and others are now in jail, he fell frustrated. Regardless of whether he is a competitor.

When he thought of the rescue of Han Dongzhe, he felt ignorant karma. Tang Kuo argued that the **** who killed a thousand knives, wiped out his trousers and left, completely failing to keep his promise to rescue Han Dongzhe and his group.

"Song son, I have something to say to my wife, I don't know..." 6 Guanying asked about Tang Kuobian in a hurry, so she said to Song Qingshu with embarrassment.

"You two, please!" Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and reached out to make a gesture of please. 8

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